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(JAVNO PISMO) Učiteljica Klara Napast: Slovensko šolstvo je v razsulu

V slovenskih šolah so vse pogostejši primeri medvrstniškega nasilja in tudi nasploh se v šolah ukvarjamo s porastom takšnih in drugačnih...



Klara Napast

Argentina impulsa plan para recortar personal del sector público con una iniciativa para instar a su jubilación

El Gobierno de Argentina, a través del Ministerio de Desregulación y Transformación del Estado, se ha dado el plazo de un mes para requerir a...


América Economía

América Economía

Ministros de Finanzas del APEC emiten declaración conjunta en Lima a puertas de la Semana de Líderes

Los Ministros de Finanzas de las 21 economías del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia Pacífico (APEC) que se reunieron en Lima (Perú), emitieron...


América Economía

América Economía

Estados Unidos se niega a sancionar al camarón ecuatoriano por presunto dumping

El camarón ecuatoriano no será sancionado en Estados Unidos, tras el terminó de las investigación iniciada por el Departamento de Comercio de...


América Economía

América Economía

How to Unstick Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

Ruminating more on your problems is actually the problem not the solution.


Psychology Today

Nancy Colier Lcsw

Is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria Related to Narcissism?

A vulnerable narcissist can be extremely sensitive to laughter and rejection.


Psychology Today

Lindsay Weisner Psy.d

The Link Between Attention and Music

How can you stay focused with music?


Psychology Today

Shahram Heshmat Ph.d

Folie à Deux: A Sad Ending to Joker’s Psychological Torment

A psychological analysis of "Joker: Folie à Deux".


Psychology Today

Arash Javanbakht M.d

New Research Confirms Men and Women Process Pain Differently

Why women have more chronic pain and respond less well to opioid medications.


Psychology Today

Dan Mager Msw

Greta Thunberg – still making all the right enemies

Greta Thunberg makes all the right enemies. Thunberg likely understood that from the moment the then-15- year-old Swedish schoolgirl embarked on...


Al Jazeera

Andrew Mitrovica

An Israeli Victory May Not Bring Peace


Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(POGLED) Kolumna Vesne V. Godina: Domačija JEK 2 da, domačija JEK 2 ne

Igor Napast V nadaljevanju preberite:  - Kar se je v zadnjih dneh zgodilo v zvezi z JEK 2, ni presenečenje. Niti malo. Slovenska politika stalno...



Vesna V. Godina

Trump, the EU and the appeal of Orbanocracy

On October 9, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban addressed the European Parliament, outlining the priorities for the Hungarian presidency of the...


Al Jazeera

Dimitar Bechev

The Key to Unlocking the Benefits of Trade

GENEVA/WASHINGTON, DC – Supply chains form the backbone of international commerce, representing over half the value of global merchandise trade....


Project Syndicate

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Kazan 2024: The Summit of the New Deal of Global Governance

In Kazan, BRICS shook the world! The first day of the 16th summit was a resounding success, marking a historic turning point in cooperation between...


New Eastern Outlook

Mohamed Lamine Kaba

What the G20 Can Do for Green Growth

LONDON – As finance and climate ministers gather in Washington this week for the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World...


Project Syndicate

Mariana Mazzucato

Trump's trade threats shake German auto giants

German carmakers are growing nervous about the US election after Donald Trump called for more production in the United States. With profits falling...


Deutsche Welle

Nik Martin

Trump's trade threats shake German car giants

German carmakers are growing nervous about the US election after Donald Trump called for more production in the United States. With profits falling...


Deutsche Welle

Nik Martin

What could the US election mean for Africa?

The US hasn't made Africa a top diplomatic priority. It has lagged with investment and trade, and used the region as a battleground for power...


Deutsche Welle

Silja Fröhlich

هل تأخر وسام قآاني قليلاً؟

إن حالة الارتباك داخل إيران، لا سيما فيما يتعلق بحرسها الثوري، وهو المنتج الرئيسي...


العين الإخبارية

عبدالجليل السعيد

Prabowo Heralds an Uncertain Future For Fundamental Freedoms in Indonesia

The last administration showed an increasing disdain for democratic and human rights norms. The new one might be even worse.


The Diplomat

Rosalind Ratana And Cornelius Damar Hanung

Inside the Minds of Ghosters

A study reveals interesting information about the inner workings of ghosters.


Psychology Today

Marisa G. Franco Ph.d

Is Your Political Candidate Showing Early Signs of Dementia?

Aging and dementia should be topics of discussion in elections.


Psychology Today

Ira Hyman Ph.d

Small Forms of Connection That Can Have a Surprising Impact

You can easily fit one of these strategies into a busy day.


Psychology Today

Natalie Kerr Ph.d

Helping Someone in Financial Distress Due to a Health Crisis

Here’s what to do when your friend cannot afford medical care.


Psychology Today

Val Walker Ms

4 Lesser-Known Facts About the Link Between ADHD and PTSD

New research explores the bidirectional relationship between ADHD and PTSD


Psychology Today

Shaili Jain M.d

University community holds open-air classes against Milei

Algebra, software engineering, psychology, economics, statistics — on Tuesday, more than 100 university professors gave their lessons outdoors in...


Buenos Aires Herald

Facundo Iglesia

الإمارات.. حيث تستطيع تحقيق مستحيلك

أطلقت حكومة دولة الإمارات حديثاً حملة إعلامية عالمية بالمشاركة مع نجم السينما...


العين الإخبارية

د. خلفان سلطان الكندي

Cámara Colombiana de Construcción alerta sobre crisis en vivienda social y pérdida de empleos

La Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción (Camacol) emitió un llamado de urgencia ante el frío panorama que enfrenta el sector debido a la...


América Economía

América Economía

Not Without My Dog: When Survivors Won’t Leave Without Pets

Many victims of IPV refuse to leave abuse if it means abandoning their pets.


Psychology Today

Kaytee Gillis

Israel Is Hurting Hezbollah. But It Can't Rely on Lebanon to Finish the Job



David Daoud

Power Pivots: 3 Science-Backed Ways to Reset Your Mind

Transform your mental state in just half an hour—without overloading your system.


Psychology Today

Jake Breeden

Body Language of the Politician: The 'Sand Pinch'

Is the 'sand pinch' gesture effective or overused?


Psychology Today

Stephen A Furlich

Trojuholník v Rusku

Sociálnodemokra­tický nemecký kancelár Willy Brandt si uvedomoval, že ani Západ, ani Východ by už nemali obchádzať dovtedy...



EDITORIAL: IOC chief Bach’s departure offers fresh start for future Olympics

With International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach’s term expiring in June next year, seven candidates are competing in the election for...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun


This rollicking ode to modernity pairs Prokofiev with frenetic abstractions and Post-Impressionist animations of people at play - by Aeon Video...



Aeon Video

Working-class antiheroes

Ngaire Woods OXFORD – In both the United Kingdom and the United States, political parties on the left and the right are competing to show voters...


The Korea Times

Ngaire Woods

Space exploration involves business and government - and courage

“The eagle has landed.” Astronaut Neil Armstrong transmitted that striking statement back to Earth on July 20, 1969, from the surface of the...


The Korea Times

Arthur I. Cyr

(POGLED) Kolumna Suzane Žilič Fišer: V iskanju dopamina ali kam sta se izgubili odgovornost in dostojnost

Ana Kamenik na predstavitvi svoje knjige Ravnateljeva hči v Slovenski Bistrici. Andrej Petelinšek V nadaljevanju preberite:  - To je bila...



Suzana Žilič Fišer

Korea needs foreign engineering, science students

Lee Hyo-sik Four years before the Korean TV drama “Winter Sonata” ignited the first Korean wave in Japan in 2002, this reporter went to Tohoku...


The Korea Times

Lee Hyo-Sik

COP29: Ambition & Action


Project Syndicate

Ps Editors

BRICS Summit in Kazan: The End of the U.S. Hegemony. Part 2

The BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, aims to be a turning point towards a truly multipolar or multi-nodal world that has been in transition for a few...


New Eastern Outlook

Ricardo Martins

Why Paul Biya remains Cameroon's president at 91

Most Cameroonians have only known one leader: President Paul Biya. But, at 91, he is rarely seen in public. Opposition figures worry that simmering...


Deutsche Welle

Cai Nebe

Germany races to catch up in artificial intelligence

As the global AI race heats up, Germany has a strategy to compete with global leaders like the U.S. and China. But can it close the gap?


Deutsche Welle

Janosch Delcker

Ancient Peru: New discoveries highlight women's rule

Archaeologists have uncovered a throne room and detailed wall paintings indicating that a woman likely ruled Moche society in Peru over 1,300 years...


Deutsche Welle

Stuart Braun

US Government Behind Campaign Violating North Korean Airspace

North Korea has recently warned against the use of drones over its sovereign airspace to spread subversive propaganda. The same article admits...


New Eastern Outlook

Brian Berletic

Finland's president says NATO key to EU security, US power

Speaking with DW, President Alexander Stubb highlighted the need for a strong NATO deterrent as a basis for European security. He also said...


Deutsche Welle

Jon Shelton

What Sinwar’s death reveals about war and peacemaking in Palestine

The death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar on Wednesday sparked wildly different reactions across the world. While Israel and its allies celebrated the...


Al Jazeera

Rami G Khouri

Bajo nivel de inversión extranjera causa preocupación en la Unión Europea

En 2024, el acuerdo comercial entre Ecuador y la Unión Europea (UE) corre su octavo año de vigencia desde que empezó a regir, el 1 de enero del...


América Economía

América Economía

Latam Airlines toca la campana en la bolsa de Nueva York y actualiza sus proyecciones

Esta mañana se realizó el simbólico “Ring the Bell” de Latam  Airlines Group  en la Bolsa de Nueva York, hito que celebró su regreso al...


América Economía

América Economía
