For the rights of Azad and occupied Kashmir, I have always considered it my duty to raise my voice on every platform from my student days to today. Initially, I did so by being part of NSF, then as a strong advocate for Pakistan’s annexation, and at times transitioning from activism to journalism. I have concluded that the recent questions about the current system from the majority of our Kashmiri people, and the dangerously increasing bitterness, could potentially lead to irreparable damage in the future. The majority of the Kashmiri people have always considered India their clear enemy and oppressor from the beginning. However, the majority of Azad Kashmir’s people, especially those inside and outside the country, seem so discontent with the current military and political leadership of Pakistan that I foresee a complete overhaul of the current system or setup and ruling class of Azad Kashmir soon. It now seems impossible for Islamabad or Rawalpindi to run Azad Kashmir through a few puppets. Unfortunately, a few half-crazed people, ignorant of history, might not currently realize this in their intoxication with power. For Pakistan’s current leadership, this might be an administrative or defense unit, but an entire Kashmiri nation’s identity is connected to it. Just as no family or tribe can tolerate losing their identity, Kashmiris also deserve this right. Kashmir’s connection is linked to Pakistan’s integrity and survival.

The peaceful public protests and movements for rights against deprivation, along with the bloodshed, violence, corpses, and arrests, have sparked a fire that will not be extinguished by announcing such packages and surrendering. Now, hearing the voices of the Kashmiri diaspora abroad, who have long been Pakistan’s unpaid ambassadors, it seems that the storm’s direction is not towards India but towards Pakistan. The overseas Kashmiri diaspora, who are an asset to Pakistan, will not take long to become a fault line, and who will then control this?

The question also arises: were the difficulties of the state of Pakistan, which have persisted for the past two or three years, not enough that a new front of Azad Kashmir was opened? First, innocent people were arrested, then, like in Punjab, unarmed people were killed by the police, and then why was it necessary to send Rangers? Why was tear gas thrown in a safe city like Muzaffarabad, causing schoolchildren to faint? Young people were shot. Isn’t the bloodshed from Indian cannons on the Line of Control in Azad Kashmir enough? What were you so scared of? The Public Action Committee was demanding rights, not trying to capture Muzaffarabad. If such a danger existed, there is one brigade of the Pakistan Army in each district of Azad Kashmir. No one in Azad Kashmir has ever raised arms against Pakistan. Both the ideas of annexation and an independent Kashmir are part of Pakistan’s policy, which have been nurtured with official funds.

Even today, people are displeased with the government and the individuals in state institutions, but there is no enemy of Pakistan here. Then who will compensate for the blood of the martyred youth, and who is responsible for the hatred and rift created between Kashmiris and Pakistanis? If Rangers’ vehicles have been burned and stones thrown, who is responsible? If demands were immediately accepted under public pressure, why were these demands ignored like an ostrich for a year?

Out of approximately 4 million people of Azad Kashmir, 2 million do not even live in Azad Kashmir; they either reside abroad or in Pakistan. The demand of the 2 million is to provide the electricity produced from Mangla Dam, Neelum-Jhelum Project, or the waters of Azad Kashmir, which is about 4000 megawatts, at production cost to the people of Azad Kashmir, who need about 350-400 megawatts. Provide flour and other rations at discounted prices, as given to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, and reduce the extravagant expenses of the governmental machinery of Azad Kashmir and spend the budget on developmental works. Isn’t it true that when Imran Khan’s government was overthrown in April 2022, uncertainty and chaos began? The Haq Do Tehreek was started by the youth in Gwadar against deprivation. Although non-political, it was initiated by the local youth. Then the Haq Do Tehreek began in Karachi, prominently led by Jamaat-e-Islami’s current leader Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, who not only won the local elections with the support of Karachi’s youth but also won the mayoral election, although through coercion, the PPP’s candidate was made the mayor against the public mandate. Then, the traders’ movement and the Public Joint Action Committee’s movement started in Azad Kashmir. The public rose. This is the beginning, not the end. The people of Azad Kashmir gave votes to Imran Khan in the last election and gave the PTI the mandate. When Imran Khan was ousted from power in Pakistan, a temporary government was formed in Azad Kashmir by creating a forward block and coercion. The process of removing Imran Khan from politics and then from the state began, which weakened the federation and promoted regional politics. Frustration among the public increased. In the elections on February 8, the public voted for PTI. During and after the elections, all records of rigging were broken against the public’s aspirations. Consequently, Pakistan became politically, internally, and economically weak and unstable. Even today, if no sensible steps are taken, further movements against deprivation and issues will start in other regions like Kashmir, which will not bode well for the country. The result of underestimating and ignoring the Kashmiris is now evident.

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The Front of Azad Kashmir and the Diaspora

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For the rights of Azad and occupied Kashmir, I have always considered it my duty to raise my voice on every platform from my student days to today. Initially, I did so by being part of NSF, then as a strong advocate for Pakistan’s annexation, and at times transitioning from activism to journalism. I have concluded that the recent questions about the current system from the majority of our Kashmiri people, and the dangerously increasing bitterness, could potentially lead to irreparable damage in the future. The majority of the Kashmiri people have always considered India their clear enemy and oppressor from the beginning. However, the majority of Azad Kashmir’s people, especially those inside and outside the country, seem so discontent with the current military and political leadership of Pakistan that I foresee a complete overhaul of the current system or setup and ruling class of Azad Kashmir soon. It now seems impossible for Islamabad or Rawalpindi to run Azad Kashmir through a few puppets. Unfortunately, a few half-crazed people, ignorant of history, might not currently realize this in their intoxication with power. For Pakistan’s current leadership, this might be an administrative or defense unit, but an entire Kashmiri nation’s identity is connected to it. Just as no family or tribe can tolerate losing their identity, Kashmiris also deserve this right. Kashmir’s connection is linked to Pakistan’s........

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