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La escasez de maíz en Ecuador, debido a factores climáticos, ya impacta a diferentes sectores, como el avícola, porcícola, acuícola, productores...
El ministro de Transportes y Comunicaciones de Perú, Raúl Pérez Reyes, se reunió con su homólogo de China, Li Xiaopeng, en la ciudad de...
What we can learn from culturally-specific psychologies like Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
Breaking away from childhood lessons and rebooting your ability to adapt.
‘Koalicija se sprehaja po vaših studiih in razlaga, kako potrebuje dva mandata,« je v svojem stilu duhovičil Janez Janša. Potem je spet...
The mother of former first lady Fabiola Yañez testified to prosecutor Ramiro González that she saw ex-President Alberto Fernández striking Yañez...
El sector turístico de Brasil cuenta desde esta semana con un nuevo marco legal que moderniza y adapta esta actividad a su dinámica actual en el...
La onza de oro troy, activo refugio por antonomasia, registraba en la tarde de este viernes un alza de un 1,4%, hasta firmar un nuevo máximo...
Improving our relationship with our devices and social media.
Evidence points to intergenerational transmission of relationship instability.
A Personal Perspective: How a Japanese word showed me the power of true rest.
LONDON – While the rest of the world weighs the impact of a Donald Trump or a Kamala Harris victory in November’s US presidential election,...
Digital pathology platforms based on AI are advancing personalized medicine.
Israel is rushing with its eyes wide open into a war of choice in Lebanon, without knowing who will be the defense minister leading it, while the...
La petrolera colombiana Ecopetrol anunció la suspensión temporal del suministro de gas natural a 13 empresas que tienen contratos de firmeza...
La Administración Nacional de Electricidad de Paraguay (ANDE) está a la espera de un avance significativo en la autorización de Brasil para vender...
Repsol ha alcanzado un acuerdo para adquirir a la compañía estatal tailandesa PTTEP su participación del 16,67% en el Bloque 29 de la Cuenca...
El Gobierno de Ecuador pidió a las empresas privadas encender sus generadores este viernes 20 de septiembre de 2024 para que se autoabastezcan de...
La cultura corporativa de Embraer (el tercer fabricante de aviones a nivel mundial, luego de Boeing y Airbus) es contundente: todos los...
We now also have it in writing, in a thousand exploding copies: Israel wants a war, a big one. There is no other way of understanding the...
Keep your impulses in check with these three simple, research-backed strategies.
"Jackpot" scenarios disrupt the brain's ability to perform with superfluidity.
Some people will always paint themselves as a victim.
Your guide to a happier, healthier mind.
AI Chain-of-Thought favors logic over creativity, limiting sparks of innovation.
It says more about us than whomever we're angry at.
Don't underestimate the importance of processing losses both big and small.
A break in the opioid crisis: an unprecedented decline in drug deaths.
Personal Perspective: There's almost always a way to calm angry, anxious brains.
People often recognize biases and flaws in others and yet overlook their own.
Clients can be successful by focusing on these practices.
Appreciating your unique gifts can help you stop feeling like a fraud.
When it comes to mental health: Label the symptoms, not your child.
I gaze at the picture of Agam Naim from Kibbutz Mishmarot, who was killed in Rafah. Agam smiles at me from the screen. The caption says she was a...
Opoziční politici kritizujú jednotlivé opatrenia, pričom ani nevedia prečo. Majú dokonca odlišné názory ako viacerí pravicoví ekonómovia...
“La primera vez que tuve un trabajo, fui a un banco a solicitar un crédito y me dijeron amablemente que debía cumplir seis meses de historial...
El ministro de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego de Perú, Angel Manero, adelantó que se buscará que el país andino pueda exportar frutas congeladas,...
Luego de un acuerdo entre la Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) y el Colegio Médico de Bolivia, el pleno de la Cámara de Diputados del país...
Personal Perspective: Here's how fictional characters can inspire in real life.
What are toxic relationships, and what makes them so hard to leave?
Vanessa Chakour's book 'Earthly Bodies' teaches us about nurturing and love.
Why 'I don't care' does more harm than you think—and how to avoid it.
Editorial 15:51 JST, September 19, 2024 Land prices rose nationwide and recorded the highest rate of increase since the bubble economy era. It can...
In Budapest this week, America’s ambassador to Hungary gave one of the most trenchant expressions of values-based foreign policy — and takedowns...
Scientists surprised themselves when they found they could instruct a version of ChatGPT to gently dissuade people of their beliefs in conspiracy...
GABORONE – From the Drakensberg mountain range in the west to the Indian Ocean in the east, KwaZulu-Natal province is one of South Africa’s...
AUSTIN – Google “shamanism” and you will find that it is “a tradition of part-time religious specialists who establish and maintain...