Adam: Do people want more or less government spending? Depends on the poll
You have to wonder whether the Canadians telling pollsters they want more spending on housing and health care, are the same ones who say government is overspending.
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The debate on the federal budget has focused on what some see as runaway spending, and certainly $53 billion in new spending is a lot of money.
And while recent polls appear to suggest most Canadians believe the Liberal government is overspending, there is such a divergence of views, it is unclear that they really want less spending.
Ask people who can’t find housing, the six million Canadians without a family doctor, mayors overseeing broken transit systems, or advocates for a strong military, and the cry is for more, not less money.
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It all comes down to what constitutes a priority, and yours may be different from mine. You may care about the impact of increased spending on inflation, while someone wants more money to go into........
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