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Gobierno de Chile reajusta de 2,6% a 2,4% la proyección del crecimiento en 2024

Con un crecimiento del 2,3% en el décimo mes del año, el Índice Mensual de Actividad Económica (Imacec) de Chile en octubre se ubicó dentro del...


América Economía

América Economía

Hochstein's Lebanon Deal Guarantees Another Israel-Hezbollah War for Future Generations



David Daoud

Za nepravilne podatke kazen le v skrajnem primeru

Novi modeli vrednotenja, po katerih je Gurs poskusno izračunal posplošene vrednosti nepremičnin, so po strokovnih ocenah dobri in napredni. Kljub...



Veronika Rupnik Ženko

Should nuclear weapons for Ukraine be on the table?

Following Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic congresswoman from New York,...


The Japan Times

Slavoj Žižek

Western civilisation is in terminal moral decline


Middle East Monitor

Yvonne Ridley

As predicted, the revolution in Syria has reignited


Middle East Monitor

Dr Amira Abo El-Fetouh

Trump 2.0: What we think we know

A month has elapsed since Donald Trump won the 2024 U.S. presidential election, earning a second term in the White House. I wrote my column last...


The Korea Times

Mason Richey

The US Congress needs to designate the RSF in Sudan as a terrorist organisation


Middle East Monitor

Mohamed Suliman

Netanyahu’s diabolical undeclared war objectives in Gaza


Middle East Monitor

Jamal Kanj

Africa must act to stem its youth brain drain

To understand the population pressures on African nations, the Nigerian trend known as Japa offers some insight. The Yoruba slang term meaning "to...


The Japan Times

Ciku Kimeria

AI will transform sex work but not intimacy

Most people are surprised to learn that sex work is often not about sex. What customers are paying for is a feeling of intimacy — and the market...


The Japan Times

Allison Schrager

The post-cold war era is finished. Liberalism and democracy will go on.

A recent column of mine made some pretty sweeping historical claims: that the reelection of Donald Trump proved that we have definitively exited...


The Japan Times

Ross Douthat

Perú: Petroperú convoca a licitación para buscar un socio operador del lote 64

Petroperú inició, el 29 de noviembre último, la convocatoria para buscar un socio estratégico que asuma el rol de operador del Lote 64, ubicado en...


América Economía

América Economía

Learning From Others’ Mistakes: A Shortcut to a Better Life

Discover the power of observing others to avoid common blunders.


Psychology Today

Robert Puff Ph.d

3 Tips to Center or Ground Yourself

What centering is and how it could help relieve stress.


Psychology Today

Tchiki Davis

The Zombies Are Everywhere in Nature

Parasites can affect not just the bodies but also the minds of their hosts.


Psychology Today

Laura Betzig Ph.d

When Music-Making Goes From Playful to Fearful

Does stage fright scare kids away from learning to be musical?


Psychology Today

Robert H. Woody Ph.d

Top 10 Ways to Gaslight a Loved One, and What to Do About It

A totally tongue-in-cheek guide to a not-so-funny emotional manipulation tactic


Psychology Today

James M. Kerr

The 3-Step Negativity Detox

Personal Perspective: My quiet quest to take control of my negativity.


Psychology Today

Jeff Karp Ph.d

The Healing Potential of Animals for Trauma Survivors

Research shows that furry family members can help us heal from trauma.


Psychology Today

Kaytee Gillis

Choosing Connection Over Division

Transform relationships from battlefields to spaces of connection.


Psychology Today

Susanne Babbel Mft

Why Netanyahu Really Signed the Cease-fire Agreement With Lebanon

Instead of a sense of joy and a good feeling, we are enveloped in an atmosphere of sourness. It's not the fact that we didn't achieve a "total...



Nehemia Shtrasler

The ICC Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu Is Not Antisemitism

Two weeks ago, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense...



Zoltan Nemeth

Korea to be pressed with greater burden sharing under Trump administration

Donald Trump's election as the next U.S. president signifies a significant shift in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, with major implications for...


The Korea Times

Choo Jae-Woo

Finančni organ (še) ne bo zbiral vaših osebnih podatkov

Ministrstvo za finance je odstopilo od namere, da bi finančna uprava pridobila zakonsko podlago za množično zbiranje računov potrošnikov....



Tomaž Klipšteter

Are there too many strikes? No, too few

On the matter of strikes, the Meloni government and its mouthpieces resort to a well-trodden propaganda line: there are supposedly too many work...


Il Manifesto Global

Emiliano Brancaccio

Poškodbo odkrili po dveh mesecih

Sodišče je z nepravnomočno vmesno sodbo ugotovilo, da sta novogoriška splošna bolnišnica in ljubljanski UKC solidarno odškodninsko odgovorna...



Mojca Furlan - Rus

Kruh, zaseka in čebula

Pred desetimi leti sem se pogovarjala z gospo, ki si je neizmerno želela otroka, a ni imela pravice do oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo, ker je...



Tanja Lesničar - Pučko

Flybondi among world’s worst for delayed and canceled flights

Argentina’s ultra-low-cost airline Flybondi was consistently among the top 10 worst airlines in terms of cancellations over the weekend following...


Buenos Aires Herald

Danielle Ames

Rhythms Reflect Health

Personal Perspectve: Healthy brains follow rhythms. Brain injury interrupts them.


Psychology Today

Shireen Jeejeebhoy

(POGLED) Kolumna Darinke Pavlič Kamien: Lučke prižgane, omare polne, denarnice prazne. Naj živi črni petek

Robert Balen V nadaljevanju preberite:  - Črni petek? Kakšen Črni petek neki? V Sloveniji imamo Črni teden, Črni november, kmalu bo Črni letni...



Darinka Pavlič Kamien

The diamond industry and multinationals are complicit in Israel’s genocide


Middle East Monitor

Sean Clinton

How Malaysia can boost Asean agency and centrality as 2025 chair

As 2025 chair, Malaysia should adopt a cross-disciplinary approach to issues and undertake incremental but bold moves to cement Asean centrality.


South China Morning Post

Elina Noor

Most Suicidal People Have a Plan

Most suicidal people think about how, when, and where they want to die.


Psychology Today

John Bateson

The unpleasant surprises that await Trump

Moises Naim WASHINGTON, DC – When asked by a journalist what might derail his government, Harold Macmillan, Britain’s prime minister between 1957...


The Korea Times

Moisés Naím

What's wrong with the Korean stock market?

As we approach the final days of 2024, the Korean stock market is about to end the year as one of the worst-performing markets in the world. Since...


The Korea Times

Peter S. Kim

The Italian right is splitting over policy, Meloni is furious

Italy’s right-wing government alliance turned on each other in the Senate Budget Committee over the tax decree that will go to the floor on...


Il Manifesto Global

Giuliano Santoro

Empresarios colombianos rechazan inicio de importaciones de gas natural en el país

La Asociación Nacional de Industriales (ANDI), la mayor organización de empresarios de Colombia, ha lamentado que se haya comenzado a importar...


América Economía

América Economía

Unión Europea reconoce avances en contactos con Mercosur, pero sigue negociando ante falta de acuerdo

La Comisión Europea ha dicho este lunes que la última ronda de contactos a nivel técnico con los países de Mercosur para tratar de cerrar un...


América Economía

América Economía

Perú aspira a convertirse en miembro pleno de la OCDE como próximo objetivo

Perú inició el proceso de adhesión a la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) con grandes perspectivas. La...


América Economía

América Economía

Citigroup operará dos grupos independientes en México tras concretar la separación de Banamex

El estadounidense Citigroup anunció este lunes la separación exitosa de su negocio de banca institucional en México, de sus negocios de banca...


América Economía

América Economía

Uruguay suma tres días de paro en los frigoríficos entre denuncias de productores por muerte de animales

En Uruguay, este lunes se desarrolla un tercer día de paro nacional de 24 horas en los frigoríficos, tras los que hubo el viernes 30 y el sábado...


América Economía

América Economía

Recaudación de impuestos permanece como el mayor impulso de la economía mexicana

La recaudación de impuestos siguió siendo el impulso de los ingresos presupuestarios en México al cierre de octubre, esto debido a que los...


América Economía

América Economía

Gobierno peruano proyecta crecimiento económico de 4% en el último trimestre de 2024

El ministro de Economía y Finanzas de Perú, José Arista, proyectó que la economía del país andino crecería 4% en el último trimestre del año...


América Economía

América Economía

Repsol vende dos activos en Colombia a Geopark por US$ 530 millones

Repsol ha alcanzado un acuerdo para vender a GeoPark sus activos de gas y petróleo en Colombia por un total de US$ 530 millones (500,7 millones de...


América Economía

América Economía

Ecuador finalizaría negociaciones para renovar concesiones con Claro y Movistar el 15 de diciembre

El ministro de Telecomunicaciones de Ecuador, César Martín, informó que para el 15 de diciembre se espera finalizar las negociaciones de la...


América Economía

América Economía

Confianza empresarial en México cayó 4,6 puntos en noviembre y suma siete meses en descenso

En noviembre, la confianza empresarial en México, que incluye los sectores manufacturero, comercio y servicios privados no financieros,...


América Economía

América Economía

What Is the Lens Through Which You View Grief?

Much of our suffering depends on our attitude toward loss and grief.


Psychology Today

Bernard Golden

Is Your Relationship a Battleground? Oppose and Propose

These two types of actions are both needed for healthy relationships.


Psychology Today

Matthew Legge

When Your Adolescent Doesn't Feel Like They're Good Enough

Comparison to peers can create feelings of inadequacy and insufficiency.


Psychology Today

Carl E Pickhardt Ph.d
