Cathryn J. Prince

Cathryn J. Prince

The Times of Israel

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Uniting as the Student Intifada, anti-Israel groups plan to further disrupt US campuses

Condoning violence and vocal in their anti-West and anti-capitalist views, the protesters are preparing to sow more chaos this year as experts warn of...

25.08.2024 50

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

US-Israeli maker of Boy Butter lubricant attempts record-length swim for Oct. 7 charity

On August 17, Eyal Feldman will paddle 16 miles nonstop across upstate New York’s Skaneateles Lake to benefit orphans in Israel who lost their...

15.08.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Now online, diary of teen shot by Nazis tells of desperation, fear, hope in Vilna Ghetto

In its second web-based exhibition, YIVO makes available the lucid observations of Yitskhok Rudashevski, a 15-year-old made wise beyond his years by a...

20.07.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Hamas, Fatah leaders to meet in Beijing this month for reconciliation talks

Political chief Ismail Haniyeh to lead Hamas delegation, Fatah group to be led by deputy head Mahmad Alul; China hosted the two groups in April

16.07.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

US-Israeli hostage’s family fights to keep American public interested in fellow citizen

Set to speak at Republican convention on Wednesday, Omer Neutra’s family say it’s a struggle to maintain media awareness of the 8 US...

16.07.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Isolated by their ‘allies,’ LGBTQ Jews gather to parse Pride’s anti-Israel leanings

As supporters of the Jewish state feel increasingly unwelcome at events for the Queer community, they turn to each other for support, while mulling...

10.07.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Ostracized post-Oct. 7, US doctor forms new association for Jewish health professionals

Jewish medical professionals say that since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war, they face a hostile atmosphere. The AJMA seeks to provide them...

01.07.2024 90

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

These Jewish Columbia students see no end to campus antisemitism after DA closes case

NY prosecutor drops charges against masked anti-Israel protesters who violently occupied university building in April, leaving many to fear they can...

27.06.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

How Texas A&M Aggies’s Sam Salz became college football’s first known Orthodox player

Despite never having played on a team and not even owning a pair of cleats, the plucky athlete practiced alongside the squad and is now a walk-on...

23.05.2024 70

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Retiring early due to antisemitism, a professor paints a dire picture of US academia

Barbara J. Risman felt that the atmosphere among University of Illinois faculty after October 7 was too much for her to bear as a Jew. Her colleagues...

21.05.2024 100

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

How ceasefire resolutions on faraway Gaza are sowing seeds of hate in US cities

Jewish Americans say people are using public hearings as a platform to spew antisemitism – and free speech laws prevent local governments from...

02.05.2024 60

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Podcast about a French railway’s role in the Holocaust tracks with US Jews post-Oct. 7

Newly-released ‘Covering Their Tracks’ is about a battle for justice. But for Jewish Americans suffering unprecedented antisemitism,...

01.05.2024 90

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Jewish Columbia students say step-up in campus protest tactics was ‘inevitable’

Member of the university’s Antisemitism Task Force: ‘A small minority of faculty and students has taken the university hostage’

30.04.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

‘A focal point of hate’: Pro-Israel activists at Columbia decry campus hostility

Hundreds gather for rally to denounce unruly anti-Israel encampment that has left some Jewish students fearful to walk on campus, as Hamas-held...

27.04.2024 70

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

As anti-Israel encampment at Columbia endures, Jewish students lament ‘Judenrein’ campus

Pupils say protestors have shouted ‘Kill all the Jews’ and ‘We want one Arab state’ as the administration struggles with out...

25.04.2024 90

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Jewish writers say the post-Oct. 7 English literary world has blacklisted them

As the war in Gaza goes on, authors say that when they don’t face outright hostility for being Jews, they are marginalized as publishers claim...

13.04.2024 60

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

NY’s Museum of Jewish Heritage aims to help teachers nip student antisemitism in the bud

A newly-released online resource compiles commonly asked questions about Jews and Jew-hatred to teach empathy and inoculate middle and high schoolers...

02.04.2024 100

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Cancer doc speaks out on suit against NYU Langone for termination over anti-Hamas posts

Researcher Dr. Benjamin Neel claims his former employer tarnished his reputation after firing him, but reinstalled another doctor who described the...

31.03.2024 70

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Alone in cell guarded by terrorists: Mother of teen recounts ‘horror’ of his captivity

Bat-Sheva Yahalomi says Eitan was only allowed to shower twice in 52 days, never slept on mattress and was beaten by terrorists; he still has...

29.03.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Massachusetts parents say public school teachers union sowing anti-Israel bias

Rhetoric during a webinar last week on ‘The Struggle Against Anti-Palestinian Racism’ was the last straw for many who say students are...

29.03.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

ADL partners with NCSY to help US Jewish teens deal with post-Oct. 7 antisemitism

Advocacy group and Orthodox youth movement aim to provide tools to push back against Jew hatred and be a safe space for high schoolers across the...

24.03.2024 60

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Jewish on Campus CEO Julia Jassey: Now more than ever US Jews must stand their ground

While she sees ‘frightening’ levels and an unprecedented normalization of antisemitism, the student group co-founder believes the Golden...

18.03.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Complaint against Middlebury College alleges discrimination aimed at Jewish students

Title VI civil rights grievance filed by the StandWithUs Center for Legal Justice says Vermont school retaliated against those who claimed to suffer...

01.03.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

AAUP becomes largest US faculty group to join call for ceasefire

American Association of University Professors signs statement with hundreds of other labor unions calling for end to Israel-Hamas war; one member...

29.02.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Free speech rights weaponized to silence students on US campuses after Oct. 7

Universities struggle to revise school policies as the First Amendment is invoked to censor students through unprecedented use of no-contact orders

17.02.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

House committee to investigate Columbia’s ‘inadequate response’ to campus antisemitism

16-page letter slams the school for allowing a hostile atmosphere for Jewish students to thrive for over 2 decades, including through antisemitic...

13.02.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

In NY, Jewish Columbia student alleges harassment by violent anti-Israel protesters

Noah Lederman says a toxic atmosphere on campus led to his being pinned against a wall as he fled a demonstration co-organized and endorsed by student...

11.02.2024 50

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Just before Holocaust Day, Columbia Law student senate rejected antisemitism watchdog club

Governing body puts kibosh on proposed group for second time, citing its use of the IHRA antisemitism definition, which opposing students call...

01.02.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Experts debate whether Ivy League antisemitism probe is overreach or overdue

While everyone agrees that antisemitism on campus is a problem, not all see the ongoing congressional investigation as the solution – and some...

31.01.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Are conspiracy theories about Oct. 7 a new form of Holocaust denial? Experts weigh in

At a daylong NY symposium organized by Indiana University, scholars decry rampant antisemitism and calls for violence against Jews that are...

29.01.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

As suspended anti-Israel groups at Columbia go unhindered, Jewish alumni despair

When SJP & JVP were ordered off campus for violating school policy, pro-Israel students rejoiced. Now they see little change in behavior –...

28.01.2024 90

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Allies of Jewish US students visit Israel after Oct. 7 – and come back armed with info

The Maccabee Task Force brings pupils together to combat antisemitism and disinformation on American college campuses – a place where Israel...

25.01.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

As Israel faces charges at The Hague, a Cornell expert in genocide weighs in

A child of Holocaust survivors, law prof Menachem Rosensaft has made his life’s work the study of genocide. He finds the allegation against the...

09.01.2024 100

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Critics say US colleges’ double standards let rabid antisemitism thrive on campus

While praising the free exchange of dissenting opinions, alumni and faculty allege failure to enforce existing codes of conduct has made universities...

05.01.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Is American democracy safe? These historians say the US may be slipping toward fascism

The editors of ‘Fascism in America: Past and Present’ posit that though most Americans see the idea as ‘unrealistic in the...

21.12.2023 10

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Med students’ antisemitic comments after Oct. 7 roil two prominent DC universities

Social media posts by physicians-in-training on Hamas atrocities use tropes like media control and global cabals, raising worry about how...

19.12.2023 90

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Barnard senior, a Black-Native American Jew, has some words for pro-Palestinian peers

As a Jew of Color raised in a kosher home, Columbia University student Noa Fay feels compelled to respond to groups accusing Israel of offenses such...

14.12.2023 20

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Columbia students hold canceled ‘teach-in’ to publicly praise Hamas atrocities

Hiding behind masks and umbrellas, a number of students took over the School of Social Work lobby for nearly an hour on Dec. 6, despite the...

08.12.2023 80

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince

Amid Israel-Hamas war, students say antisemitism is ‘new normal’ at Columbia University

Jewish and Israeli students fear for their safety in a campus climate that’s dismissive of their well-being while allowing rampant, bitter...

06.12.2023 70

The Times of Israel

Cathryn J. Prince
