Eleanor StoreyEastern Daily Press |
City Hall is facing questions over its use of taxpayers' money after it agreed to spend three quarters of a million pounds on drawing up designs for a...
A Norfolk council leader has defended spending almost £150,000 on ill-fated digital ventures.
City Hall is facing questions over its use of taxpayers' money after it agreed to spend three quarters of a million pounds on drawing up designs for a...
An extra £19m in government funding has been secured by City Hall toward its demolition of Anglia Square.
There are growing calls for transparency at a Norfolk town council as key members of staff abandon ship.
An extra £19m in government funding has been secured by City Hall toward its demolition of Anglia Square.
It is the Norfolk village that caused a flutter when locals tried to ban the Union Jack fearing it was 'divisive' and might 'scare people away'.
Plans for a new bungalow in a tiny Norfolk village have been quashed by government officials.
There are growing calls for transparency at a Norfolk town council as key members of staff abandon ship.
Plans for 200 extra homes to be built as part of a major development just outside Norwich have been approved.
Plans for 200 extra homes to be built as part of a major development just outside Norwich have been approved.
A woman who wants to cut down a tree in her garden she claims is allergic to has been told by officials there is "insufficient evidence" to allow her...
A woman who wants to cut down a tree in her garden she claims is allergic to has been told by officials there is "insufficient evidence" to allow her...
City Hall is concocting plans for a major revamp of Norwich Market, spending three-quarters of a million on the initial design work alone.
New photos offer a first look at a Norfolk's towns leisure centre after its £4m revamp.
City Hall is concocting plans for a major revamp of Norwich Market, spending three-quarters of a million on the initial design work alone.
City taxi firms could face tightened rules as part of a safety drive to protect passengers.
The roof of Norwich's biggest leisure centre is set to be replaced as part of a solar project costing nearly £1m - but the scheme has hit a snag.
City taxi firms could face tightened rules as part of a safety drive to protect passengers.
A Norfolk town could soon have a new gym under plans to revamp a former discount store.
Taxpayer cash could be used to fund the fight against mega solar farms planned for Norfolk as councils gear up for legal challenges.
A Norfolk school is seeking to expand with a new nursery within its grounds.
The roof of Norwich's biggest leisure centre is set to be replaced as part of a solar project costing nearly £1m - but the scheme has hit a snag.
A Norfolk village is celebrating the end of a decade-long planning battle as the demolition of an eyesore energy plant begins.
Work to repair a dilapidated Broads crossing could begin in the coming days after more than a decade of closure.
A Norfolk MP has raised concerns that nearly 1,000 homes are sitting empty in a district while families are housed in temporary accommodation.
A parish council clerk who embezzled more than £20,000 from its bank account - almost the entire village's tax take for a year - handed himself in to...
A Norfolk council has warned of "difficult and uncomfortable" months ahead as it plans to hike its tax charges in the district.
It is game over for a small business owner's fight against City Hall after a months-long wrangle over outdoor decking.
It is game over for a small business owner's fight against City Hall after a months-long wrangle over outdoor decking.
A Norwich community group has defended itself against claims of intimidation from a councillor who said its actions left her "anxious and scared".
A Norwich community group has defended itself against claims of intimidation from a councillor who said its actions left her "anxious and scared".
Concerns have been raised over planned boundary changes that would split a Norfolk town in two.
A Norfolk town's jewellers claim to have lost trade in their busiest season due to a meat truck parked outside the shop.
A former city tip is set for a new lease of life years after its closure.
A small Broads community could get a new £1m village hall under ambitious proposals.
City Hall is set to hike its rent charges despite a recent report naming it as one of the worst social housing providers in the country.
Two Norfolk councils have come under fire for their investment in a £7m office which is sitting largely empty.
A Norfolk council's housing company expects losses of £5m this financial year because key projects are stalled.
A Norfolk council's housing company expects losses of £5m this financial year because key projects are stalled.
A Norfolk council has revealed it will be cracking down on planning breaches after failing to shut down a controversial boutique hotel.
The owner of a Chinese takeaway on the outskirts of the city has been ordered to pay thousands of pounds in outstanding tax bills.
A relentless and "prolonged tirade" on TikTok has seen a Norfolk man banned by the courts from contacting his family.
The owner of a Chinese takeaway on the outskirts of the city has been ordered to pay thousands of pounds in outstanding tax bills.
The saga over a new Greggs store in a Norfolk town has finally come to an end following a petition being launched and threats of a boycott.
A Norfolk village's blighted community centre will not open for at least another year as work on it has stalled.
Work to redevelop Anglia Square into a new housing estate could be under way in four months after City Hall sealed a deal to buy the site.
A Broads restaurant is set to be transformed into a B&B to save it from closure once more.
A Norfolk village's blighted community centre will not open for at least another year as work on it has stalled.
Work to redevelop Anglia Square into a new housing estate could be under way in four months after City Hall sealed a deal to buy the site.