The Big Read

The Big Read

Financial Times

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The relentless rise of second-hand

From Ikea to Vinted, younger consumers are showing a taste for pre-owned clothes and furniture. But can the sector actually make money?

yesterday 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

Iran’s new president wants better ties with the west. Can he succeed?

Masoud Pezeshkian pledged to boost the economy and ease social restrictions. But he faces factional infighting, international scepticism and...

previous day 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

Could T-shirts be the way to industrialise an African nation?

Benin is trying to achieve what few countries on the continent have managed: transform its raw materials into finished goods

thursday 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

Learning to live with 50C temperatures

From Dubai to Mumbai, cities are having to adapt to hotter summers, often exacerbating economic inequality in the process

28.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The Midwest cities in search of new migrants

Although immigration remains hugely controversial, a number of places in Republican-dominated areas are eager for an influx of workers

27.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The inside story of the secret backchannel between the US and China

Top officials Jake Sullivan and Wang Yi met quietly to stabilise relations in ‘cloak and dagger’ summits around the world

26.08.2024 60

Financial Times

The Big Read

Mike Lynch and the tragedy of the Bayesian

Having overcome his legal battles in the US, the Autonomy co-founder lost his life weeks later while celebrating his freedom

23.08.2024 6

Financial Times

The Big Read

Can UK industry make carbon capture work?

The technology offers huge benefits for polluters struggling to reduce emissions and meet climate goals, but it is untested at scale

23.08.2024 40

Financial Times

The Big Read

The global power of Big Agriculture’s lobbying

Behind the public image of farming lies a vast industry adept at securing subsidies and exemptions from environmental measures

22.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The US-backed railway sparking a battle for African copper

Washington’s support for a minerals train connecting the DRC to the Atlantic illustrates its desire to compete with China

21.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The UK skills crisis holding back growth

A well-trained workforce is essential to the economy, but a shortage of alternatives to university means Britain’s young people are falling behind

20.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

Kamala Harris has the momentum. Now comes the real test

The Democratic candidate has overtaken Donald Trump in the polls and managed to rattle him, but the coming weeks will bring bigger hurdles

19.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

Who’s afraid of Elon Musk?

Is the combative entrepreneur fanning the flames of far-right politics or is he just ‘an angry man screaming into a hurricane’?

16.08.2024 9

Financial Times

The Big Read

How Venezuela’s Maduro is clinging on to power

Following his disputed re-election, the president has stepped up repression and shown he is determined to stay in office. Yet the international...

15.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

How Big Tech is quietly trying to reshape how pollution is reported

Critics say a proposed rule change backed by Amazon and Meta could allow large energy users to hide their true emissions

14.08.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

Can Sweden deliver its much hyped green energy boom?

Abundant electricity in the north was supposed to power a new wave of industrialisation. But projects are struggling to scale up

13.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The low-tax countries wooing the world’s wealthy

Countries such as the UK are tightening tax rules for well-off foreigners, while others are competing to offer them a new home

12.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The meaning of the market sell-off

This week’s rout signals the end of post-pandemic stability and the beginning of a new period of unpredictability

09.08.2024 4

Financial Times

The Big Read

How Microsoft spread its bets beyond OpenAI

The tech giant has worked to execute an AI strategy independent of Sam Altman’s start-up following a leadership crisis last year

09.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The Latino swing voters who could decide the US election

A demographic that historically leaned Democrat is slowly drifting to the right. In a tight race, this shift could seal the party’s fate

08.08.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

Can India’s economy thrive without China’s help?

The country’s restrictions on technology and people from its rival risk stifling its ambitions to become a manufacturing superpower

07.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The IEA’s divisive mission to decide the future of oil

The International Energy Agency forecasts that the world will reach peak oil in 2029. Oil companies accuse it of playing climate politics

06.08.2024 8

Financial Times

The Big Read

The battle over who makes the rules for US companies

Lawyers, judges and legislators are locked in a war of words in Delaware, the legal home of more corporations than any other state

05.08.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

America’s long consumer boom begins to falter

Since the pandemic, consumer spending has remained strong. But three months before the election, there are signs that demand is weakening

02.08.2024 8

Financial Times

The Big Read

How medical research is failing women

For years, the process for developing and testing new drugs has focused disproportionately on male bodies — to the detriment of female patients

02.08.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

Can athletics win a big audience outside the Olympics?

The sport has less media coverage and prize money than many rivals. Three new projects are competing to raise its profile beyond the Games

01.08.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

Why investors fell out of love with Ocado

During the pandemic it was seen as a British tech success story. But its progress since has been less convincing

31.07.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The Democrats’ uneasy bargain with Mexico’s López Obrador

The Biden administration needed the Mexican president’s help to reduce migration ahead of the election. Did it give too much in return?

30.07.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

Larry Fink’s stately search for his successors

The head of the giant asset manager has been grooming a new top team for more than a decade. Some worry he is taking too long

29.07.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

How Harris turned the tables on Trump

Many voters had been dreading a rerun of the 2020 election between two ageing men. Now they are being presented with a much sharper contrast

26.07.2024 5

Financial Times

The Big Read

Russia’s surprising consumer spending boom

Heavy government expenditure and labour shortages have led to a sharp rise in real wages and consumption but the economy risks overheating

26.07.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

Will US companies keep faith in the ‘Texas miracle’?

The Lone Star state has attracted hundreds of corporations with its low-tax, light-touch approach, but the strains are starting to show

25.07.2024 50

Financial Times

The Big Read

The dangerous effects of rising sea temperatures

Scientists are increasingly concerned that the world’s oceans are approaching the limits of their capacity to absorb heat

24.07.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The cost of Europe’s backlash against tourists

In Spain, record visitor numbers are provoking protests, but their spending props up the economy. Policymakers are trying to find a balance

23.07.2024 60

Financial Times

The Big Read

Isolated Germany fears a second Trump term

The possibility that a new administration could weaken security guarantees and increase tariffs on US imports is causing angst in Berlin

22.07.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

Has Silicon Valley gone Maga?

Some of America’s wealthiest tech investors have come out for Trump. But most Big Tech leaders are staying silent, for now

19.07.2024 6

Financial Times

The Big Read

How US law firms shook up the UK’s ‘magic circle’

On the coat-tails of a private equity boom, American partnerships are bringing a long-hours, high-pay culture to the City

19.07.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The young investors gambling on Indian stocks

Millions of India’s citizens have piled into shares and options, egged on by online ‘finfluencers’, but regulators are sounding the alarm

18.07.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

What do we gain from going back to the Moon?

Nasa is leading a global race to live and work on the lunar surface. But for all the investment there are no guaranteed rewards

17.07.2024 40

Financial Times

The Big Read

Europe’s rushed attempt to set the rules for AI

The EU says its pioneering legislation will protect humans from AI’s dangers. Critics say it is undercooked and will stifle innovation

16.07.2024 50

Financial Times

The Big Read

Can Xi keep a lid on China’s mounting social strains?

The authorities are increasingly concerned about rises in unemployment, mental illness and crime linked to the economic slowdown

15.07.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

How will Rachel Reeves run the nation’s finances?

The chancellor’s mission to stoke economic growth faces dire headwinds, and might call for harsh trade-offs

12.07.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

The Palestinian Authority’s shrinking influence in the West Bank

Surging settler violence, military raids and economic pressure have further undermined the credibility of the PA leadership

11.07.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

Will shock therapy revive Nigeria’s economy — or sink it further?

President Bola Tinubu says his reforms are necessary to achieve market discipline, but millions could be pushed into poverty in the process

10.07.2024 10

Financial Times

The Big Read

The European country playing off the US, Russia, China and Europe

Serbia is forging close ties with Donald Trump’s team even as it attempts to pursue a middle course in a multipolar world

09.07.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

The age of drone warfare is disrupting the defence industry

Rapidly evolving technology designed by smaller players is challenging the dominance of sluggish industry giants

08.07.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

How Starmer can succeed

The new prime minister will need to use the political capital that comes from a huge majority if he is to keep populism at bay

05.07.2024 3

Financial Times

The Big Read

How the investment world is trying to navigate geopolitics

An industry that has been hoovering up mathematicians to devise new trading strategies is now leaning on political scientists for guidance

05.07.2024 30

Financial Times

The Big Read

How France’s far right cultivated the grassroots to build a national movement

Old school retail politics have helped bring Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National to the brink of political power

04.07.2024 20

Financial Times

The Big Read

Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks

Shifting weather patterns are reducing crop yields and squeezing supplies, creating what could become a permanent source of inflation

03.07.2024 70

Financial Times

The Big Read
