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El fondeo de la banca de desarrollo a las Sociedades Financieras de Objeto Múltiple (Sofomes) quedó a deber en el sexenio, la desaparición...
Sometimes a suffix takes on a life of its own.
Parents have been held accountable fir their child’s mass murders.
Največji delodajalec v Sloveniji mi je v zadnjih dveh tednih poslal dve priporočeni pošti. Z dvema odločbama so me obvestili, da sem penzioner....
Un grupo de diputados de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos han reclamado al presidente Joe Biden el cierre de la laguna regulatoria...
Everyone needs to feel that they belong and that they matter.
The sorrow of unrequited love is not easy for anyone to live through.
Attachment disturbances and distortions of reality are drivers of erotomania.
The Liberal Democratic Party's leadership election to choose Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's successor officially kicked off on Sept. 12. The...
Increasing "inference" makes models smarter and better.
In a study that became known as “The Jam Experiment,” a supermarket laid out six varieties of jam on a display table one day and 24 varieties...
Editorial 15:28 JST, September 12, 2024 The aging population has now reached a stage where no one is unaffected by dementia. It is hoped that...
Editorial 14:29 JST, September 9, 2024 U.S. President Joe Biden reportedly plans to block the planned acquisition of steel giant U.S. Steel Corp....
Japan's currency has been enjoying an epic rally and, at the time of this writing, heading for the biggest quarterly advance in years. That's quite...
South Korea has been rocked by a wave of sexually explicit deepfake images being created and shared online, indiscriminately targeting women and...
A sad trend in world affairs and one that is personal for me is the growing rift in the Atlantic. I’m not talking about the geological one under...
When was the last time you were amazed, dazed, or astonished by the stupidity of Western media, think tanks, and staggering politicians? For me,...
China has banned overseas adoptions of locally-born children but South Korea’s international adoption programme is still going on.
Would you like to volunteer some time to help us bring the latest research to the largest Politics and International Relations academic audience on...
There is a moment in my life that marks a split between a ‘before’ and an ‘after’. I was around 12 years old, sitting cross-legged on the...
On September 6, 2024, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva delivered a televised statement ahead of the country’s Independence Day...
Marco Acuña, presidente del Colegio de Ingenieros Eléctricos de Pichincha, analiza la crítica situación energética que atraviesa Ecuador y las...
El Gobierno chileno espera que el proyecto de cumplimiento de obligaciones tributarias sea despachado antes de que la Ley de Presupuestos 2025...
Horse, fabricante de motores español del Grupo Renault, ha anunciado la firma de un acuerdo con la automovilística brasileña Lecar para el...
En este 2024, hasta agosto, se registra un incremento del 14,1% en la recaudación tributaria, informó el Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI). La...
Writing and journaling can boost well-being in a variety of ways.
Fostering student belonging isn't magic, but it can produce magical results.
Learn how to mitigate the Gottmans' "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."
Annie Grossman's how best to train dogs in her new book.
Use the emerging science of color to make a stronger impression.
Here's how place preference reveals personality.
Americans are buried beneath stress. Use this system if you are, too.
A bit of stress helps you focus on the right things—fixing problems others miss.
The neuroscience behind optimism and its impact on our lives.
Those with a history of trauma may normalize red flags and ignore bad behaviors.
MADISON, WISCONSIN – China’s government has just announced that it will no longer allow foreign adoptions of Chinese children, except by blood...
WASHINGTON, DC – With half of the global population having already voted or preparing to do so in 2024, the “year of elections” has had a...
The AfD and BSW, two populist parties in Germany, won almost half of the votes in the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia. The result has...
The tragic death of Jina Mahsa Amini sparked the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement in Iran, turning the 22-year-old into a symbol of resistance. Many...
Amid the recent international crises in various parts of the world, some states claim cautiously to be neutral. They do so for various reasons but...
V legendarnem filmu Dead on arrival (1988) Dennis Quaid pride na policijsko postajo prijavit svojo smrt. Ima še 36 ur življenja. Nekako tako je...
Čas je res relativen pojem. Dandanašnji pogosto vzdihujemo, da nimamo časa. A dan se od časov praljudi ni nič skrajšal, še vedno je dolg 24 ur...
“Alberto Fujimori dies at the age of 86.” “Ex-dictator Alberto Fujimori has died.” “The people mourn for ‘Chino’.” “Fujimori in...
As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, foreign policymakers in Washington continue to prioritize the conflict, viewing it as a critical issue...
La Comisión de Turismo de Diputados aprobó el proyecto de ley que busca regularizar los alquileres turísticos en viviendas particulares, una...
Para octubre de este año está programado el llamado a licitación de la concesión del proyecto de infraestructura penitenciaria “Recinto Modelo...
Este jueves el gobierno chileno lanzó el llamado "Plan de Trabajo de Regulaciones de Hidrógeno" abreviado como PDT que tiene como orientación...
En medio del interés de las empresas por implementar nuevas tecnologías que permitan mejorar su trabajo, VTEX anunció la adquisición de Weni,...
Robert Balen V nadaljevanju preberite: - Zaplet s poverjenikom in poverjenico v Evropski komisiji je za Slovence mesto resnice o Evropski uniji....