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IDF says it hit significant Hezbollah site deep in Lebanon; drone downed near Haifa

Source in terror group says three members killed in attack in Hermel District, near Syria border; Israel indicates strike in response to drone...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

Hamas commander among four Palestinians killed in West Bank clash

Israel says Border Police officers fired on car that tried to ram them as Hamas members sought to evade arrest raid in Ramallah-area village...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

UN Security Council adopts motion urging Hamas to accept Israeli hostage-truce offer

Terror group welcomes resolution even though it has yet to accept proposal; Israel avoids publicly voicing opposition to initiative after coming...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Creación de nuevo sindicato en Puerto Coronel enfrenta conflictos entre administración y trabajadores eventuales

La administración del terminal chileno Puerto Coronel y los trabajadores eventuales siguen enfrentados por el diseño de las cuadrillas que han...


América Economía

América Economía

Congreso partidario de facción del MAS ratifica a Evo Morales como candidato a la presidencia de Bolivia

El encuentro nacional de la facción evista del Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) emitió 15 resoluciones. Ratificó a su líder, Evo Morales, como...


América Economía

América Economía

Industria automotriz de México prevé comercialización de 1,5 millones de vehículos al cierre de 2024

Derivado de una mayor competencia, reducción de precios y confianza de los consumidores, la industria automotriz en México prevé superar la...


América Economía

América Economía

Krealo, CVC del grupo Credicorp, invierte en startup chilena Shinkansen para impulsar ecosistema fintech

Krealo, el Corporate Venture Capital del Grupo Credicorp, anunció su inversión en Shinkansen, una startup chilena que automatiza transacciones de...


América Economía

América Economía

Loving the Convert


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Kenneth Cohen

Are We Having Fun Yet?

The healing power of play.


Psychology Today

Mike Verano Lpc

EDITORIAL: Israel’s hostage rescue shows callous lack of respect for lives

It is distressing to think of the many lives that would not have been unjustly taken as a result of Israel's hostage rescue operation if cease-fire...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

VOX POPULI: Trash balloons from N. Korea bizarre reminder of World War II

From autumn to early spring, strong westerly winds blow in the skies over Japan. During World War II, this gave the former Imperial Japanese Army...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

Shavuot – Zeman Matan Torah- The Source of Our Survival


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Michel M.j. Shore

Counting the days


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Vicki Cabot

An Open Letter to University Professors


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Stephanie Z. Bonder

Rethinking the Language of Cancer: Lessons from Laura

Talking about someone who "lost" their "battle" with cancer.


Psychology Today

Stephen Camarata Ph.d

(POGLED) Sindikati lahko porazijo evropsko skrajno desnico

Sindikati v Španiji Epa V nadaljevanju preberite: - Sindikati lahko evropskim skrajnežem preprečijo, da še bolj utrdijo svoj položaj. Raziskave...



Oliver Roethig

America’s Debt Is Both Sustainable and a Problem

LONDON – One of the more amusing exercises on the economic calendar is the International Monetary Fund’s annual review of the United States. Yet...


Project Syndicate

Barry Eichengreen

The enduring influence of Europe's far right

Jan-Werner Mueller PARIS – An all-too-familiar specter is haunting Europe, one that reliably appears every five years. As citizens head to the...


The Korea Times

Jan-Werner Mueller

US-NK Singapore Summit, 6 years on

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the historic 2018 Singapore Summit between former U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim...


The Korea Times

Mason Richey

The U.S. debate over China policy intensifies

While there is a pretty solid consensus in the United States about how to think about China — a view that is spreading throughout the developed...


The Japan Times

Brad Glosserman

Japan-style fixation on population decline won't help China


Nikkei Asian Review

Stefan Angrick

After EU loss, Macron bets on snap elections in France

French President Emmanuel Macron has called parliamentary elections at the very moment he looks weakest. He could regain ground — or simply open...


Deutsche Welle

Ella Joyner

India: Is Modi's coalition at risk from within?

After failing to secure an outright majority in India's general elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will now be forced to rely on allies in...


Deutsche Welle

Murali Krishnan

Migrants turn to Mauritania as new EU transit route

Thousands of Africans continue to try to reach Europe either over the Sahara Desert or by sea, facing inhumane conditions. The EU wants to...


Deutsche Welle

Anne-Fleur Lespiaut

A fractured majority will decide European leadership: ‘We all have an interest in stability’

Analysis. All the first statements of the leading candidates spoke about a very familiar majority, starting with Ursula von der Leyen, who stressed...


Il Manifesto Global

Andrea Valdambrini

Do plants have minds?

Gustav Theodor Fechner championed the idea that plants have souls – something we might call ‘consciousness’ today. I first learned of him in...



Rachael Petersen

العلاقات الإماراتية – الأردنية.. نموذج يحتذى به في الأخوة والتعاون

تتجلى العلاقات الإماراتية - الأردنية كأحد النماذج المثالية في التعاون العربي...


العين الإخبارية

د. أشرف الراعي

مقامرة ماكرون.. جائزة بوتين

في خطوة غير متوقعة وربما يائسة، قرر الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون الدعوة إلى...


العين الإخبارية

هاني سالم مسهور

الذكاء الاصطناعي بين الأخلاق والقانون

Artificial intelligence ethics and law في ظل التطورات المتسارعة في تكنولوجيا الذكاء الاصطناعي...


العين الإخبارية

د. نضال محمد الطنيجي

الساحل الأفريقي.. استراتيجية متعددة الأبعاد لمجابهة التحديات

تلعب منطقة الساحل الأفريقي، دوراً محورياً في الاستراتيجيات الأمنية، والتنموية...


العين الإخبارية

علاء الدين حافظ

High Court orders state to demonstrate aid supply to Gaza is sufficient

Justices accept request for interim orders in petitions alleging Israel isn’t doing enough to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Strip, give...


The Times of Israel

Jeremy Sharon

Blinken discusses hostage proposal, ‘day after’ Gaza war in meeting with Netanyahu

Secretary of state tells PM that US committed to ‘ensuring October 7 can never be repeated’; in talks with Gallant, Blinken stresses ‘onus’ on...


The Times of Israel

Lazar Berman

Knesset approves revival of ultra-Orthodox enlistment bill; Gallant votes against

Opposition rails at coalition for advancing measure, slams government for promoting exemptions to military service amid war; several Likud MKs hint...


The Times of Israel

Sam Sokol

Knesset votes in favor of reviving Haredi enlistment bill; Gallant votes against

Hezbollah source tells AFP that 3 members of terror group killed in alleged Israeli strike on tanker convoy in northeast Lebanon, some 120...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Cyber Defense: System to Protect Infrastructure Must Be Developed

Editorial 15:00 JST, June 10, 2024 There is no end to the cyber-attacks targeting not only government organizations but also infrastructure such...


The Japan News

The Japan News Editorial

Argentine actor convicted of rape in landmark MeToo case

Juan Darthés has been sentenced to six years in prison by the Brazilian judiciary for raping fellow actor Thelma Fardin in 2009. She was 16 and he...


Buenos Aires Herald

Valen Iricibar

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez slams antisemitism on left, but says term ‘weaponized’

In talks about anti-Jewish bigotry in the pro-Palestinian movement, Democratic congresswoman says progressive movement is ‘undermined’ when the...


The Times of Israel

Luke Tress

A Few Ultranationalist Hooligans Ruin a Once-meaningful Jerusalem Day Parade

As a proud Jerusalemite who repeatedly chooses to stay and live in this city, someone who celebrates the liberation of the Old City, I am becoming...



Akiva Novick

The Real Meaning of Orpheus and Eurydice

A psychiatrist and philosopher interprets the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.


Psychology Today

Neel Burton M.d

Do You Get Triggered and Do Things You Later Regret?

Here are tips on how to avoid ruining relationships because you took offense.


Psychology Today

Elinor Greenberg Ph.d

Beyond Neuroplasticity

Our brains are much more adaptive and complex than we previously imagined.


Psychology Today

Steven A Hassan Phd

Like Sri Lanka once did, Israel has turned ‘safe zones’ into killing fields

While our eyes were on Rafah’s “Block 2371” – the small area in south Gaza which the Israeli military designated as a “safe humanitarian...


Al Jazeera

Neve Gordon

There is still time to save the people of Sudan


Middle East Monitor

Dr Shafie Khader Saeed

America’s Fortress Ukraine Does Not Have a Roof: Definitely NO Flying Maginot Line

It has finally come to the attention of Ukraine’s western masters that, to paraphrase a quote from WW2 about Hitler’s Atlantic wall, “NATO only...


New Eastern Outlook

Seth Ferris

Volitve niso stvar čustev, so stvar razuma

Interpretacije evropskih volitev so v polnem teku, čeprav razkrivajo nekaj neovrgljivih dejstev. Med temi je prvo, da je bila slovenska volilna...



Tanja Lesničar Pučko

India's coalition crisis: Modi's allies pose risk

Following the 2024 general elections, Narendra Modi's coalition in India faces internal strife as allies demand concessions. The BJP needs to...


Deutsche Welle

Murali Krishnan

China's electric vehicle makers face uphill battle in Europe

China has been accused of dumping cheap electric cars on EU countries. But poor sales, price wars and tariff threats have prompted a mood change...


Deutsche Welle

Nik Martin

Daily Briefing June 11: Day 249 – Blinken meets with PM, hostage families in push for deal

Political correspondent Tal Schneider discusses details of proposed hostage deal and PMO denial, Blinken visit, Gantz quitting and ultra-Orthodox...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Four troops killed in booby-trapped building as fighting rages in Rafah, central Gaza

Seven others injured, including five seriously in explosion; IDF says tunnel shaft uncovered below the southern Gaza home indicates it belonged to...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

On a Greek isle, Gazans who fled before October 7 seesaw between hardship and hope

Palestinians were among the largest groups fleeing to Europe before the war. Now, more may be clamoring to leave as the EU eases their way, but...


The Times of Israel

Eliyahu Freedman
