Guest Column: Black voters aren't buying Trump's racial pandering
Being the ever-menacing carnival barker that he is, former president Donald Trump said the four criminal cases he faces have garnered him significant support from Black voters.
Why? He claims due to the historic injustices Black Americans have endured at the hands of the criminal justice system, they can identify with his legal dilemma.
“I think that’s why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what’s happening to me happens to them. Does that make sense?” Trump said at the Black Conservative Federation Gala in Columbia, South Carolina.
During his speech, he further commented that Black voters had warmed to him “because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing.”
Continuing his barrage of dishonest and racially-offensive rhetoric, he stated, “The lights are so bright in my eyes that I can’t see too many people out there.” To laughter from the audience, Trump continued, “But I can only see the Black........
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