In the 18 years since Israel withdrew its military and civilians from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has fired approximately 30,000 rockets and mortars at Israel: about 12,000 from 2007 until 2019, another 4,360 during eleven days of war in 2021 and, over 12,000 in the current war, which has displaced over 150,000 Israelis. Since Israel’s 2005 Disengagement, Hamas has also attempted to invade aerially, navally, and through tunnels, and executed a range of other assaults, including airborne arson attacks and ecoterrorism, shootings, abductions, and the brutal massacre of about 1,200 people on October 7, 2023, leading to the fourth major Israel-Gaza war in 14 years.

Thus, by now it should be clear that mainstream policy thinking on Gaza has failed. Ignoring hard facts to nurture illusions about Gazans coexisting peacefully alongside Israelis condemns everyone to perpetual war.

The latest opinion poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) reveals harsh realities that demolish any fantasies about a postwar Gaza living peacefully alongside Israel. Large majorities of respondents in both the West Bank and Gaza expressed a commitment to violence against Israel (over 60%) and support for the October 7th massacre despite the resulting war and devastation (over 70%).

The poll is based on in-person interviews of 1,231 adults (750 in the West Bank and 481 in the Gaza Strip) and was conducted during the pause in the current war (November 22nd to December 2nd).

Other key findings:

Hamas' disastrous governance has been obvious for decades, but shocking new examples regularly emerge. Hamas diverted billions in international aid for military purposes, like building an underground city of terror (including this 50-meter-deep tunnel large enough for use by vehicles). Even more evidence has surfaced, from Gaza hospital director Ahmed Kahlot, that Hamas uses hospitals and ambulances for military purposes.

And yet Gazans still support Hamas in large numbers, prefer Hamas rule over any alternative, and support the 10/7 massacre.

The U.S. seems to think that a reformed PA could run Gaza, but that ignores two inconvenient facts:

No Arab government wants the thankless burden of governing Gaza. And the latest poll indicates that Gazans themselves don't want any outside Arab power to manage security.

So who would actually achieve the de-radicalization upon which a Palestinian state in Gaza is predicated? Who could be trusted to ensure that the general population is primed for peace and that the textbooks used to educate children are not full of hatred and incitement, as they have been for decades? Even the UN has been teaching hate to Gaza's children. So which political entity has the popularity, authority, and morality to educate for coexistence and to ensure that all aid money rebuilds Gaza as Singapore instead of Somalia?

Despite no answer to this fundamental question, the international community -- including the U.S., EU, and UN -- still clings to the delusional idea that if they just pressure Israel into accepting a future Palestinian state in Gaza, that impoverished, overcrowded, and radicalized territory will suddenly flourish and peacefully embrace Israel.

While Japan and Nazi Germany were successfully de-radicalized, that was only after the kind of absolute defeat and extended occupation that the international community would never allow for Gaza. Looking at the various rulers of the Gaza Strip since 1967 -- Israel (1967-2005), the PA-Hamas (2005-2007), and Hamas (2007-2023) -- nobody has successfully governed, much less de-radicalized Gaza. And the latest poll excludes any foreign Arab power from doing so.

So those who are pressuring Israel to stop fighting before Hamas has been conclusively defeated and who have no credible plan for deradicalizing the Gaza Strip are condemning Israelis and Gazans to a state of perpetual conflict, as the latest poll reveals. That is not a two-state "solution" but rather an endless-war problem.

Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic submarine thriller about Iranian nukes, Hamas, and Hezb'allah.

Image: Apaimages

QOSHE - Poll Reveals Brutal Gaza Reality - Noah Beck
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Poll Reveals Brutal Gaza Reality

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In the 18 years since Israel withdrew its military and civilians from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has fired approximately 30,000 rockets and mortars at Israel: about 12,000 from 2007 until 2019, another 4,360 during eleven days of war in 2021 and, over 12,000 in the current war, which has displaced over 150,000 Israelis. Since Israel’s 2005 Disengagement, Hamas has also attempted to invade aerially, navally, and through tunnels, and executed a range of other assaults, including airborne arson attacks and ecoterrorism, shootings, abductions, and the brutal massacre of about 1,200 people on October 7, 2023, leading to the fourth major Israel-Gaza war in 14 years.

Thus, by now it should be clear that mainstream policy thinking on Gaza has failed. Ignoring hard facts to nurture illusions about Gazans coexisting peacefully alongside Israelis condemns everyone to perpetual war.

The latest opinion poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) reveals harsh realities that demolish any fantasies........

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