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Disgraced movie mogul reportedly suffered chest pains in New York City jail where he is awaiting a retrial in rape cases
The Argentine men’s rugby union team, better known as the Pumas, beat Australia by a record 67-27 score on Saturday, securing a slim chance at...
Air-e, la empresa que brinda el servicio de energía a unos cinco millones de habitantes en la costa caribeña de Colombia, solicitó la intervención...
Mental health is physical health.
Your personal brand is a critical part of your career management plan.
Today’s focus on crises, heroes and villains may be distorting modern politics.
What is “reminiscence therapy”?
Confucian virtues provide timeless guidance for ethical leadership today.
The antidote to feeling out of control around food.
Proactive steps to increase confidence and make life more fulfilling.
It's not the people. It's HR-ibble by design.
CHENNAI/MUNICH – Every year, the World Health Organization summarizes global progress on malaria control. It details the number of cases in...
After the publication of an article about a scandal involving South Korea’s military intelligence authority readers have requested an article on...
Project Syndicate: Last year, you suggested that a prevailing “culture of pragmatism,” exemplified by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations...
The Drina River on the Bosnian-Serbian border is a bottleneck on the busy Balkan route. Some locals help migrants where they can, others see them...
Codelco, la principal empresa cuprífera estatal de Chile, anunció que presentará al Ministerio Público los antecedentes sobre presuntas...
Queda claro que una sociedad insegura difícilmente puede progresar a largo plazo. El informe más reciente sobre la seguridad ciudadana en...
El Consorcio Semacc Constructores será el encargado de la construcción de un dique permeable en el río Coca (Ecuador), que aportará a la...
How ancient teachings reshaped modern mental health.
Challenging people sometimes have kids that are much easier to get along with.
The concept of overvalued ideas provides guidance for preventing mass shootings.
Reuters V nadaljevanju preberite: - Mnogi vzhodni Nemci imajo še 35 let po padcu Berlinskega zidu občutek, da so drugorazredni državljani....
“Politics should be kept out of academia!” This is how many in Western academia respond to calls from fellow professors and students for a boycott...
Shakespeare left us the much-quoted adage about the relationship between things and names. In his tragedy Romeo and Juliet, his character Juliet...
It has been 11 months of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. The official death toll has exceeded 40,000 people but estimates put it much higher – in...
Ahead of the US presidential election, Washington has accused Russia of influencing voters — and not for the first time. Moscow is said to be...
‘Frustrated’ White House pushing Egypt and Qatar to convince terror group to back down after insisting more terror convicts serving life sentences...
Joseph Edelman decries school’s ‘stunning failure of moral leadership’ in agreeing to student protesters’ demand; university criticizes his...
Japan’s relationship with South Korea has improved significantly through a series of positive steps taken by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and...
I was stationed in Italy almost 20 years ago when a local peace activist asked me to explain the meaning of “hibaku taiken sha” (literally, people...
81. edicija Beneškega filmskega festivala se je zaključila z zmago filma Sosednja soba španskega režiserja Pedra Almodovarja. Filmske medije po...
A senior in high school, I moved to Seoul two years ago when my family relocated here. As an avid photographer, I’ve had the privilege to capture...
SHANGHAI – The year 1979 was a pivotal one in Sino-American relations. On a historic visit to the United States, Deng Xiaoping, China’s...
Have we commenced a new Cold War with China? While the question feels abstract, it has implications for foreign policy and has, as a result,...
The race for Japan’s next leader might lack the dire rhetoric seen in the U.S. election — warnings that choosing the wrong candidate will result...
This article was shortlisted as a finalist in the 2024 E-International Relations Article Award, sponsored by Edinburgh University Press, Polity,...
La Comisión Antidistorsiones descartó por unanimidad la existencia de ‘dumping’ en las bolas de acero importadas de China y puso fin a la...
Turkish president also says he will appeal to The Hague over killing of Turkish-American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi at a protest in the West Bank...
Drone hits apartment of members of urban kibbutz who moved to the city out of idealism; now they say they have to deal with their own shock before...
Head of presidential office says Ukrainians should be able to use Western weapons to hit warehouses storing munitions from Tehran, including inside...
Opposition Leader Lapid denies Shas is pushing Netanyahu to bring opposition parties into the coalition to dilute Ben Gvir’s influence
Guterres says global body ready to monitor potential ceasefire but doubts Israel would agree, urges two-state solution to end Israeli-Palestinian...
The first step: How to take care of your children when your partner passes away.
The art and science of creating balance in your life when you have children