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Haredi ministers voice support for Gaza hostage deal, following far-right opposition

UTJ, Shas members respond to hostage families’ calls to free their loved ones; Goldknopf: Party will back any deal that releases captives;...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Daily Briefing June 4: Day 242 – Will the deaths of four hostages push PM to a deal?

Political correspondent Tal Schneider talks about possible hostage deal as Diaspora reporter Canaan Lidor looks at Mexico’s new Jewish president...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Gynecologist to be indicted following accusations he sexually abused patients

Move to charge Guy Rofe comes after one of many complainants expressed outrage upon hearing doctor planned to open new clinic despite multiple...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Police arrest officials in Rehovot, Ashkelon amid multi-city graft probe

Investigation started 2 weeks ago with arrest of 13 Tel Aviv city hall employees; police suspect they took bribes in return for help in securing...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

IDF says it killed 2 West Bank gunmen who were planning to fire at Israeli towns

In crackdown, troops ambush terror suspects near Tulkarem, seize rifle they brought to use in attack; armed Palestinian suspect killed in earlier...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

‘A nightmare’: North cries out for action amid widespread fires sparked by Hezbollah

Opposition lawmakers pan ‘weak’ government as fires burn for over a day across swaths of territory; far-right ministers say Lebanon should...


The Times of Israel

Stuart Winer

Hostages’ families share favorite Shavuot recipes as they hold out hope for loved ones

Hostages forum releases cookbook ‘Shavuot of Longing, Their Recipes on Our Table,’ as part of fundraising efforts to secure the freedom of those...


The Times of Israel

Jessica Steinberg

After Oct. 7, UK journalist Hadley Freeman believes ‘the progressive left hates Jews’

The New York-born writer comes out with a new essay on the antisemitism emerging after the Hamas atrocities in Israel, and how it’s rooted in a...


The Times of Israel

Robert Philpot

Let’s talk about empathy


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Rachel Lester

Ambassador Emanuel can deepen Japan-U.S. defense cooperation

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel has a reputation for getting what he wants. As a former White House staffer and politician who operated at...


The Japan Times

Masashi Murano And Timothy A. Walton

Old and New Lessons from the Ukraine War


Project Syndicate

Joseph S. Nye

Ukraine and its allies need a new strategy. Here’s a start.

Ukraine’s allies need to radically rethink their approach to this devastated nation’s defense. That means delivering more weapons and ammunition,...


The Japan Times

Marc Champion

Ming vase politics: UK Labour and purging the Corbynistas


Middle East Monitor

Dr Binoy Kampmark

The global economy is more fragile than it seems

Today’s economic outlook is strangely contradictory. While global markets, led by technology and energy, have been ebullient over high short-term...


The Japan Times

Bertrand Badre And Yves Tiberghien

China's steelmakers are making real progress in reducing emissions


Nikkei Asian Review

Rag Udd

Is Israel a US Asset in the Middle East?

The United States has always been a supporter of Israel in the Middle East since the latter’s creation. The United States has always seen Israel...


New Eastern Outlook

Abbas Hashemite

Germany faces flood emergency in Danube River region

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has traveled to the southern German town of Reichertshofen in Bavaria to see the tense flood situation firsthand. Amid...


Deutsche Welle

Oliver Pieper

Getting past ‘it’s IBS’

In the late 1980s, aged 12, Taryn was taken to her doctor’s office with cramping, bloating, and constipation after eating, and was told that she had...



Xi Chen

Saudi Arabia largely removes negative portrayal of Israel from its school curriculum

In marked shift from the past, Saudi textbooks no longer define Zionism as ‘racist,’ indicating progress towards a ‘warm peace’ such as that...


The Times of Israel

Gianluca Pacchiani

Xóchitl Gálvez impugnará resultados de las elecciones mexicanas ante acusaciones de interferencia estatal

La excandidata a la Presidencia de la coalición Fuerza y Corazón por México, Xóchitl Gálvez, anunció que presentará impugnaciones debido al...


América Economía

América Economía

The Beast Within Men

Lessons from the story of Iron John on harnessing your inner power.


Psychology Today

Mark Shelvock Rp

The Art of Navigating Unfairness

Personal Perspective: Finding peace in a chaotic world.


Psychology Today

Robert Puff Ph.d

3 Hard Truths about Dating

Having realistic expectations will make dating much easier.


Psychology Today

Caitlin Cantor Lcsw

Vancouver comics festival apologizes for excluding Jewish artist who served in IDF

After backlash, VanCAF says ‘the vast majority’ of board members involved in decision to ban Miriam Libicki have resigned


The Times of Israel

Andrew Lapin

Interfaith ‘march for peace’ held in capital, in counter to Jerusalem Day Flag March

Decrying use of religious rhetoric to promote war, liberal religious leaders of Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze faith say event sends message of...


The Times of Israel

Charlie Summers

After Psychosis, Friendships Can Help Save Lives

You don't have to be a mental health professional to show support.


Psychology Today

Jennifer Gerlach Lcsw

Childhood Trauma Adaptations: Superpower and Kryptonite

Explore the positive and negative aspects of childhood trauma adaptations.


Psychology Today

Annie Wright Lmft

Suffering in Silence? Time to Get Loud About Pain During Sex

When our pain is dismissed by those around us, we might learn to dismiss it ourselves.


Psychology Today

Laura Federico

5 Signs You Have a Healthy Relationship With Your Emotions

You may be treating your feelings worse than you would ever treat a friend's.


Psychology Today

Jonice Webb Ph.d

When a Good Friend Stops Speaking to You

A five-step script for repairing any breakdown in communication.


Psychology Today

David Evans

Mental Health, Violence, and Heat Waves

Prevention is better than a cure.


Psychology Today

Ilan Kelman Ph.d

What Comes After Neoliberalism?


Project Syndicate

Ps Commentators

Egypt and Israel border tension must be calculated and controlled 


Middle East Monitor

Mahmoud Hassan

Famine and the rising death toll in Gaza


Middle East Monitor

Wafa Aludaini

South Africa: ANC eyes potential coalition partners

Informal talks between South African party bigwigs are underway in an effort to form a governing alliance following last week's election. DW asked...


Deutsche Welle

Okeri Ngutjinazo

Freedom of the Seas Requires US Leadership

U.S.-led Freedom of Navigation operations have dropped off in the South China Sea, at the same time as China has intensified its coercive actions...


The Diplomat

David F. Lasseter

Man sentenced to 18 years in prison for parking dispute homicide

Victor Katan, 79, to begin his sentence in July, as his public defender prepares an appeal; court also orders him pay $70,000 to family of his...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

After year and a half, Smotrich names new head of capital markets regulator

Finance minister selects Amit Gal, who has served as acting chief of the capital markets and savings authority since October 2022, to oversee NIS...


The Times of Israel

Sharon Wrobel

Lonely In Sex? Examine Your Sexual Assumptions First

Your sexual assumptions may be creating distance instead of connection.


Psychology Today

Chelom E. Leavitt

What to Do When Weaponized Stories Come Flying at Us

What is an "influence operation kill chain”?


Psychology Today

Glenn C. Altschuler Ph.d

What the Weimar Triangle Could Do for Europe

BERLIN – In his speech at the Sorbonne in April, and again on his state visit to Germany in late May, French President Emmanuel Macron warned...


Project Syndicate

Mark Leonard

Difficult times await Iran

On May 19, 2024, a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and other Iranian...


New Eastern Outlook

Viktor Mikhin

Fires rage overnight across north after Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks

11 treated for smoke inhalation as firefighting service says more than 30 crews battling blazes that began over half a day earlier; at least one...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Protesters block Tel Aviv highway, urging hostage deal after 4 captives declared dead

Daughter-in-law of dead hostage: The blood is on hands of Netanyahu, government; activists light bonfire after midnight in spontaneous rally after...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

US submits UN Security Council resolution expressing support for latest Gaza deal

Noting Shavuot, PM’s office denies Netanyahu will address US Congress on June 13 * San Francisco police say 70 arrested for occupying lobby of...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Anti-Israel graffiti on U of Michigan regent’s law office being probed as hate crime

‘This is done as a message to scare Jews,’ says Jordan Acker, who along with other members of university board has recently been targeted by...


The Times of Israel


Biden says Israel ready to advance deal, urges Qatari pressure on Hamas to agree

Israeli officials accuse PM of harming talks with comments that push Hamas to ask for clarity about clauses that were kept ambiguous so the sides...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

At least 12 arrested in Baghdad after riot at KFC over Israel-Hamas war

It is at least the third attack on Iraqi capital’s KFC restaurants in two weeks; local Iran-backed militia Kataeb Hezbollah calls on Iraqis to...


The Times of Israel


Israel innovation head urges state to insist on stimulus for vital tech industry

More funds needed in 2025 to stimulate investment and protect resilience of tech sector, the main growth engine of Israel’s war-battered economy,...


The Times of Israel

Sharon Wrobel

War and airline cancellations didn’t stop a Chicago Jewish day school’s Israel trip

Even after employing a backup plan, only a frantic last-minute effort keeps a post-Oct. 7 CJDS mission to the Holy Land from going off the rails


The Times of Israel

Jacob Gurvis
