The genocide of the Palestin­ians in Gaza continues un­abated. The US-led West has come out in full, unqualified sup­port of Israel and its deadly incursions into the Gaza Strip. Its submission to Israeli diktat has al­ways been spontane­ous and absolute; more so now as Israel goes about systematically, me­thodically and deliberately exterminating the Gazans/Pales­tinians. The US-led West is direct­ly complicit in this wanton mas­sacre of the Gazans/Palestinians. The Muslims, in particular the Ar­abs, are conspicuous only because of their timidity and gross indiffer­ence to the savage annihilation of their besieged brethren.

The unrelenting, unreserved sup­port provided by the US-led West to Israel may have more to do than just maintaining a strong, domi­nant, strategic outpost in the Mid­dle East. Could it also have links to the past? Could it be penitence of sorts for all its sins and crimes of omission and commission in the earlier half of the last centu­ry? The Jews were subjected to hei­nous atrocities and genocide at the hands of the Nazis. The Western world remained generally indiffer­ent to their plight while some even seemed to appease their neurot­ic leader. The resultant Holocaust will always be a terrible blot on its conscience and history. It watched the Nazis carry out the genocide from the sidelines then; it is watch­ing the Israelis-Jews perform a gro­tesque, monstrous role reversal, again from the sidelines. Ironical­ly, the Jews who suffered the Ho­locaust/genocide themselves are now perpetrating one against the hapless, helpless Gazans/Palestin­ians. Why is it happening? The lit­tle brown man in the Middle East had nothing to do with the Holo­caust. He had no role to play in its concept, planning or execution. He has been made, quite deviously, to pay penance for sins and crimes he did not commit. Those who were involved in committing that geno­cide against the Jews are now aid­ing them to wreak one on the Ga­zans/Palestinians. Do they do it out of a sense of guilt, or repentance? Can the atrocities of one genocide be atoned by aiding/committing yet another one on even meeker people? Is it Israel’s paranoia, a fear psychosis, an obsessive compulsion of over-ensuring “never again”? Or is it an interpretation of a divine commandment that must be ful­filled? Then again, could there not be other equally divine command­ments to the contrary? Followers of other religions could come up with self-serving divine edicts too. Will they have similar importance? That would bring unrelenting conflict and ceaseless wars to the region.

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Why is the US-led West not re­acting in a normal sensible, logical, and balanced manner? Why can it not stop military supplies to Israel, enforce a ceasefire and put a stop to this frenzied, senseless carnage? Elections in the US weigh rather ominously on the Gazans’ fate. PM Netanyahu is adamant in expand­ing the genocide to Rafah and its million-plus petrified people too. Why, for example, is Putin’s inva­sion of Ukraine unacceptable to the US-led West, and yet the Israeli ex­termination of Gazans/Palestin­ians is kosher? Are wars and geno­cides to be justified by self-serving geopolitical interpretations alone? The international community does not accept this duplicity of the Western world. The availabil­ity of real-time information/news makes it nigh impossible for spin-masters to ply their trade with any conviction anymore. As such, the US in particular and Western Eu­rope in general seem to be losing their moral authority, superiority (?) and standing in global affairs.

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The Muslim world’s reluctance to speak and/or act does not emanate from a lack of ability or resources but more from a fearful, unintelli­gible, mental and operational pa­ralysis that does not allow it to take the initiative, move collectively, de­cisively, and proactively to stamp its authority on regional and global affairs. It has yet to practically sup­port the righteous causes of free­dom and independence of Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, Myanmar, and elsewhere. It cannot seem to think for itself or influence events in the Gaza Strip either. Its scared, meek, and ineffectual protestations at global, regional, and internation­al fora appear futile and meaning­less. They bring no relief to the cor­nered Gazans/Palestinians. They, as well as the rest of the world, look on passively, insensitively rather helplessly, as the Israelis merciless­ly exterminate a whole people!

Pakistan must remain aware of the fact that what transpires in Palestine is bound to be replicat­ed in IIOJ&KR. The US-led West is now wooing India as it needs it to counterbalance China in Asia. This might give India the false hope that it could also get away with a simi­lar genocide in IIOJ&KR. Geno­cide Watch has already warned the world and highlighted the tell-tale signs of a creeping genocide there. India would perhaps expect the Western world to remain indif­ferent to the plight and miseries of the Kashmiris too. However, Isra­el’s military-political audacity (US-led West-backed) in the Gaza Strip cannot be imitated fully in Kash­mir. First, because India does not dominate the strategic environ­ment in the larger Kashmir region in the same manner as Israel does in its neighbourhood. A very ten­uous, trilateral strategic balance exists between it, China and Pak­istan in this rather trigger-happy region. Second, for the US, India might be very important but it is still no Israel by any stretch of the imagination. It does not have that sort of support within the US that Israel does nor does it have a simi­lar sort of coercive influence in the corridors of US power, its economy and its media. Its options are thus comparatively limited. There is no space available for India to indulge in what could end up being serious strategic miscalculations!

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The genocide in Gaza must stop immediately before other pretend­ers like India start taking serious inspiration from it!

Imran Malik
The writer is a retired brigadier of the Pakistan Army. He can be reached at and tweets @K846Im.

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Role Reversal

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The genocide of the Palestin­ians in Gaza continues un­abated. The US-led West has come out in full, unqualified sup­port of Israel and its deadly incursions into the Gaza Strip. Its submission to Israeli diktat has al­ways been spontane­ous and absolute; more so now as Israel goes about systematically, me­thodically and deliberately exterminating the Gazans/Pales­tinians. The US-led West is direct­ly complicit in this wanton mas­sacre of the Gazans/Palestinians. The Muslims, in particular the Ar­abs, are conspicuous only because of their timidity and gross indiffer­ence to the savage annihilation of their besieged brethren.

The unrelenting, unreserved sup­port provided by the US-led West to Israel may have more to do than just maintaining a strong, domi­nant, strategic outpost in the Mid­dle East. Could it also have links to the past? Could it be penitence of sorts for all its sins and crimes of omission and commission in the earlier half of the last centu­ry? The Jews were subjected to hei­nous atrocities and genocide at the hands of the Nazis. The Western world remained generally indiffer­ent to their plight while some even seemed to appease their neurot­ic leader. The resultant Holocaust will always be a terrible blot on its conscience and history. It watched the Nazis carry out the genocide from the sidelines then; it is watch­ing the Israelis-Jews perform a gro­tesque, monstrous role reversal, again from the sidelines. Ironical­ly, the Jews who suffered the Ho­locaust/genocide themselves are now perpetrating one against the hapless, helpless........

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