Juan Cole

Juan Cole

The Nation

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UN Pleads for Gaza Cease-Fire to Administer Polio Vaccines. Israel Is Refusing

At the medical front in Gaza, the war to save the children is going very badly. It will be lost without a cease-fire.

24.08.2024 3

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Can Tim Walz Take Minnesota’s Climate Success National?

Minnesota’s numbers on renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and EV uptake are across the board better than those of the United States as a...

22.08.2024 5

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Gaza Is a Stain on Biden’s Legacy; Here’s How He Can Start to Make Amends

Like Lyndon B. Johnson, Biden committed a foreign policy mistake that threw his significant domestic wins into the shade.

22.07.2024 2

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Political Violence: From 'Hang Mike Pence' to the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump

Political violence has brought our country to the most dangerous moment of its nearly 250-year history.

14.07.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Is a US war in the Middle East coming? No, because it's already here

In mid-June, the Associated Press announced that the U.S. Navy had been engaged in the most intense naval combat since the end of World War II,...

14.07.2024 20


Juan Cole

The People of Gaza Starved as US Built a Public Relations Ploy in the Form of Pier

The entire operation took place as the Biden administration sat on its hands while the extremist Netanyahu cabinet imposed a famine on the...

12.07.2024 4

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

We Should Pay Attention to the Ongoing Combat on the Red Sea

05.07.2024 9

The Nation

Juan Cole

We Should Pay Attention to the Ongoing Combat on the Red Sea

05.07.2024 3

The Nation

Juan Cole

What Nobody Needs Is Another US-Backed War in the Middle East

The situation in the Red Sea remains militarily muted, but it has the potential to become one of the most dangerous in the world, rivaling those in...

04.07.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

The Vile Racism of Calling Biden a 'Weak Palestinian'

28.06.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

A Full-Court Press for Renewables Will Save Money and the Planet

Although there are up front costs of building solar and wind farms, these new energy plants will pay for themselves over time, and by the 2040s energy...

14.06.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Biden’s Gaza Aid Pier Is a Predictable SNAFU

The U.S. donates $4 billion a year of your tax dollars to Israel, not to mention billions more in sweetheart deals, and we get for that money an...

27.05.2024 6

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

US Cheered ICC Arrest Warrants for Putin's Crimes. Not So for Netanyahu's

Why everything Washington officials said in response to the request for warrants by the International Criminal Court's top prosecutor was wrong.

21.05.2024 30

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Macklemore’s Understanding of Palestinian History Beats Hillary Clinton’s

11.05.2024 70

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

In the Race to Lower Global Emissions, the Middle East Is Certainly Not Helping

25.04.2024 10

The Nation

Juan Cole

The US House Just Gave Israel $26 Billion for Its War on Gaza’s Children

The enormous windfall will allow the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to continue to kill or wound a Palestinian child in Gaza...

21.04.2024 30

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Middle Eastern Governments Are Drilling Their Own Graves

Some of the countries facing the biggest threat from the climate crisis seem all too intent on making it far worse.

17.04.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Israel’s Genocidal New Video Game Way of War

The Israeli “soldiers” operating artificial intelligence targeting programs built very substantial collateral damage into their standard operating...

04.04.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Why Treating All Palestinians in Gaza as If They Are Hamas Amounts to Genocide

The Israeli military has subverted basic principles of international humanitarian law, which makes a key distinction between combatants and...

26.03.2024 30

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

For Every New Atrocity in Gaza, Iran Gains More Influence

07.03.2024 10

The Nation

Juan Cole

Would Trump Be One Ounce Better Than Biden on Gaza? He Just Told Us: No.

The former Republican president's position on Gaza is not any different from that of the current president.

06.03.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Lula Wrong to Compare Netanyahu to Hitler, But Israeli Policies Very Similar to Those of Fascist Nazis

Just how fascist and Nazi-like has the far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu become?

19.02.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Will Egypt Ditch Camp David Accords If Israel Invades Rafah?

A peace treaty that has been the cornerstone of Egyptian-Israeli relations for nearly half a century could be about to crack wide open.

12.02.2024 30

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Israel Bombs the Starving in Gaza as Biden Bombs the Starving in Yemen

The U.S. president has not only done zero, zilch, nada to address the danger of famine in Gaza, but now in order to uphold the Israeli denial of basic...

25.01.2024 70

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Biden Says He's a Zionist. Poll Shows Most Americans Hardly Even Know What That Means

It is baffling that the overwhelming majority of Americans doesn’t even understand the bedrock principle of the state of Israel that receives...

09.01.2024 10

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Bin Laden's Curse: From 9/11 to Jerusalem to Iran and Back Again

Although this week's deadly bombing in Kerman turns out not to implicate Israel, it certainly has a context in Tel Aviv’s reduction of Gaza to...

05.01.2024 20

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

In Rebuke to Far Right, Israeli Supreme Court Strikes Down Autocratic Judicial Reforms

The historic follows massive street protests against the measures last year and amid Israel's ongoing Gaza onslaught.

02.01.2024 40

Common Dreams

Juan Cole

Big Oil Is Greeenwashing the Planet

26.12.2023 30

The Nation

Juan Cole

Big Oil Gaslighting on a Planet That Hasn't Been This Hot in 125,000 Years

Every day Big Oil resists investing their obscene profits in truly innovative green energy technology is a day they come closer to future financial...

19.12.2023 20

Common Dreams

Juan Cole
