Andrew Fisher

Andrew Fisher

The Guardian

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Keir Starmer has prioritised wealth over child welfare

By failing to overturn the two-child benefit cap, and other social security cuts, Labour is prioritising the wealth of the rich over the welfare of...

17.07.2024 5


Andrew Fisher

Less ego, more co-operation - the left in Britain must learn from France

Twelve years ago I was sat in a small room in parliament meeting Jean-Luc Melenchon – then the leader of the French Party of the Left (Parti de...

08.07.2024 3


Andrew Fisher

Corbyn's win proves it – Starmer will surely fail without the Labour left

Jeremy Corbyn wasn’t supposed to win in Islington North in 2024. Last year, the former Labour leader was officially barred from standing as a Labour...

05.07.2024 9


Andrew Fisher

What Keir Starmer doesn't understand about being on benefits

“Handouts from the state do not nurture the same sense of self-reliant dignity”. Who said that? Margaret Thatcher? Norman Tebbit? George Osborne?...

24.06.2024 5


Andrew Fisher

Keir Starmer’s flip-flopping on Corbyn will damage him 

It must be terribly confusing being Keir Starmer, trying to remember what you are supposed to feel about Jeremy Corbyn in any particular moment in...

21.06.2024 5


Andrew Fisher

Make no mistake: Labour's manifesto is a return to austerity

A Labour manifesto that brings the railways into public ownership, strengthens workers’ rights and removes tax exemptions for private schools (all...

13.06.2024 20


Andrew Fisher

I wrote two inspirational Labour manifestos - but here's where it can go wrong

This week all of the major parties in this general election are expected to release their manifestos. The policy programme Labour publishes on...

11.06.2024 7


Andrew Fisher

The treatment of Diane Abbott exposes the rot at the heart of Starmer's Labour

The last 24 hours have sent Labour’s unseemly shenanigans over Diane Abbott’s disciplinary case to top of the news agenda. The contradictory...

29.05.2024 30


Andrew Fisher

Keir Starmer's serene campaign should worry us all

We’re not even one week into an election campaign, and already Keir Starmer is playing his greatest hits. It is a sign of how serenely Labour...

27.05.2024 40


Andrew Fisher

Labour’s problems are just about to begin

In July, Sir Keir Starmer will walk into Downing Street as the first Labour leader to win a general election since 2005, but the size of his majority...

23.05.2024 60


Andrew Fisher

It takes a particular brand of stupidity to believe you can bully people into work

The Tories have spent years making our benefits system more punitive while slashing funding for adult education. Yet today, amidst the consequences of...

21.05.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

The surest sign yet that Keir Starmer knows he isn't trusted

The UK’s crises are deep, yet the solutions on offer are horrendously shallow. The Conservative Government is a pathetic basket-case of hate –...

16.05.2024 60


Andrew Fisher

Suella Braverman's humanity just put Wes Streeting to shame

Suella Braverman has emerged from this weekend with more humanity than a would-be Labour Cabinet minister – well, on one policy at least. The...

13.05.2024 40


Andrew Fisher

The seeds for future defeats are already being sown by Labour

Pick a bellwether seat, the places that decide elections and where iconic voters are sometimes named after (like “Worcester woman” in 1997), and...

05.05.2024 20


Andrew Fisher

The crucial missing piece of Labour's immigration plan

Deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda may well be the most obscene and morally debased nadir of a Conservative government that has wallowed in a gutter...

02.05.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Keir Starmer has 'changed' Labour so much that Tory MPs are flocking to it

More than 100 Conservative MPs have announced they are standing down at the next election. The phrase “rats leaving a sinking ship” springs to...

29.04.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Rachel Reeves will regret her Blairite business plan

As Labour’s shadow Transport Secretary Louise Haigh dominates the airwaves with talk of nationalising our train services and ending three decades of...

26.04.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Crash the economy, blame the NHS – and then blame the working class

Every few years – maybe once or twice a decade – the working class in Britain decides not to work. There’s an outbreak of “swinging the...

19.04.2024 20


Andrew Fisher

Disabled people are paying for the failure of universal credit

The UK Government is committing “grave and systematic” violations of disabled people’s rights. That was the verdict of the UN’s Special...

15.04.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

When child poverty is this bad, how on earth can Labour prioritise defence?

“Nothing Labour does will be unfunded or uncosted”, Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves asserted ahead of the Labour Party conference last September....

12.04.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

The cruellest benefits crackdown we've seen yet

Imagine working at least 35 hours per week and getting paid a maximum of just £2.34 per hour, in the UK, in 2024. If a company was exploiting people...

09.04.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

As bills rocket, we should ask ourselves: what are we paying for?

Today is bad news for bills – that’s no April Fools joke. If you pay council tax or car tax, have a water bill, a mobile phone, a broadband...

01.04.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Let Thames Water go bust

Thames Water is an object lesson in the failure of privatisation. The company inherited the infrastructure on the cheap and failed to invest in it,...

29.03.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Why I will not follow Owen Jones and leave the Labour Party

Nearly 20 years ago an energetically keen, motormouthed and precociously bright young man, started work in the office of John McDonnell, then a...

21.03.2024 6


Andrew Fisher

Diane Abbott is a political pawn in Labour’s farcical disciplinary process

The predicament facing Diane Abbott has led to something quite rare in today’s Labour Party: agreement from the left and right. Abbott, the first...

20.03.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

British people detest politicians. Who can blame them?

Politics in this country has never been worse. That’s the verdict of the British people. Only 12 per cent of the British public said they trusted...

04.03.2024 30


Andrew Fisher

Keir Starmer's weakness is about to be exposed again

After Labour capitulated on their £28bn green investment pledge, the next obvious target for those wishing to dilute the party’s already meagre...

19.02.2024 20


Andrew Fisher

The die is cast. The Tories are doomed

An uncommonly tough week for Labour has been cauterised by two big by-election victories, one of which saw the second biggest swing in by-election...

16.02.2024 20


Andrew Fisher

Labour has managed to lose both its economic and environmental credibility

On the day when we find out global warming has exceeded 1.5°C across an entire year, Labour has decided to drop what it branded its “Green...

08.02.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Post-Brexit Labour could learn a few things from Sadiq Khan

The fact that Sadiq Khan backed Remain and still favours closer ties with the European Union is hardly news. The London Mayor has been a consistent...

23.01.2024 6


Andrew Fisher

What every Labour Prime Minister got wrong

One hundred years ago the first Labour government took office. And polls suggest Labour looks set to mark this centenary by returning to government...

21.01.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Sunak's sunlit uplands do not exist - not for me, you, or the Tories

Happy New Year! Inflation is falling and wages are rising. After a global pandemic and the worst cost of living crisis on record, we are emerging into...

09.01.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Keir Starmer's Labour offers no new answers and no reasons for hope

We live in an era of post-truth politics. Earlier this week it was announced that the Office for Statistics Regulation is investigating Rishi...

04.01.2024 10


Andrew Fisher

Reasons for the left to be hopeful in 2024

You might think that being on the left of British politics is a fairly miserable affair – as both the Tories and Labour drift to the right. Within...

25.12.2023 6


Andrew Fisher

Royal visits to baby banks are a dangerous normalisation of poverty

The British economy shrank in the last month – falling by 0.3 per cent in October. It increasingly feels like the only sector that is booming is...

13.12.2023 10


Andrew Fisher

Labour's response to the Rwanda plan is gutless and shameful

This week, floundering Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will put forward yet another piece of legislation to save his morally and legally-challenged Rwanda...

11.12.2023 10


Andrew Fisher

We're still paying for Thatcher's cruelty - what was Starmer thinking?

Keir Starmer’s praise of Margaret Thatcher in The Sunday Telegraph , in which he credited Thatcher with delivering “meaningful change”, “to...

04.12.2023 2


Andrew Fisher
