As for me, this blog post focuses on something I’m passionate about. What is it? Basically, it’s how to achieve more progress in 90 days than you did last year.

How did I become so passionate about this topic? Throughout the years, I’ve embarked on a personal journey of growth and transformation. It all began when everything seemed fine on the surface.

I am not trying to brag here. But I was a successful financial advisor, a co-founder of an investment firm, and had everything I wanted. However, I felt a profound sense of discontent beneath the facade of success.

In other words, despite earning a comfortable income, I did not feel fulfilled. It felt like every day was a dull routine without purpose or excitement. Thankfully, after realizing I was following societal norms rather than pursuing my true passions, I changed course. As a result, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

I’ll be honest, this journey wasn’t easy. The process, however, taught me three invaluable lessons:

The results? I found them to be nothing short of remarkable.

After a few years, my income nearly tripled, and I felt excited about my work again. The best part is, I learned how to live authentically again, aligned with my values.

Having said that, are you ready to achieve success and fulfillment? Well, let’s see how you can make more money in the next 90 days than you did last year.

Do you set ambitious goals only to be disappointed when you fail to achieve them? Try not to be too hard on yourself. This is a common trap called “measuring forward” that many of us fall into.

It makes sense when you think about it. Often, the road to success begins with lofty goals, fuelled by ambition and the desire to succeed.

However, many of us fail to realize how important it is to measure progress backward rather than forward. Let’s say you set a goal of saving $200 in a week, but instead, you manage to save $50. Rather than celebrating our progress, we often see it as a failure because we didn’t meet our initial goals.

Instead of measuring forward, though, try measuring backward.

In goal-setting, this is commonly referred to as “The Gap,” and it highlights a common pitfall — focusing solely on the end result without acknowledging any progress made in the process. If, however, we consider the journey from the backward perspective, we can appreciate every step forward, regardless of how small, and recognize the value of each one.

The key is to embrace progress and celebrate small victories rather than fixate on unattainable ideals. In turn, this can lead to a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction, which fuels gratitude and motivation.

In our quest for success, we often emphasize qualities such as hard work and determination. However, there comes a point at which our relentless pursuit of success leads to burnout and disappointment. As such, we must recognize our limits and identify what drains our energy, or our “kryptonite.”

Recognizing our vulnerabilities is the first step to reclaiming our strength, whether it is a result of overworking, perfectionist tendencies, or a fear of failure. Working smarter, not harder, is possible when we recognize our unique capabilities and focus on tasks that align with our passions and strengths.

By delegating tasks, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care based on the concept of “unique ability,” as defined by Dan Sullivan, we will become more productive and fulfilled. In turn, this frees up your time and energy for activities that align with your strengths and bring you joy. As a result, you can spend time and energy on activities that align with your strengths and are enjoyable to you.

Often, we set annual goals or New Year’s resolutions without revisiting them until the following year in our pursuit of long-term success. We may, however, become less accountable and our aspirations may not match our actions if we take this approach. Maybe that’s why 92 percent of people who set goals fail to accomplish them.

Enter the 90-day goal system.

The goal here is to set measurable, achievable goals for the next quarter, aligned with your one-year, three-year, and lifetime goals. We gain clarity, focus, and momentum by dividing our goals into manageable chunks and reviewing them regularly. In addition to encouraging accountability, this iterative process also allows us to make course corrections, adapt, and celebrate progress.

Finding a method that works can transform the journey toward success. I would like to introduce you to what I have dubbed the RAP Method. No, you don’t have to bust out any rap lyrics. Instead, it’s about taking a rhythmic approach to accomplish your objectives.

In essence, the RAP Method stands for Results and Advanced Planning. This is a simple yet powerful framework using the lessons above that I’ve used successfully with my financial planning clients and myself. It works like this:

It may seem deceptively easy to implement the RAP Method, but its effectiveness comes from its consistent and intentional implementation. The more regularly you set and review your goals, the more accountability and momentum you will experience.

As a result of this method, I have experienced profound growth and transformation. My life was changed by a simple framework that transformed into a process that paved the way for my success in both my professional and personal lives. The results speak for themselves, from increased revenue to greater confidence and fulfillment.

You may benefit from the RAP Method if you’re seeking something more in life but aren’t sure where to begin. Anyone willing to work hard and embrace the journey of personal growth can find a roadmap to success.

The key to success is to enjoy the journey along the way as well as the destination. Using the RAP Method as your guide, you can chart your course to an abundant, fulfilling, and purposeful future.

What if I don’t have a specific “income-generating” role?

Adaptability is one of the best features of this challenge. Whatever your situation may be—freelancer, entrepreneur, employee, or student—you can find a way to increase your income. Find a side hustle, upgrade your skills, sell unused items, or even rent your spare room!

Chunk it!

Identify smaller, attainable milestones for each month of your goal. As you achieve each one, celebrate your accomplishments and adjust your approach if necessary. Keep in mind that progress is more important than perfection!

The key to success is balance. Make self-care a priority and manage your time efficiently to avoid burnout. By delegating tasks, automating where you can, and setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, you can accomplish this.

In the long run, you will be more productive if you are healthy and energized.

Setbacks are inevitable! Embrace them as opportunities for learning. Stay resilient by analyzing what went wrong, adapting your strategy, and adjusting your approach as needed.

Remember, persistence is the key to achieving your goals!

Image Credit: Magda Ehlers; Pexels

The post Your Next 90 Days Can Be the Most Profitable Ever appeared first on Due.

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Your Next 90 Days Can Be the Most Profitable Ever

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As for me, this blog post focuses on something I’m passionate about. What is it? Basically, it’s how to achieve more progress in 90 days than you did last year.

How did I become so passionate about this topic? Throughout the years, I’ve embarked on a personal journey of growth and transformation. It all began when everything seemed fine on the surface.

I am not trying to brag here. But I was a successful financial advisor, a co-founder of an investment firm, and had everything I wanted. However, I felt a profound sense of discontent beneath the facade of success.

In other words, despite earning a comfortable income, I did not feel fulfilled. It felt like every day was a dull routine without purpose or excitement. Thankfully, after realizing I was following societal norms rather than pursuing my true passions, I changed course. As a result, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

I’ll be honest, this journey wasn’t easy. The process, however, taught me three invaluable lessons:

The results? I found them to be nothing short of remarkable.

After a few years, my income nearly tripled, and I felt excited about my work again. The best part is, I learned how to live authentically again, aligned with my values.

Having said that, are you ready to achieve success and fulfillment? Well, let’s see how you can make more money in the next 90 days than you did last year.

Do you set ambitious goals only to be disappointed when you fail to achieve them? Try not to be too hard on yourself. This is a common trap called “measuring forward” that many of us fall into.

It makes sense when you think about it. Often, the road to success begins with lofty goals, fuelled by ambition and the desire to succeed.

However, many of us fail to realize how........

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