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Success and the 4 Universal Outcomes of Therapy

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Hello, readers.

What is success? How should one be and and what should one do to feel successful? I’ve written much on this topic. And not surprising to anyone but perhaps my younger self, success has many possible definitions. For one, there is material or worldly success; for another, there is the internal sense of success. Success from the outside; success from the inside.

To appear successful to others depends on what those others in your life consider hallmarks of success. Well, depending on your circles and the general expectations of life, that is going to look different for many of us. Perhaps you come from a family of entrepreneurs, so success looks like starting your own business. Or perhaps you come from a long line of teachers—becoming a teacher could be the hallmark of success. Or suppose you immigrated to this country, so getting a green card, obtaining work, and finding a safe, comfortable place to live looks like success. Or, you’re from a family of electricians, so becoming an electrician is success to those around you. In other words, success from the outside depends on context.

Success from the inside, I would argue, feels the same from person to person. Success from the inside is about how you feel,........

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