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Hezbollah commander killed in south Lebanon strike; over 80 rockets fired at north

Four others killed in alleged Israeli strike, according to Lebanese reports; footage shows Iron Dome intercepting rockets over Kiryat Shmona as...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

Hamas issues response to Israeli hostage deal proposal, saying it made ‘amendments’

Israel says terror group made drastic changes that amount to a rejection of its offer; official from mediating country says Hamas proposed new...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Pemex perfora pozo petrolero en México con profundidad récord de 8.240 metros

Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) inició la perforación del pozo Iklum, con el cual se espera romper el récord de profundidad en México, alcanzando...


América Economía

América Economía

The Harmful Blind Spot in Your Relationship

How the negativity bias brings you down.


Psychology Today

Carolyn Sharp Licsw

Asia needs to step up game against global climate crisis

Kim Sung-woo On May 22 and 23, the Asian Leadership Conference (ALC) was held in Seoul. Similar to the Davos Forum, the ALC has been a place where...


The Korea Times

Kim Sung-Woo

من مكة.. أكتبُ لكم عن الحج

مع أن الحج فريضة إسلامية وركنٌ أساسي من أركان الإسلام، لمن استطاع إليه سبيلاً، إلا...


العين الإخبارية

عبدالجليل السعيد

México penaliza jornadas laborales excesivas con hasta 12 años de prisión

Oficialmente en México las jornadas laborales que exceden el límite legal ya son consideradas como un delito de explotación laboral que puede...


América Economía

América Economía

Being Average Can Be Good for You

How to address the perfectionist's obsession with hope.


Psychology Today

Leon Garber Lmhc

From Small Steps to Big Wins: The Importance of Celebrating

Recognizing our accomplishments fuels motivation, growth, and success.


Psychology Today

Melanie A Mcnally Psy.d

The Lost Art of Eye Contact in the Digital Age

Our eyes are more frequently on screens than on human faces.


Psychology Today

Melissa J. Perry Sc.d

Aký bude pomer síl

Môžme sa sporiť o slovíčka, ale extrémnu pravicu v zásade identifikujeme na základe kľúčových znakov, ako sú ultranacionalizmus,...


Argentina’s turbulent 2000s art scene on display

“There was no money.” Gallerist Nora Fisch recalls the Argentine art scene back in the early 2000s, in the aftermath of the biggest economical...


Buenos Aires Herald

Casey Wetherbee

Results of the EU elections are causing despair among liberals

The results of the EU elections are causing despair among liberal activists around the world. Irresponsibly, some biased analysts claim that Europe...



Lucas Leiroz

Hunter Biden’s conviction is a mere eye-wash

Following conviction of Donald Trump, while a section of the US media and political commentators have branded country’s judiciaries as...



Jennifer Hicks

White House slams ‘heartbreaking’ anti-Israel protest of Nova massacre exhibit in NYC

Egypt, Qatar, US adjudicating Hamas response to Israeli ceasefire offer * US defense chief hails hostage rescue in call with Gallant * IDF finishes...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Morrie Markoff, Jewish supercentenarian and oldest man in US, dies at 110

Markoff became an avid blogger and author after turning 100; leaves exceptionally lucid brain to science; wife Betty died in 2019 after 81 years of...


The Times of Israel

Andrew Silow-Carroll

Suicide and the Cornered Killer

When investigators home in, certain types of killers opt out.


Psychology Today

Katherine Ramsland Ph.d

What Makes a Cult Leader?

A Personal Perspective: Is Trump a cult figure? A look at the evidence.


Psychology Today

Noam Shpancer Ph.d

How to Overcome Rejection

Everyone heals from rejection at their own pace in their own way.


Psychology Today

Moshe Ratson Mba

UN publishes report with IDF, Hamas, PIJ added to ‘list of shame’ for first time

Guterres says he’s ‘appalled by dramatic increase and unprecedented scale and intensity of grave violations’ against children in Gaza, Israel...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

To fight anti-Zionism, NY philanthropist showcases artifacts that tie Jews to Israel

Antiquities buff George S. Blumenthal talks about his latest project, which offers ‘bite-sized’ pieces of evidence to counter claims that Jews are...


The Times of Israel

Gavriel Fiske

Anti-Israel activists vandalize homes of people associated with Brooklyn Museum, UN

Mayor Eric Adams says police investigating actions that crossed over into ‘overt, unacceptable antisemitism’


The Times of Israel

Philip Marcelo

Empowering Inclusivity in the Workplace

3 vital inclusivity strategies for leaders.


Psychology Today

Ryan C. Warner Ph.d

EU tariffs add to pressure on China's EV makers

To counteract market dumping, the European Union will slap tariffs of up to 38% on electric vehicles from China. This puts additional strain on...


Deutsche Welle

Nik Martin

Opinion – Transgressive Pedagogy in International Studies: A European Case Study

In 2022, I had the pleasure of attending the European International Studies Association’s (EISA) annual conference held at Panteion University in...



Bart Sebastiaan Gabriel

AI search answers are the fast food of your information diet – convenient and tasty, but no substitute for good nutrition

If you have used Google lately and been lucky – or unlucky – enough to encounter an answer to your query rather than a bunch of links, you have...


Japan Today

Japan Today

Hostages Ziv, Kozlov and Meir Jan’s ordeal ‘beyond anything you can imagine’

In fresh testimony, doctors and relatives detail how they were held in the dark, locked in bathrooms and repeatedly threatened with death


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Daily Briefing June 12: Day 250 – A political psychologist takes Israel’s temperature

Nimrod Nir’s findings from eight months of war include how conspiracy theories affect public opinion and whether or not the Israeli people with be...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

International survey finds 60% don’t have confidence in Biden’s handling of Gaza war

Poll conducted in 34 countries finds that US president still engenders greater faith than his political opponent Donald Trump; 54% of Israelis...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Man shot in Jerusalem’s Old City in apparent altercation with off-duty soldiers

Soldier claims he felt threatened after man tried to snatch his gun


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Palestinian Olympics chief hopes Paris games will spotlight war in Gaza

Jibril Rajoub accuses Israel of crimes, argues country has lost legal and moral right to attend Games


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Security firm: Merchant ship hit in Red Sea off Yemen in apparent Houthi attack

Vessel’s engine room hit, say maritime sources, in latest disruption of vital trade route terrorized by Iran-backed Houthi rebels


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

UN reports accuse Israel of ‘extermination,’ crimes against humanity; Hamas of war crimes

Israel rejects findings that ‘outrageously and repugnantly attempt to draw a false equivalence between IDF soldiers and Hamas terrorists with...


The Times of Israel


German court rejects Palestinian groups’ request to block arms exports to Israel

Berlin administrative court says plaintiffs did not show that decisions on arms exports to Israel were actually pending


The Times of Israel


170 rockets fired at north after ‘most senior’ Hezbollah officer killed in IDF strike

Military says Taleb Abdullah commanded one of three regional divisions in south Lebanon, behind numerous attacks on Israel amid fighting; no...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

White House slams ‘heartbreaking’ anti-Israel protest of Nova massacre exhibit in NYC

‘Banners of terror groups shouldn’t be flown anywhere, especially not on US streets,’ Biden aide says; Congress’s biggest Israel critics...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Blinken pans Hamas response to Israeli offer, says some of its changes ‘not workable’

Secretary says if Hamas ‘continues to say ‘no,’ it will be clear to everyone around the world that it’s on them’; but says mediators still...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Grupo EPM se suma a plan del Gobierno colombiano para bajar costos de energía

Las empresas de energía del Grupo EPM se sumaron al acuerdo del Gobierno colombiano para reducir el costo de la factura de la energía para los ...


América Economía

América Economía

Petro justifica decisión de suspender exportaciones de carbón colombiano a Israel frente al rechazo del sector

El presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, ha defendido su decisión de suspender las exportaciones de Israel, amparándose en que los tratados de...


América Economía

América Economía

Argentina perdió apelación de US$ 1.500 millones en el Reino Unido por bonos ligados al PIB

Argentina ha perdido su intento de anular la orden de un tribunal británico de pagar US$ 1.500 millones para compensar a los inversores por las...


América Economía

América Economía

Gustavo Petro: la industria está en “números rojos”

El presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, le encargó a Luis Carlos Reyes, nuevo ministro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, una política industrial...


América Economía

América Economía

Inflación en EE.UU. bajó a 3,3% en mayo

El Índice de Precios de Consumo (IPC) de Estados Unidos desaceleró una décima su subida interanual en el mes de mayo, hasta situarse en el 3,3%,...


América Economía

América Economía

Megacentro acuerda venta de Mega Frío Chile a IceStar

Megacentro, el grupo de rentas inmobiliarias industriales de Chile, anunció que llegó acuerdo con la empresa IceStar, parte del fondo brasilero...


América Economía

América Economía

Gobierno de Perú transfiere US$ 29 millones a operador aeroportuario Corpac para adquisición de equipos

El Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC) de Perú aprobó la transferencia de US$ 29,6 millones a favor de la Corporación Peruana de...


América Economía

América Economía

A yeshiva that preps Haredi men for IDF service mourns first graduate to fall in battle

As Israeli society debates mandatory ultra-Orthodox enlistment amid war, Staff Sgt. Bezalel Kovacs’s life and death present a new view of what it...


The Times of Israel

Mati Wagner

French conservative leader embraces far-right party founded by Nazi apologist

Les Republicains lawmakers furious as leader Eric Ciotti breaks longtime boycott of Le Pen’s faction after snap elections called amid...


The Times of Israel

Shira Li Bartov

‘Time now to take action’: Macron exhorts French moderates to coalesce for snap vote

France’s president pushes back on claim he played into far right’s hands with dispersal of parliament after loss in EU elections; rails against...


The Times of Israel

Sylvie Corbet

Inches to Metric: To be or not to be (an Israeli American), that is the question #6


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Beth G. Kopin

Are We Moving Towards or Away From Sinai? Shavuot 5784


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Arik Ascherman

The Terrible Rise of Antisemitism in the West: A Wake-Up Call


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Catherine Perez-Shakdam
