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Israelis chant ‘Bring them home’ at Coldplay concert in Athens

Gesture of support comes at the end of band’s performance of ‘Yellow,’ the color used to symbolize backing for the captives held by Hamas


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

UN food agency pauses delivery of aid from US pier in Gaza, citing safety concerns

US drops rejection of IDF buffer zone in Gaza ahead of Monday vote on UN Security Council resolution calling to support proposed...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

In first, Hezbollah tries to down fighter jets as border fighting further ratchets up

IDF says it struck cell that launched the anti-aircraft missiles; sirens sound early Monday in Acre, Haifa suburb as interceptors fired at...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

Knesset to vote on reviving Haredi IDF bill in bid to put off High Court intervention

Bill to lower exemption age and encourage limited enlistment expected to be moved to committee to placate justices on long-stalled issue — but...


The Times of Israel

Sam Sokol

EDITORIAL: Cyberdefense measures should include privacy, data safeguards

The government has opened substantial discussions for introducing a setup called an “active cyberdefense,” which would keep tabs on cyberspace...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

VOX POPULI: Photojournalist Ruiko Yoshida captured vivid, empathetic shots

“What if I hadn’t come across that book at that time” is the thought that always comes to my mind when I think about one book. I read “Haremu...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

(QUO VADIS, EU) Razmislek o evropskih volitvah: Več prednosti kot slabosti

Evropska unija nam omogoča ogromno, vprašanje pa je, ali se vsi zares zavedamo, kakšna prednost je biti državljan države, ki je članica...



Ajda Brndušić

The Goldilocks Method for Getting Your Needs Met

Ask for what you need and set limits without being too meek or too forceful.


Psychology Today

Shannon Sauer-Zavala Ph.d

Does economic security undermine the benefits of interdependence?

Economic security is becoming increasingly central to American foreign and economic policy. It involves protecting supplies of critical materials...


The Japan Times

Paul Nadeau

The Case for Optimism in the Muslim World

ISTANBUL – These are turbulent times for the world, and especially for democracy and development. Although humanity’s material and...


Project Syndicate

Abdullah Gül

Japan can aid in preventing human rights slide in Asia

Last month, discussing Japan’s foreign policy, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that “our role is to actively shape an Asia and a world where...


The Japan Times

Elaine Pearson

The Indian election’s winners and losers

When the results of India’s general election were announced on June 4, the biggest losers were the pundits and pollsters, who had almost...


The Japan Times

Shashi Tharoor

India’s “Truman Show” Democracy

HONG KONG – Three days before the start of India’s parliamentary elections, the country’s national broadcaster, Doordarshan (DD), announced that...


Project Syndicate

Debasish Roy Chowdhury

Renesansa neonacizma

Peljal sem se po ljubljanski obvoznici v času običajne gneče. Bilo je pred nekaj dnevi okoli druge ure popoldne. Dohitel sem voznika v...



Dragan Petrovec

Claudia’s triumph, the first woman to lead Mexico

Analysis. Sheinbaum has a broad mandate to continue the leftist transformation begun by Obrador. She will be able to do so by building on the sense...


Il Manifesto Global

Daniele Nalbone

Yemen’s Houthis claim to nab US-Israeli spy network using aid agencies as cover

Iran-backed rebels say CIA-linked ring carried out espionage activities for years, a week after it announced arrest of 11 UN staff as part of...


The Times of Israel


Israel reprimands Slovenian envoy over Palestinian statehood recognition

Continuing online trolling campaign against countries recognizing Palestine, PM Katz posts AI image of Spanish leaders with egg on their face after...


The Times of Israel

Lazar Berman

Exportaciones de bienes en Chile aumentaron 1,9% entre enero y mayo de 2024

Entre enero y mayo de 2024 las exportaciones de bienes en Chile registraron un alza de 1,9% respecto a igual período del año pasado, mientras el...


América Economía

América Economía

5 Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Signs of an Unhappy Person

Some signs of unhappiness are less obvious than others.


Psychology Today

Seth Meyers Psy.d

Patient Trust Is Not Just About Care—It’s Also About Caring

Building patient trust depends not just on competence, but also on benevolence.


Psychology Today

Deepak Sirdeshmukh M.s

A Boost for Infant Brain Development

Magnesium sulfate lessens possible neural consequences of pre-term birth.


Psychology Today

Suhanee Mitragotri

White House denounces ‘repugnant’ pro-Hamas rhetoric at DC protest against Israel

‘Where is the outrage?’ fumes ADL chief after demonstration outside White House that included calls to kill Zionists ‘aka the overwhelming...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

US resumes airdrops of humanitarian assistance into northern Gaza

Resumption of aid shipments by air comes day after deliveries also restarted at US-built pier that was damaged by bad weather


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

EU projection shows far-right parties making big gains in European elections

Centrist groups expected to keep majority in European Parliament as results trickle in, with Greens predicted to lose around 20 seats and fall to...


The Times of Israel

Lorne Cook

Political reform needed without involvement of the ruling LDP

The Japanese public is once again losing patience with the Liberal Democratic Party. Unable to address public concerns about the LDP faction...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

Kolumna Denisa Manceviča: (Ne)delujoče sankcije (II. del)

EPA V prejšnji kolumni (objavljeni 11. maja) sem se dotaknil dveh vidikov zahodnih sankcij proti Rusiji. Kaj je sploh njihov namen in posledično,...



Denis Mancevič

Jubilant over the hostage rescue, Netanyahu knows more difficult times lie ahead

Daring Gaza op provided a welcome boost to national morale but is unlikely to mark a turning point, with the fate of the remaining captives in the...


The Times of Israel

Amir Bar Shalom

Pro athletes understand gambling on their games is a non-negotiable no-no; some learned the hard way

Professional athletes get the lecture at the start of every season, and see the warnings any time they walk into their locker room or clubhouse: If...


Japan Today

Japan Today

Hamas operatives said to have standing orders to kill hostages if IDF approaches

US officials cited by New York Times say American aircraft have been gathering intel on captives held by terrorists in Gaza since Oct. 7, catching...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Rescued hostages suffering from malnutrition, possibly Stockholm syndrome

Doctors at Sheba hospital say Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan, and Andrey Kolzov are constantly seeking each other for support


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Police raid Transportation Ministry offices amid probe of alleged corruption

Cops seize documents but don’t say if Minister Miri Regev is a suspect; ministry dismisses allegations, insists officers are searching for files...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Daily Briefing June 10: Day 248 – Gantz busts up war coalition after not achieving goals

Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren on an IDF draft bill in the wake of the coalition shake-up; military reporter Emanuel Fabian with more updates on...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Israeli man says he was assaulted in Barcelona over his Jewish identity

Yotam Eyal says a group of Arab men began taunting him after seeing his kippa, then one of them hit him on the head from behind


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Far-right Polish politician who doused Hanukkah candles wins EU Parliament seat

Grzegorz Braun was a candidate for Confederation party, which has had its best-ever results in European Union elections amid sway to the right


The Times of Israel


Northern home damaged by Hezbollah anti-tank missiles as IDF downs drones over sea

Lebanese terror group claims responsibility as sirens blare in northern towns; military probing failed drone interception near Cabri; video shows...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

US consulate in Sydney vandalized with suspected pro-Palestinian symbol

Australia’s PM tells activists on both sides of Israel-Hamas war debate to ‘turn the heat down’ after windows smashed, two inverted triangles...


The Times of Israel


Germans say far-right AfD lacks legitimacy, even after its European Parliament gains

Amid a nationalist swell, AfD rises 5 percentage points but remains too controversial for widespread public support – even for some small-town...


The Times of Israel

Canaan Lidor

Tel Aviv moves up to 4th place in annual ranking of global tech ecosystems

In a year of political unrest and ongoing war, city climbs 1 spot in annual Startup Genome survey ranking; Silicon Valley maintains top spot...


The Times of Israel

Sharon Wrobel

Chile: 63% está de acuerdo con la creación de una AFP estatal que compita con las administradoras privadas

La firma chilena de encuestas y estudios públicos, CADEM, publicó un estudio que muestra la preferencia de chilenos por una AFP estatal para que...


América Economía

América Economía

Anticipating war with Hezbollah, Israel weakening Iranian proxies in Syria

The IDF has killed far more Islamic Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah members in Lebanon and Syria since October 7 than it did before


The Times of Israel


Israel ‘has alternatives’ to suspended Colombian coal, says electric company

Latin American country supplies more than half of Israel’s coal; IEC negotiating with alternative suppliers to ‘increase room for maneuver’


The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

El Fisco en Chile desembolsó US$ 585 millones para cubrir bono a cotizantes con saldo cero en AFP tras retiros

Las arcas fiscales han desembolsado US$ 585 millones para pagarle el bono estatal de hasta US$ 218,5 a quienes quedaron con US$ 0 en la AFP, o con...


América Economía

América Economía

Rescued hostage’s mother urges deal with Hamas, says ‘I am one of the lucky ones’

Almog Meir Jan’s mom asks government to approve deal, international community to pressure Hamas to accept it; says bond with fellow rescued...


The Times of Israel

Renee Ghert-Zand

Generación hidroeléctrica de la CFE se desplomó 43% por sequía en 2023

La generación hidroeléctrica de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) de México fue de 19.568 gigawatts hora el año pasado, con lo que...


América Economía

América Economía

Exportadoras ecuatorianas de camarón recuperaron el acceso al mercado chino tras suspensión

Durante un poco más de cuatro meses, desde febrero hasta el jueves 6 de junio pasado, nueve empresas exportadoras de camarón en Ecuador no...


América Economía

América Economía

Ecuador inicia su segunda ronda de negociaciones con Canadá

Ecuador ha iniciado este lunes la segunda ronda de negociaciones para la suscripción de un acuerdo comercial con Canadá, que tendrá una duración...


América Economía

América Economía

Expresidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo, seguirá en prisión preventiva hasta agosto de 2025

El Poder Judicial amplió por 14 meses la prisión preventiva interpuesta contra el expresidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo Terrones, acusado por el...


América Economía

América Economía

Why This Summer is Different


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Eitan Klieger

Jim, Boaz and the burden of virtue


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Gefen Bar-On Santor
