KINSELLA: 'The Son of Hamas' knows what must be done to stop them
The Son of Hamas.
It’s not a name that most would accept willingly, but Mosab Hassan Yousef does. Because that is what he literally is: The first son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, the man who helped to create Hamas 27 years ago.
Mosab Hassan Yousef was the eldest son, and therefore always expected to enthusiastically embrace Hamas and its sadism. And he did. In 1997, the year his father helped to create Hamas, Yousef was arrested for throwing rocks at Israelis. He was just ten years old.
In an exclusive interview with this newspaper, Mosab Hassan Yousef now says this of Hamas, his voice thick with disgust: “Their violent strategy — their so-called resistance — is to become legitimized, and get global recognition as a resistance movement. This is what Hamas wants to do. And they are willing to sacrifice thousands of children for political and financial gain.”
But when he was younger, Mosab Hassan Yousef didn’t believe that. Back then, he was the literal embodiment of Hamas. From the start, he was groomed to one day lead the organization, which by 1988 had devolved into a full-fledged death cult. In that year, the........
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