Zahid Hussain

Zahid Hussain


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Fallacy of digital terrorism

AFTER months of silence, we heard from the military’s spokesperson. The televised presser was supposed to be a briefing on counterterrorism efforts...

wednesday 300


Zahid Hussain

Shadow of authoritarianism

IT is a desperate move that may bring down the entire edifice. The plan to ban the most popular political party in the country is the most senseless,...

17.07.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

Pakistan must review its reckless policy of expelling Afghan refugees Amid international outcry over forced expulsions, Pakistan has decided to grant a one-year extension in the stay of...

12.07.2024 80

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Targeting upright judges

IT can’t get more sordid than this. The judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) who dared to speak out against the interference of intelligence...

10.07.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

The budget and after

THE banker-turned-finance minister appeared nonplussed as he responded to the questions on Budget 2024-2025 that has burdened the already weighed-down...

03.07.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

Fighting terrorism

YET another counterterrorism (CT) campaign is being launched which promises to eradicate all forms of extremism and violent militancy in the country...

26.06.2024 400


Zahid Hussain

Can the Gaza ceasefire work?

NINE months into Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza, the UN Security Council has finally endorsed a ceasefire plan that promises to end hostilities in...

12.06.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

Can the ceasefire work?

NINE months into Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza, the UN Security Council has finally endorsed a ceasefire plan that promises to end hostilities in...

12.06.2024 80


Zahid Hussain

Modi’s weakened third government remains bad omen for Pak-India relations It has been a pyrrhic victory for India’s Narendra Modi who is now elected for a record three consecutive terms as prime...

09.06.2024 60

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Weaker but still lethal

THE return of Narendra Modi as prime minister for a third term was foretold, but many doubted a landslide victory for his party. While they may be...

05.06.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

Case of the missing poet

YET another case of alleged enforced disappearance has demonstrated the impunity granted to certain forces in the country, which consider themselves...

29.05.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

A state of chaos

MORE than two months after taking power, the Shehbaz Sharif government has yet to find its moorings. It is like a rudderless ship with many helmsmen...

22.05.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

Unending genocidal war

DEFYING international pressure, Israel has begun its long-threatened military assault in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. It is speeding up the...

15.05.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

A third Modi term will forever change India’s secular identity Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bid for a third five-year term is pivoted around his campaign against religious...

08.05.2024 100

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

The Dar story continues

WITH his appointment as deputy prime minister, Ishaq Dar’s shadow has come to loom larger than ever over the present dispensation. He now virtually...

01.05.2024 100


Zahid Hussain

The fissures within

THERE was nothing surprising about the by-election results. The ruling PML-N won the majority of the National Assembly and provincial assemblies’...

24.04.2024 100


Zahid Hussain

The growing economic dimension of the Pakistan-Saudi strategic relationship Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have long been tied in a strategic partnership that has now taken an economic dimension too. Saudi...

22.04.2024 60

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

The risk of escalation

AN eerie calm prevails after Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel. Tehran fired hundreds of drones and missiles at Israeli territory in...

17.04.2024 100


Zahid Hussain

Complicit in genocide

NICARAGUA has gone to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with a complaint against Germany for “facilitating the commission of genocide”...

10.04.2024 100


Zahid Hussain

In Pakistan, target killings of Chinese nationals carry geopolitical implications In yet another occurrence of the targeted killing of Chinese nationals in Pakistan, questions are raised about grave...

09.04.2024 50

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

The judges have spoken

THE rot is much deeper than it seems. What the six brave judges of the Islamabad High Court have penned is just the tip of the iceberg. The shadow of...

03.04.2024 100


Zahid Hussain

Global terrorist threat

THE deadly attack on a concert hall in Moscow last week, which left around 140 people dead, marks the expansion in the terrorist operations of the...

27.03.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

Pakistan’s new government must tread cautious path dealing with cross-border militancy There was a virtual sense of jubilation among those in power in Islamabad when the Taliban returned to power after the end...

25.03.2024 70

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Targeting militant sanctuaries

THE long-simmering tension between the two countries now threatens to escalate into a full-blown conflict after Pakistan’s latest air strike on...

20.03.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

Of old and new faces

THE scene appeared surreal as Asif Ali Zardari took oath as president just a few days after Shehbaz Sharif returned as the country’s prime minister....

13.03.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

The man, the controversy, the resurrection: Zardari’s return as Pakistan’s president Asif Ali Zardari has made history by being the only Pakistani political leader to be elected president for the second time....

10.03.2024 20

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain


Asif Ali Zardari epitomises the perpetual ironies of Pakistani politics. For the past three decades, he has alternated between prison and power. ...

10.03.2024 200

Dawn (Magazines)

Zahid Hussain

The second coming

THE newly elected prime minister has set an ambitious target for his minority government propped up by half a dozen disparate groups. He vows to steer...

06.03.2024 100


Zahid Hussain

Will We Ever See An End To Corporate Greed?

In free market economies, the corporate sector routinely lobbies the governments to create an environment conducive to business growth. The premise is...

29.02.2024 50

The Friday Times

Zahid Hussain

Sharif dynasty’s new face

SHE had long been groomed as heir apparent to the country’s most prominent political dynasty and her election as Punjab’s chief minister this week...

28.02.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

The new old order: Pakistan’s prospects for political stability are grim Pakistan will have a new government in place by the end of the month following a controversial election that has...

26.02.2024 40

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Hybrid rule 3.0?

IT is a right royal mess that is hard to clean up. A hung parliament through a controversial election has pushed the country deeper into the mire. It...

21.02.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

Polls and their aftermath

IT was perhaps the most consequential election in Pakistan’s recent history. Defying all odds, the voters turned out in record numbers. They have...

14.02.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

The disastrous political fallout of Pakistan’s questionable electoral legitimacy Marred by allegations of rigging, Pakistan’s election has produced no clear winner deepening the country’s political...

12.02.2024 90

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Paradox of Election 2024

PAKISTAN goes to the polls today amid despair and uncertainty. For many, the outcome has already been decided, with one of the largest political...

08.02.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

The conviction and after

IN what many would describe as a predetermined verdict, a special court has sentenced former prime minister Imran Khan and his erstwhile foreign...

31.01.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

Pakistan elections: Amid hope and apprehension Pakistan is set to go to polls in less than two weeks amid hope and apprehension about the outcome that will determine the...

29.01.2024 100

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

New power game and polls

LISTENING to the speeches at the hustings, one wonders whether the political leaders vying for power have anything new to offer the electorate. With...

24.01.2024 300


Zahid Hussain

The judgement and after

IT ranks among those inglorious decisions taken by the top court which have been long remembered for breaching democratic norms.The verdict of the...

17.01.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

Brewing Pakistan-Afghanistan tensions are dangerous for regional security There is no sign of a thaw in Islamabad’s relations with the Taliban regime in Kabul despite some diplomatic efforts to...

14.01.2024 50

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Criminal silence over genocide

THE genocide being carried out by Israeli forces in Gaza has entered its fourth month with, on average, a child being killed every 10 minutes and...

10.01.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

Canada-US Trade Partnership: A Model For Pakistan And India

Canada and the United States share the longest land border in the world, about 9,000km long.  There are no walls, fences or barbwires along the...

05.01.2024 90

The Friday Times

Zahid Hussain

The game is on

IT has been a year one would like to forget. But for a country caught in the vortex of volatility, what lies ahead doesn’t look very hopeful either....

03.01.2024 200


Zahid Hussain

The Pakistani state is pushing youth in Balochistan towards militancy A protest march led by a young woman has once again brought Pakistan’s attention to the perennial issue of missing persons...

28.12.2023 70

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

Remembering Benazir

SIXTEEN years ago this day, Benazir Bhutto became the highest-profile victim of terrorism. The wound inflicted by the assassination of one of...

27.12.2023 200


Zahid Hussain

Elections and fair play

THE good news is that the elections will be held on Feb 8. The bad news is that they could end in yet another farce. The Supreme Court’s ruling last...

20.12.2023 200


Zahid Hussain

Colonisation of Kashmir

INDIA’S top court has validated the Narendra Modi government’s 2019 action of stripping India-occupied Kashmir of its semi-autonomous status. The...

13.12.2023 300


Zahid Hussain

Is the Softening of the US’s Support for Israel Possible?

Mr Zahid Hussain is a retired engineer, based in Canada. The United States supported the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. In the early...

11.12.2023 30

Paradigm Shift

Zahid Hussain

The escalation in militant attacks could derail Pakistan’s looming electoral process It has been one of the worst years for Pakistani security forces confronting growing militant threats, while attacks have...

11.12.2023 50

Arab News Pakistan

Zahid Hussain

It is America’s war now

THE UN has warned that “an even more hellish scenario is about to unfold” in Gaza. Israel has now launched its heaviest bombardment yet on the...

06.12.2023 300


Zahid Hussain
