Phoebe OzanneEastern Daily Press |
A town council has revealed a 72pc hike in its share of council tax as it makes plans for "complete upgrades" to some of its facilities.
A South Norfolk town's public toilets were closed after sewers were "overflowing".
A number of neighbours have called for a 20mph zone to tackle speeding on a notorious road in a market town.
A controversial bid to create a £30,000 a night wedding and party venue in the Suffolk countryside has been approved, despite strong opposition by...
A town council has revealed its priorities for the community in its latest yearly budget and tax increase of nearly 25pc.
A town's lido has introduced cameras in an effort to tackle "increased issues" in its car park that are causing "conflict" on nearby roads.
Preservation work on a town's medieval castle is now expected to continue into next year.
A Norfolk village’s Post Office branch may be set for expansion.
A pub in the heart of a market town has closed with a hunt now on for new landlords to run it.
The green light has been given to demolish a vacant high-rise tower block at Britain's most easterly point
It is a 19th century building which was home to a national banking chain in the heart of a market town.
A town's doctors surgery could get new clinical rooms and an entrance foyer in expansion plans.
After its temporary closure last week, a town's Greggs bakery is now reopen.
It has been more than a year since a bid was lodged to transform a market town pub building.
A master of a Korean martial art is set to return to his roots in a market town.
After closing nearly a year ago a former toy shop in a market town may be set for a new lease of life.
An ice cream shop that has been serving the region for more than 125 years has been targeted by thieves for the fourth time in the last month.
A Norfolk motor racing legend who stormed to many victories in the 1950s is to be remembered in a new documentary.
A town's Greggs bakery has temporarily closed leaving people questioning why it has suddenly shut its doors.
A landowner is in a planning dispute after an innovative scheme to build four new "demountable" homes was thrown out.
Temporary three-way traffic lights are to be set up in a Norfolk village as part of sewer improvement works.
A new bridge is to be built at a Suffolk holiday destination popular with celebrities.
Parking concerns and pressure on the sewerage system have been raised over a planning bid to demolish and build a care home on a village...
Tributes have been paid to a "legend of Loddon" who ran a beloved fish and chip shop in the town and enjoyed driving his Lotus on its streets.
Dilapidated garages by a town's Girl Guides hall are set to be demolished this month.
Traffic safety fears have been raised by Norfolk villagers over a caravan site's planning status.
A play park that was deemed "important to the local community" in a market town is set for a major renovation.
A family-run fruit and vegetable business is branching out to markets in Beccles and Bungay.
Battle lines were drawn as supporters and protestors gathered at the annual Bungay Boxing Day hunt parade.
Proposed parking regulation changes are to take the next step forward after a town council gave them the seal of approval.
Owners of an Asian restaurant are set to hand over the baton after 20 years in the Suffolk hospitality industry.
The region's only lido is set for its "biggest project" yet after receiving a £330,000 grant.
It is known as the Wilderness Reserve, a collection of exclusive holiday properties spread across 8,000 acres of sprawling woodland, lakes and...
Another bid has been made to build two homes at a town's former fire and ambulance station site, despite previous concerns over bats there.
Concerned villagers have raised fears of "toxic dust" and "contaminated water" as a reservoir bid is still undecided.
In July this year, a primary school made the decision to close its nursery due to "a drop in birth rate and low admission numbers".
A couple are continuing to spread the festive magic as they take pride in putting on a Christmas lights display outside their south Norfolk home.
A Christmas visitor has been getting up to mischief in a Norfolk village and spreading goodwill to all at the same time.
A Beccles jewellers has reopened after it was ransacked by burglars.
Burglars stole a wheelie bin worth of jewellery from an award-winning shop in a nighttime raid.
With gold streaks in her coat and a beaming smile, it is no wonder why this dog won a Pet of the Year award.
A family has been left "in shock" after a teenager's motorbike was stolen from their home's garden.
A town charity trust holds nearly £10m in unrestricted funds, its accounts show.
A housing scheme's further expansion plans are to go ahead despite neighbours' concerns.
Campaigners trying to organise a town's first parkrun say they have reached a "significant milestone" in their efforts.
Uncertainty looms over a piece of land that was gifted to a Norfolk village to create a dog walking field.
War memorials in towns and villages across the region list those who gave their lives fighting for their country.
One of a market town's new "gold standard" bus stops is not fully operational despite a major upgrade.
After numerous campaigns and efforts to light up a town's skatepark, the leisure site has now temporarily closed.
A popular dog exercise field on the outskirts of Lowestoft has been given the green light to stay.