Adrian Wooldridge

Adrian Wooldridge


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While Tories Fall Apart, Lib Dems Are Here for the Ride

In the spirit of our sound-bite age, I hereby summarize the main parties’ campaigns in a single word for each. For the Tories, it’s...

12.06.2024 4


Adrian Wooldridge

Tories Pay the Price for the Harms of Brexit

This is part of a series on what 14 years of Tory rule have delivered for Britain’s economy, society and standing in the world. The challenges...

11.06.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

Falling UK Crime Rates Hide a More Complicated Story

This is part of a series on what 14 years of Tory rule have delivered for Britain’s economy, society and standing in the world. The challenges...

08.06.2024 20


Adrian Wooldridge

Rishi Sunak Won the Debate — For What It’s Worth

Tuesday was Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s first good day since the start of the election campaign. A snap poll by YouGov after the ITV leaders’...

05.06.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

The Return of Nigel Farage Is the UK's Worst Nightmare

Rishi Sunak’s bed of nails just got a lot more uncomfortable. The prime minister’s electoral strategy has focused on consolidating the...

04.06.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

Rishi Sunak Squandered the One Big Advantage He Had

Perhaps the most significant advantage that a ruling party has under the current British political system is the ability to decide the timing of the...

31.05.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

Sunak’s Mandatory National Service Is Common Sense

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said, “all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it...

29.05.2024 30


Adrian Wooldridge

War Is at the Heart of the UK’s Summer Election

Rishi Sunak’s election announcement on Wednesday afternoon was such a farce that people could be forgiven for ignoring what he said. The rain gave...

24.05.2024 30


Adrian Wooldridge

Sunak’s Call for a July 4 Election Puts the Tories Out of Their Misery

A British general election on July 4th almost certainly means the end of 14 years of Tory rule. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has finally put the...

22.05.2024 20


Adrian Wooldridge

‘Emerging Markets’ Offers More Hope Than ‘Global South’

At a recent conference, I was politely told off for using the term “emerging markets.” These days, I was informed, “we prefer” the “Global...

22.05.2024 50


Adrian Wooldridge

From Lego to McKinsey, Distracted Managing Can Kill Companies

If the best management minds agree on anything, it is the importance of corporate focus. Peter Drucker repeatedly argued that deciding what not to...

15.05.2024 50


Adrian Wooldridge

Woe Is Rishi Sunak, Leader of a Broken Tory Party

The one thing that a divided Britain can agree upon is that Rishi Sunak is a disappointment. The Labour Party accuses him of clinging onto power...

10.05.2024 20


Adrian Wooldridge

Progressives Forget Their Free-Trade Heritage at Own Peril

The most striking change in economic thinking on the mainstream left is the end of its romance with free trade. Bill Clinton and Tony Blair believed...

08.05.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

B-School Blather Can’t Beat Real-World CEO Know-How

Management theory is in a dismal state. The theory that dominated business thinking from the late 1970s onwards — call it neo-liberalism for short...

01.05.2024 50


Adrian Wooldridge

Frank Field Showed How Politicians Ought to Contribute

Who doesn’t think politicians are a worthless lot? Ministers talk in a mixture of management speak and focus-group cliche (“I hear what you’re...

25.04.2024 40


Adrian Wooldridge

The Emerging Geostrategy Industrial Complex Is a Win-Win

The Greentree Estate in Manhasset, Long Island, is a strange mashup of Edith Wharton and Ian Fleming. The big house, one of the ancestral piles of the...

24.04.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

How ‘Shareholder Value’ Became a Wall Street Mantra

Michael Jensen, who died on April 2, did as much as any single thinker to shape modern financial capitalism, particularly as it is practiced in the...

09.04.2024 9


Adrian Wooldridge

Dune 2 Predicts the Future Better than Fukuyama

There are lots of reasons to praise Dune 2. The cinematography is superb (see it in an IMAX if you can). The music is mesmerizing. Austin Butler’s...

06.04.2024 20


Adrian Wooldridge

In US Antitrust War, Bet on Brandeis Not Bork

These are boom times for antitrust lawyers. Not only is the volume of high-paying work exploding. On March 21, the Department of Justice added Apple...

27.03.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

Britain Is a Big Tent, Not a Narrow Tabernacle

Britain is an ethnic assimilation superpower. You could call it a diversity royal flush. With the ascension of Zambian-born Vaughan Gething as Welsh...

22.03.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

CEOs Rarely Win in the Game of Geopolitics

By tradition, broadsheet newspapers put political stories, domestic and foreign, in the front half of the paper and business and finance stories in...

20.03.2024 6


Adrian Wooldridge

The Epidemic of ‘Overwork’ Is a Dangerous Illusion

You have to admire how much hard work is going into persuading us that we work too hard. Malissa Clark of Georgia Tech has recently added a new book, ...

13.03.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

A Mundane UK Government Just Might Be the Right Prescription

Sometimes popular metaphors can be utterly misleading. Journalists routinely write about the relationship between Labour and business in terms of a...

12.03.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

Big Business Is Facing a Big Idea Drought

Management advice is one of the world’s most successful industries. Business schools have turned into the training ground of the new elite....

05.03.2024 6


Adrian Wooldridge

Has the UK Learned Nothing From Brexit?

Britain has seldom been friendly to second acts in life, particularly from politicians, but it is witnessing two very remarkable ones at the moment....

29.02.2024 6


Adrian Wooldridge

Labour Is Making a Mess of Its Chance to Govern

Tragedy or farce? It’s hard to decide which word gives the best flavor of British politics at the moment. Britain has to have an election before the...

15.02.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

It’s Time to Celebrate the Nanny State, Not Apologize For It

The phrase “nanny state” used to be one of those automatic argument-winners, like “freedom and democracy” and “you sound like Hitler.”...

05.02.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

CEOs Should Think Twice About Transparency

Business is under intense pressure to embrace social responsibility. Asset managers allocate billions on the basis of “ESG” (environmental, social...

31.01.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

Tories Are Doing Everything They Can to Lose Next Election

On Jan. 15, the head of the Conservative Party’s election campaign, Isaac Levido, delivered a stark warning to backbench Tory MPs: Divided parties...

25.01.2024 9


Adrian Wooldridge

Family Companies Are Experiencing Heir Loss

Family companies are the hidden engines of the global economy. More than 90% of all companies are family companies. These include many of the...

24.01.2024 10


Adrian Wooldridge

You’re All Paying Attention to the Wrong Davos

It’s that time of the year again — when educated people everywhere take a break from the office, disconnect their electronic devices and reread...

19.01.2024 20


Adrian Wooldridge

The UK Post Office Scandal Is a Cautionary Global Tale

The United Kingdom’s Post Office debacle, which continues to dominate British politics despite military action against Houthi terrorists, is...

17.01.2024 4


Adrian Wooldridge

Who You Gonna Call Now That Kissinger’s Gone?

The death of Henry Kissinger last November created the world’s most exclusive job vacancy: that of wise man to the world. When he left his job as...

09.01.2024 5


Adrian Wooldridge

The Trump Comet and Four More 2024 Predictions

The end of win-win. In recent years, businesses have been shaped by the beguiling mantra of “win-win.” When confronted with any difficult choice...

02.01.2024 6


Adrian Wooldridge

Slim Pickings for the Best Business Books of the Year

This has not been a bumper year for business books. The biggest sellers have been unsatisfactory biographies. Walter Isaacson’s Elon Musk told the...

29.12.2023 30


Adrian Wooldridge

The West Has a Bad Case of Temporal Whiplash

Something odd is happening to the world’s most valuable resource. Time is simultaneously speeding up and slowing down. We live in a world of instant...

26.12.2023 5


Adrian Wooldridge
