
Japan Today

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Biden dropped out − is the news media to blame?

For weeks in July, a mix of journalists and academics lamented the news media’s relentless coverage of President Joe Biden’s age since his...

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Japan Today

Japan Today

How sport is being forced to adapt to effects of climate change

In the unlikely event I ever run another marathon, I wouldn’t want to do it at night. But some famous global running events, including the world...

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Japan Today

Japan Today

Want to spur your child’s intellectual development? Use audiobooks instead of videos

It’s not uncommon today to see children glued to their screens. In fact, 80% of parents with children 11 or younger say their kids watch YouTube...

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Japan Today

Japan Today

Arms race gathers pace as Russia and U.S. plan to redeploy once-banned weapons

Four decades ago, the United States deployed cruise and Pershing II nuclear missiles in Europe to counter Soviet SS-20s - a move that stoked Cold...

23.07.2024 10

Japan Today

Japan Today

A Trump-Vance White House could undermine European security – and end up pushing Russia and China closer

Donald Trump’s choice of Ohio senator JD Vance as his running mate in the presidential election has reignited European fears of American...

22.07.2024 10

Japan Today

Japan Today
