Yoana Gonen

Yoana Gonen


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Like Every Populist Government, Israel's Evades Responsibility by Denying Reality

Anyone who still finds it hard to understand how we've reached the point where the State of Israel is collapsing and crashing while the people who are...

24.06.2024 30


Yoana Gonen

Israel Is Blind to Rafah's Inferno, but Its Own Ruin Is Entwined With Gaza's

The sights from the explosion of the displaced persons camp in Rafah this week were horrifying, even for a war that is providing more and more...

30.05.2024 100


Yoana Gonen

Israelis Ratchet Up the Protests Against Netanyahu and His Gaslighting Lackeys

Our relationship with the ruling party is an abusive one. That's why it isn't surprising that its senior members and its henchmen are so enamored of...

04.04.2024 10


Yoana Gonen

Benny Gantz Is Netanyahu's Enabler and Israel's Tranquilizer-in-chief

Many years and dozens of election campaigns ago – in other words, in March 2019 – the Kahol Lavan party, headed by Benny Gantz, ran under the...

22.02.2024 30


Yoana Gonen

Israelis' Ire at Netanyahu's Obtuse, Corrupt Government Is About to Boil Over

"Get out of your homes, get out of your slumber, get out of your fears! I'm Roni, I lost a brother on October 7, and I won't give up. I won't give up...

25.01.2024 40


Yoana Gonen

In Israel, Far-right Fantasies of Genocide Distract From Gaza's True Catastrophe

Since the publication of the petition filed by South Africa to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the public discussion in Israel has...

13.01.2024 10


Yoana Gonen

Netanyahu's 'Gantz Will Establish a Palestinian State' Campaign

In the past week or two, it seems that some color has returned to Benjamin Netanyahu's cheeks, beneath the heavy layers of makeup. Like a dark version...

16.12.2023 10


Yoana Gonen
