Dr Kamal Monnoo

Dr Kamal Monnoo

The Nation

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Budget 2024-25 – The Indian Side!

Last week I covered Pakistan’s 2024-25 budget’s deficiencies and how in turn it has left a feeling of not-so-feel-good with the Pakistanis,...

wednesday 60

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Budget: Not so Feel-Good Factor!

The budget has been out for a few weeks now and with each passing day, both the disappointment and frustration amongst all sectors of society are...

19.07.2024 20

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Labour Market Dynamics & Development

A recent study released by Kevin Donovan, Will Jianyu Lu & Todd Schoellman, on Labour Market Dynamics and Development, make an interesting read,...

05.07.2024 20

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Budget 2024-25 – A Critique

The budget 2024-25 stands announced and contrary to one’s expectations turns out to be quite an anti-climax. Optimism had been building that with...

20.06.2024 90

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

How to Know if Inflation is Getting Better?

Although inflation is still running uncomfortably high and many Pakistanis are struggling to keep up with rising prices, new data shows that price...

12.06.2024 50

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

SIFC Needs to Look at Impediments to ...

There has recently been a lot of hype on foreign investments coming into Pakistan; seemingly a lot of running from pillar to post by the prime...

05.06.2024 60

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Indian Elections 2024

The Indian elections have entered the final stage and some very surprising assessments are emerging on the outcome of what the results may hold....

22.05.2024 40

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Unpacking South Asian Growth

One has analysed growth within the South Asian countries numerous times with comparatives and parallels to Pakistan, however, trust it would be...

15.05.2024 100

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Moving in the Right Direction?

It is for this reason that India relied on a local boy Tata to privatise Indian Airlines and the move has not only become a great story of turnaround...

26.04.2024 30

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Moving in the Right Direction?

This government has been in office for more than two months now and one is trying to make sense of its economic strategy, if any, for Pakistan’s...

25.04.2024 30

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Instilling Confidence

Neighbouring India’s Quarter 3 growth numbers are now out and GDP growth number has been recorded at as high as 8.40%, that % above the 6.64%...

17.04.2024 30

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Old Recipes, New Packaging!

As this government establishes its grip and slowly begins to unleash its economic vision, some glaring policy dichotomies emerge that are rath­er...

03.04.2024 40

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Responsible Governance

I will try and keep my today’s piece on something rather ba­sic and simple, yet perhaps two of the most powerful ele­ments today in international...

27.03.2024 80

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

How to know if inflation is getting better?

Although inflation is still running uncomfortably high and many Pakistanis are struggling to keep up with rising prices, new data showed that price...

20.03.2024 50

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

The next Budget may be the key!

As the new government takes over with a lot of questions hanging over its legitimacy, the only way it can silence its detractors is to perform on the...

06.03.2024 30

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

A Government in the Making!

Trust we finally have a consensus within two main political parties to form a coalition government, even though the partners continue to tread...

28.02.2024 10

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

IMF or no IMF!

One has often been asked wheth­er entering an IMF programme is a good or a bad thing for Paki­stan? After all the lender of the last re­sort has...

07.02.2024 60

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Economy - Anxious Moments

As elections inch closer, these tend to be anxious moments for the economy. By all accounts the current interim set-up seems to be do­ing a decent...

31.01.2024 20

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

How Exactly do we want to Grow?

Given Pakistan’s population size and that too perhaps the youngest in the world a supporting GDP growth has been elusive for more than a decade now....

17.01.2024 30

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Is Inflation Getting Better?

Although inflation is still running uncomfortably high and many Pakistanis are struggling to keep up with rising prices, new data showed that price...

10.01.2024 40

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

The Growth Mantra

02.01.2024 10

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

Bond buybacks & debt restructuring

Historic economic literature outlines on how when the real (discount) value of a debenture (and or debt) falls below a certain threshold, then why it...

19.12.2023 10

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo

How to know if inflation is getting better?

12.12.2023 20

The Nation

Dr Kamal Monnoo
