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Dear Senator…

30 9

Senator John Fetterman, DC Congressman Ritchie Torres, DC Journalist Douglas Murray, London Entertainer Bill Maher, Los Angeles

Dear Senator John Fetterman, Congressman Ritchie Torres, Mr. Douglas Murray & Mr. Bill Maher,

I hope this letter finds you well. With only three days left until Passover, the foundational holiday on which the Jewish nation was born at the exodus from Egypt, I am writing to you to voice my sincere, heartfelt, gratitude.

I was raised in a Jewish, Hasidic, home in Brooklyn, New York, where my parents, my schoolteachers, my community, my mentor The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of blessed memory, instilled in me the invaluable trait of being grateful to those who are good to you and to the world at large. From the street cop to the school principal, the taxi driver to the nurse at the doctor’s office, the subway conductor to the garbage collector, expressing gratitude is embedded in our Jewish DNA and is a basic tenet of our Torah.

Over the past six months, since the horrific day of October 7th, I’ve watched in dread as segments of our society, even in civilized countries such as the USA, Canada, France, England, and Australia, have chosen to side with Nazi-like terrorists who butchered, raped, beheaded, tortured, burned alive my fellow Jews in the name of Islam. It’s unfathomable and I refuse to sugarcoat it. Too many imams in mosques from Manchester to Toulouse, Chechnya to Toronto, Beverly Hills to Dearborn, are spewing pure, unadulterated, Jew hatred. They are condoning the massacre of Jews, they are condoning the April 14th Iran missile attack on Israel, they are condoning the captivity of over one hundred remaining hostages in Gaza, including babies. They aren’t hiding; they are telling us straight up that Jews aren’t their cup of tea and that they want us all dead.

They scream words like “Apartheid”, “Genocide”, “Occupation”, “Ethnic cleansing” and other lies, when in truth, Israel is a country that is home to its indigenous Jewish population but also to millions of Muslims, Christians, Baha’is, Bedouins, Druze, and many other minorities. Due to our infinite kindness, not seen anywhere else in the middle east, Arab men and women have equal rights under Israel’s law and can rise to the highest seats of power, politically, judicially, militarily, and economically. There is no genocide in Gaza, there is no apartheid in Israel, you can’t occupy your own land, and there is no ethnicity being cleansed.

It’s a lie.


© The Times of Israel (Blogs)

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