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How anonymous reporting systems can help prevent school violence.
Argentina’s Supreme Court has ordered former President and Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to stand trial for the signing of a...
Včeraj se je prvič sešel upravni odbor kmetijske zbornice v novi sestavi. Forum za kmetijstvo in podeželje SDS ter društvo Slovenski kmet imata...
Justice Alex Stein says he needs more time to review case material, with decision on whether the pair will remain in custody expected next week
Palestinian Authority deploys troops around camp in northern West Bank, vows to recover the vehicles that armed men waving Islamic Jihad flags...
Report says minister expressed hope that gov’t will ‘create full normalization’ of Israeli rule during Trump’s tenure by shuttering the...
Two people reportedly suffer minor injuries in blaze at Addas Israel Synagogue; Aussie PM calls for culprits to ‘face full force of the law,’...
From chaos to connection, a Polyvagal approach to parenting.
China y Venezuela reafirmaron este jueves su compromiso de "fortalecer la cooperación bilateral" durante una reunión entre los vicepresidentes...
Full recovery from mental health crises may require residential treatment.
Ste slušni ali vizualni tip? Če je to sploh možno določiti. Ljudje imamo več čutov, ki se med seboj dopolnjujejo. Nekako se zdi, da je vid...
V mojih otroških letih je življenje na vasi prinašalo veliko prednosti: igranje na prostem, kopanje v hitri Dravi (brez prisotnosti staršev pri...
Slovenija je še za pol leta podaljšala nadzor na mejnih prehodih s Hrvaško in Madžarsko, Nemčija pa je nadzor uvedla na vseh notranjih mejah....
Ruski zunanji minister je prvič na tleh katere izmed članic Evropske unije od napada na Ukrajino pred skoraj tremi leti. V Valletti se udeležuje...
Sirski uporniki v ponovno razplamteli državljanski vojni po osvojitvi Alepa nadaljujejo svoj zmagoslavni pohod. Osvojili so še četrto največje...
Na Gimnaziji in srednji šoli Kočevje si svet zavoda prizadeva za razrešitev ravnatelja, ki mu očitajo več kršitev. Nanje se je odzval tudi...
Adam Boehler, who also helped lead talks with the Taliban during Trump’s first term, previously suggested a US military operation to rescue...
Investigation by human rights group alleges Israel pursuing destruction of Palestinians via ‘slow death,’ deliberate targeting of civilians;...
As South Africa assumes the presidency of the G20 in December 2024, it carries the hopes of Africa and the Global South for a more equitable world...
Živimo v turbulentnih časih, časih, ko nas z vseh strani dnevno bombarira na tisoče informacij. Ob nekaterih med njimi bi se bilo treba za...
In latest tussle with Netanyahu, Gali Baharav-Miara responds to petition demanding inquiry, saying panel would be ‘most appropriate legal tool’...
El ministro de Hacienda, Ricardo Bonilla, presentó oficialmente su renuncia al cargo luego de que el presidente Gustavo Petro le solicitara...
The incoming president has promised to defeat the ‘radical revolution,’ throw activists who aren’t US citizens out of the country, and slash...
For someone who has spent nine years studying for the bar exam in addition to four years as an undergraduate law major, President Yoon Suk Yeol...
Early Wednesday morning I woke up for some reason and turned on the television — only to be blindsided by the mind-blowing news out of Seoul. Just...
In the wake of Tuesday night’s on-off declaration of martial law, as bewilderment turned to anger and the nation, it seemed, realized President...
Residents of South Korea are currently processing the events of the last few days and the ongoing uncertainty and upheaval. Martial law in South...
You might have missed it amid the noise of the Trump transition and the sound of the European and Japanese auto industries collapsing. But the...
On the night of 3 to 4 December 2024, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol imposed a state of emergency and martial law across the country....
When the history of this tumultuous week in South Korean politics is written, legislators who demanded the president rescind his declaration of...
Army chief reprimands Hagari, defense minister says he will face disciplinary action, some legislators demand he be fired for warning that...
Mideast point man in-waiting Steve Witkoff held talks with Netanyahu and Qatari PM, who then met Mossad chief, source says; Hamas to return to Doha...
Marine Le Pen’s party backs motion proposed by the hard left three months after the formation of a minority government, with two years left in...
The Yomiuri Shimbun 11:45 JST, December 5, 2024 Reports of theft during flights that arrive at and depart from Narita Airport have significantly...
El presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, ha trasladado este jueves a la jefa de la Comisión Europea, Ursula Von der Leyen, que el potencial...
Pluspetrol, una compañía privada internacional con más de 45 años de experiencia en la industria energética en los sectores de producción de...
Debido al incremento de precios en los productos de la canasta familiar en Bolivia, la Federación Departamental de Transporte Libre de La Paz...
Este jueves, Ricardo Roa, presidente de la petrolera colombiana Ecopetrol, dijo que, tras finalizar la fase de perforación del pozo Sirius, puede...
El consumo de combustibles para el sector automotriz de Ecuador se ha debilitado, en comparación con 2023. De los diez primeros meses de 2024,...
La compañía energétia Pluspetrol anunció la adquisición de los parques eólicos Cerro Grande y Peralta I y II en Uruguay, propiedad de los fondos...
El sindicato de trabajadores de la Planta Valdivia de Celulosa Arauco en Chile votó la huelga legal, al no llegar a acuerdo con la compañía en...