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Visualize Your Perfect Day to Make It Come True

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The other day, someone asked me to describe my perfect day. To inspire you to think about your perfect day, here is a little snapshot of mine.

I wake up naturally just before dawn. As I open my eyes, I can see the sun slowly starting to make its way in. Still lying in bed, I hear our pup Bond snoring. I know the minute I step out of bed onto the old, creaky floorboards of our converted barn, he will be wide awake. I lie in bed for a moment enjoying the calm. Then, I get up and get dressed. As I make my way down from our first-floor bedroom, Bond is waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I greet him with a smile and a cuddle. He returns the greeting with a lot of tail wagging and enthusiastic face licks. That is my morning face wash complete.

I pull on my hat, jacket, and waterproof hiking boots. I grab the leash and we make our way outside. It's a beautiful, frosty, autumn morning. As we go for our usual walk around the local vines and forests, the sun starts to make its way up. We stop to admire it in the usual spot........

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