Raoof Hasan

Raoof Hasan

Daily Times

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Lighting up a million paths

It does not often happen that you encounter something that not only brightens up your day but generates a kind of hope that refuses to fade away. Such...

12.07.2024 10

The News International

Raoof Hasan

A change so subtle, yet so powerful

What appeared to be a mere figment of imagination a few weeks ago is gradually assuming a concrete shape. The bursts of fresh air which originally...

28.06.2024 10

The News International

Raoof Hasan

A song of resistance, a ray of light

What this country has been so pathetically denuded of over the last many years is a quotient of hope. There is virtually no one, across societal...

14.06.2024 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Spare me the freedom to live with sanity

It was another of those countless visits to television channels that I have been making in recent times to explain my party’s position to the people...

31.05.2024 40

The News International

Raoof Hasan

A silent revolution

It all started unravelling in the courtroom on April 30 when a bench of the Supreme Court started debating the letter sent by six judges of the IHC as...

17.05.2024 50

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Good days shall return

An old saying has it that “when you dance with the devil, the devil doesn’t change. The devil changes you.” In this country, it is almost...

26.04.2024 70

The News International

Raoof Hasan

A drop of rain on a parched land

Confronted with a myriad of problems, despondency often sets in to dull the spirit and dilute the passion. But with the first drop of rain wetting a...

29.03.2024 40

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Lingering in the chambers of darkness

Debates have often raged in the country regarding the reasons why Pakistani institutions crumble so abominably under pressure that they stop...

22.03.2024 40

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Time to divorce delusion

The induction of a new government that is not equipped with the legitimacy to come up with any medium- or long-term strategy to rid the country of its...

15.03.2024 30

The News International

Raoof Hasan

And then the deluge

Tampering with the election process has been a favourite pastime of the power-wielders in the country. It is sardonically stated that the only free...

08.03.2024 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Burgeoning hope, looming uncertainties

“I am tired, tired of being enclosed here. I am wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through...

26.01.2024 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Things a ‘bat’ would make them do

It is only the symbol of a ‘bat’, but it already has a million stories associated with it. The more the orchestrators try to oust it from...

19.01.2024 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Two paths from here on

The Peshawar High Court’s decision to restore to the PTI its election symbol of bat has cast a spell of shock upon the entire government machinery...

12.01.2024 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Some things are better left undone

It is seldom that one witnesses a state and its institutions so wholesomely and maniacally driven by the task of eliminating the legacy of one...

05.01.2024 40

The News International

Raoof Hasan

With fear lurking, eyes denuded of sight

It was Shakespeare who said in ‘The Tempest’: “Those are pearls that were his eyes”. So powerful was the impact of the line that T S Eliot...

29.12.2023 30

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Breaking barriers, discovering new vistas

Much that it may be denied in every conceivable way, the Sunday night virtual jalsa of the PTI has jolted the power-wielders out of their contrived...

22.12.2023 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan

When sanity is banished from discourse

We are living through times when a foreboding often casts its shadow that whatever we were taught through our evolving years, whatever we learnt...

15.12.2023 60

The News International

Raoof Hasan

Cometh the day, cometh the hour

As time crawls to February 8, the date the ECP has designated for holding the next general elections in the country, the related uncertainties are...

08.12.2023 20

The News International

Raoof Hasan
