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Justicialist Party to hold elections to replace Alberto Fernández

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The National Council of the Justicialist Party (Partido Justicialista, or PJ) has unanimously approved party elections on November 17 to replace former President Alberto Fernández, who is on leave as head of the party.

The motion also reflects Monday’s decision by Máximo Kirchner to hold elections on that day for Buenos Aires province’s PJ, of which he is the current head. The meeting also urged legislators to reject the omnibus bill, with a mobilization the day the project is voted on.

On Tuesday, at a meeting at the party’s Matheu Street headquarters in Buenos Aires, the composition of the Political Action Committee was also defined, in times of dispersion and infighting between Kirchnerist movement La Cámpora and Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof, the most politically influential figure within the PJ.

It is also a moment of unusual public appearance by Cristina Kirchner, who intervened in the internal conflict and took a........

© Buenos Aires Herald

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