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Burial of humanity

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The dance of medieval barbarism with lethal weapons of 21st century is being played out, while the world watches; some with glee; some with awe; some with pain; some with sheer helplessness and some are indifferent. The callous silence of the human race and the Ummah shrieks at this nonchalant and insouciance attitude.

Death is supposed to happen inevitably to every single individual. The human mind is blessed with the strength and ability to accept the going away of a loved one.

However, the human brain is not wired to connect with mass deaths. I recall, my boss, Saleem Akhtar, citing to me in Persian a saying that loosely meant a single death is a matter of sadness, grief and sorrow, but a million deaths is a time for rejoicement. (Helplessness). That’s exactly the response of the world conscience today to the miseries in Gaza.

In the animal kingdom, there is no concept or hobby of hunting for pleasure. The most weak and timid; the most strong and ferociously courageous animal hunt for their prey only when they are hungry.

Hence, animals do not store, hoard or make warehouses. They demonstrate more Faith than human kind. Animals are wrongfully referred to as “animals of prey”; in my view, humans need to be aptly called “dangerous animals of prey”. They rejoice in killing fellow human beings not to satisfy hunger but to feed their psychopathtic tendencies.

The footages since October 7th, following the blitzkrieg by Hamas, can melt the stone-hearted. For the first week, what seemed as sweet smell of victory for Hamas of having successfully intruded into the myth of Israeli invincibility started to turn for Hamas a killing field in Gaza.

Israel’s ego had been badly bruised; something that they are unable to reconcile with or accept, and hence the vengeful killings of the innocent since then unabatedly. Even those who are not prone to looking for conspiracies of ulterior motives, are beginning to view with a coloured lens the decision of Hamas to launch the offensive on 7th October. To the skeptics the move seems an act of unintended complicity.

Did Hamas (or even some disguised as Hamas) not know that the reaction would be severe? They had full knowledge of their limited capacity to engage in a war with the military might of Israel— in any case, wars are fought between armies; Hamas is no army.

The wrath of the Israelis has fallen upon the poor civilians of Gaza. If it was foolishness, misplaced adventurism of Hamas or a complete misreading of the expected........

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