Record View

Record View

Daily Record

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Scottish Government must make children's safety a priority in violence epidemic

It was welcome to see John Swinney sit down with youth violence victim Kaylynn Donald and her mum Vicky in Bute House this week. For years, there has...

previous day 10

Daily Record

Record View

Keir Starmer has right idea to mend bridges with European neighbours post-Brexit

Brexit remains a major annoyance for many in Scotland – where we voted overwhelmingly to remain but had our EU citizenship stripped from us. So it...

thursday 20

Daily Record

Record View

Super-wealthy firms earning huge profits must pay share of taxes

The Tories have left our country in a mess. They imposed more than a decade of austerity which has left our public services on their knees. They threw...

28.08.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

More needs to be done to support ambulance workers

The pressures Scottish ambulance workers experience on a daily basis are laid bare in today’s Daily Record. More than half of all paramedics and...

12.08.2024 8

Daily Record

Record View

Losing Scottish-trained nurses to hospitals south of the border is insanity

It is a tragedy that talented new nurses cannot find jobs in Scotland and are told to look elsewhere. For these nurses who have studied, often at...

06.08.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Tommy Robinson's bigoted race-baiting event in Glasgow must be shunned

Tommy Robinson’s hateful brand of politics is not welcome in Scotland. The far-right extremist, who has multiple convictions for a variety of...

02.08.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Profit at pumps is greed as drivers aren't reaping benefits of oil prices

IT’S staggering that motorists last year spent £1.6billion more on fuel than they should have. By sneakily raising their margins, petrol firms are...

27.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Scotland's ban on disposable vapes is a much-needed intervention

Scotland and the UK’s incoming ban on disposable vapes in April 2025 is a much-needed intervention both for the sake of our children’s health and...

25.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

UK and Europeans must keep backing Ukraine and hope United States does too

Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination in front of a cheering crowd in Milwaukee. During a chilling acceptance speech, he...

20.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Scottish and UK governments must learn from mistakes of Covid pandemic shambles

The contents of Baroness Hallett's report into the UK Covid Inquiry are damning. The UK and Scottish governments’ first responsibility is to...

19.07.2024 9

Daily Record

Record View

Sir Keir Starmer must take steps to help out families as part of new Labour rule

The King's Speech was a positive first step by Keir Starmer. The Record welcomes the extension of workers’ rights, which will give employees...

18.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Anti-vaccine movement is a threat to kids across Scotland

The damaging effects of social media conspiracy theorists are coming home to roost with increased numbers of childhood diseases returning with a...

17.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Whooping cough can have lasting issues - it's essential parents vaccinate children

WHOOPING cough is a potentially fatal disease so the figures showing an exponential rise in cases are a real cause for concern. In 2022 there were...

16.07.2024 9

Daily Record

Record View

Biden has been a success but his day has finally come

Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the most important US presidents since World War II. The veteran Democrat did the world a favour by...

13.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Labour must act to halt food bank poverty after 14 failed years of Tory rule

The number of families who have become dependent on food banks in Scotland is a damning indictment of 14 failed years of Conservative government. As...

03.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Scots on school holidays paying price for Rishi Sunak's election timing madness

Rishi Sunak was warned that holding a general election during the Scottish school holidays would be chaotic. There is a reason the last UK general...

01.07.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

General Election vote is about kicking vile and corrupt Tories out - That is why the Record is backing Labour

The Daily Record has not explicitly backed any party at a general election in 14 years. The 2014 referendum changed Scotland and split the country...

25.06.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Ending two-child benefit cap will benefit society as Swinney puts issue at front

John Swinney put child poverty front and centre of the SNP General Election campaign as he launched his party’s manifesto yesterday. He said when...

20.06.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Homelessness is a real danger as Scottish Government must take action

The Scottish Government must take action to tackle soaring rents. Far too many tenants are facing ­extortionate rises, with many on the brink of...

19.06.2024 9

Daily Record

Record View

Sarwar and Starmer have best chance in decades to reclaim old Scottish heartlands

Most Scots have been desperate to rid Scotland of this rotten Tory government since it was foisted on us 14 years ago. Many believed that independence...

10.06.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Record View: Rishi Sunak brought shame on government leaving D-Day anniversary early

The Allied invasion of occupied France in June 1944 opened a second front against the Nazis and hastened the demise of Hitler. Many veterans are now...

08.06.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Record View: Conservatives look more desperate each day of Election Campaign

The party’s popularity has been in freefall for years but its members appear to have only recently woken up to the ­calamitous situation they are...

07.06.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Future Labour government will face daunting to-do list thanks to years of botched Tory rule

It’s no secret the NHS is struggling to meet growing demand while at the same time trying to clear a backlog caused by Covid. Staff are stressed and...

28.05.2024 20

Daily Record

Record View

Record View: Tories face becoming broken shell after general election

The Conservatives are facing an electoral disaster on such a scale it could leave the party little more than a broken shell. They are facing...

27.05.2024 20

Daily Record

Record View

Swinney scores iPad row own goal defending Matheson over data roaming charges

John Swinney has made a bright start as Scotland’s First Minister but defending his pal Michael Matheson seems a rare mis-step. Matheson has tried...

24.05.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Scots must have faith in Kate Forbes as deputy First Minister

Kate Forbes proved her ministerial competence when she was thrown in at the deep end in February 2020. Promoted to finance secretary after the...

10.05.2024 30

Daily Record

Record View

Warring SNP and Green parties being in power is no good for the Scottish people

It's been clear for a while the Bute House Agreement was a busted flush. What started out as a well-intentioned idea has turned sour for both the...

26.04.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Unions and councils need to compromise to avoid a summer of Scottish strikes

The last thing parents and pupils want in the next few months is a round of school closures brought about by strike action. With a reported rat...

25.04.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Yousaf must get house in order after stats 10,000 council home lay unoccupied

Recent figures on homelessness were shaming for the Scottish Government. The number of “open cases” jumped to more than 30,000 and applications...

24.04.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Record View says the SNP and Greens must accept the inevitable and say goodbye

Humza Yousaf, Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater must accept the inevitable. The Bute House Agreement has not worked and it would be best if the SNP and...

23.04.2024 20

Daily Record

Record View

Decay at the core of dentistry as Labour leader slams 'broken, two-tier' system

The crisis in Scottish dentistry is growing ever deeper and it is posing a real danger to the nation’s health. Generations of improvement is now in...

20.04.2024 20

Daily Record

Record View

Scottish Ministers should have acted quicker on gender identity service concerns

The recent publication of the Cass Review into gender identity services in England shed some welcome light on a difficult subject. Young trans people...

20.04.2024 9

Daily Record

Record View

Housing emergency could take Scot Gov years to sort but action is needed now

The Scottish Government wants the public to think it's taking the housing emergency seriously. Its latest legislation does contain some welcome...

28.03.2024 8

Daily Record

Record View

Emma Caldwell cops must be investigated over botched investigation

Iain Packer’s reign of terror is finally at an end after decades of hateful violence against women. The victim list was extensive, not least because...

29.02.2024 5

Daily Record

Record View

Scotland's new top cop must hit ground running as force faces reckoning

Scotland has its first female Chief Constable – and there is no doubt that Jo Farrell now has one of the toughest jobs in UK policing. The justice...

27.01.2024 40

Daily Record

Record View

King Charles must call for climate action or face spiralling into irrelevancy

The new King faces a stiff challenge to make the monarchy relevant to the everyday lives of Scots. The institution remains popular but this reflects...

21.01.2024 7

Daily Record

Record View

Mortgage crisis shows once again that the Tories are not fit to run the country

The mortgage scandal lays bare the destruction that the Tories have wreaked on the economy. The figures are shocking. They show that hard-working...

21.01.2024 10

Daily Record

Record View

Wriggling Boris Johnson dodges truth in Covid inquiry as mourning families despair

Boris Johnson’s performance at the UK Covid Inquiry will have given not one crumb of comfort to the bereaved mourning almost 250,000 deaths from the...

07.12.2023 5

Daily Record

Record View
