Imran Malik

Imran Malik

Pakistan Today Profit

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Apocalypse Pakistan

Pakistan faces multipronged existential threats and appears to be hurtling headlong into a bottomless, squirming quagmire. Pervasive political discord...

yesterday 50

The Nation

Imran Malik

SCO and the Heartland Theory

Halford Mackinder divided the world into three distinct regions. He described Afro-Eurasia as the World Island, comprising the interlinked continents...

13.07.2024 100

The Nation

Imran Malik

CPEC 2:0

The CPEC is much more than just Pakistan’s economic life­line that it is generally pur­ported to be. It needs to be further seen in its manifold...

01.07.2024 90

The Nation

Imran Malik

CPEC 2:0

The importance of the BRI-CPEC, in the regional-global contexts, can not be overstated. Whereas the CPEC is Pakistan’s economic lifeline of the...

30.06.2024 100

The Nation

Imran Malik

To Be or Not to Be

To emerge as a statesman of impeccable repute and stature, PM Modi will have to redefine his domestic, regional, and international policies. This is...

15.06.2024 30

The Nation

Imran Malik

To Be or Not to Be

PM Modi was given a rude shock by the Indian electorate when it cut him, the BJP, his divisive, racist, communal, majoritarian policies, and his...

14.06.2024 20

The Nation

Imran Malik

The Afghan Paradox

Afghanistan lies at the junction of the three Asias - West, Central, and South. It thus becomes an inevitable part of any efforts aimed at generating...

01.06.2024 70

The Nation

Imran Malik

Of Political Titans and Pygmies

Pakistan is going through tor­rid times, the likes of which are rare even in its notorious­ly chequered, tumultuous his­tory. It suffers...

18.05.2024 100

The Nation

Imran Malik

Iran, The Designated Threat

The Greater Middle East Region (GMER) is of core, vital interest to the US-led West. It is sustaining its iron grip on it through widespread military...

03.05.2024 80

The Nation

Imran Malik

The Escalating Nature of Threat

India’s strong economy readily supports the BJP government’s frantic undertakings to enhance its military prowess. The intention is to deter China...

19.04.2024 40

The Nation

Imran Malik

The Escalating Nature of Threat

The global geostrategic environment is in a state of constant flux. Unrelenting Sino-US rivalry has further exacerbated its imperatives. Its ripple...

17.04.2024 40

The Nation

Imran Malik

Perimeters of Security

Afghanistan can be aptly de­scribed as Terrorism Central of the world. Most major terrorist activities emanate from here. Some of the most ferocious,...

30.03.2024 60

The Nation

Imran Malik

Role Reversal

The genocide of the Palestin­ians in Gaza continues un­abated. The US-led West has come out in full, unqualified sup­port of Israel and its deadly...

17.03.2024 60

The Nation

Imran Malik

The New Normal

Pakistan finds itself in an ex­tremely volatile, hostile region. Apart from China, its relations with its other three neighbors always seem to totter...

02.03.2024 40

The Nation

Imran Malik

The Healing Touch

Elections-2024, flawed as they were, have been remarkable for a number of diverse reasons. Most importantly, these elections have her­alded a...

20.02.2024 20

The Nation

Imran Malik

Democracy at Crossroads

Abraham Lincoln famously de­scribed democracy as govern­ment of the people, by the people for the people. However, this definition is totally at...

05.02.2024 100

The Nation

Imran Malik

Morality and Justice

It was a great sage who once said, se­lective morality is worse than no mo­rality at all”. This has acquired the sta­tus of an undeniable...

20.01.2024 50

The Nation

Imran Malik

Political Insanity

04.01.2024 40

The Nation

Imran Malik

Political Insanity - PART-I

29.12.2023 20

The Nation

Imran Malik

The War in Gaza

The Israeli military campaign into Gaza appears to be a rather knee-jerk reaction to the 7 October 23 Hamas raids into Israel. Its desired end state...

16.12.2023 90

The Nation

Imran Malik
