Paul Waugh

Paul Waugh


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How football can swing the general election

Rishi Sunak and small talk are uneasy bedfellows at the best of times. So it was no surprise that he came a cropper this week when he asked Welsh...

24.05.2024 20


Paul Waugh

Keir Starmer dismisses GB News viewers at his peril

Amid all the chatter about polls in the run up to this year’s local elections, one finding got much less attention than it should have. A JL...

11.05.2024 40


Paul Waugh

The real winner of the local elections

As the local election results filter in over this weekend, Tory party chairman Richard Holden will have his work cut out to spin them as anything like...

03.05.2024 10


Paul Waugh

It's not sleaze that will finish off the Tories – it's incompetence

Another week, another Tory sleaze scandal. Mark Menzies, the MP who allegedly misused party funds following a 3am phone call to pay off “bad...

19.04.2024 10


Paul Waugh

Boris Johnson has shown up David Cameron

David Cameron discovered the hard way this week that his much-vaunted presentational skills are not enough to get what he wants. Just days after the...

12.04.2024 6


Paul Waugh

Rishi Sunak’s attacks on 'foreign' courts are a gift to Nigel Farage

Whenever a politician says they have been “very clear” about a topic these days, it’s often a telltale sign that they’ve been as clear as mud....

05.04.2024 10


Paul Waugh

The Red Wall is over - towns like Harlow and Peterborough will decide the election

Amid the latest round of speculation that Rishi Sunak could opt for a summer general election, one particular line from a No 10 insider caught my eye...

29.03.2024 10


Paul Waugh

Famine in Gaza is man-made, state-made - it's time to halt UK arms to Israel

There was a rare bit of good news in Gaza this week as more than 2,000 tonnes of UK food aid finally crossed the border into the strip. The...

23.03.2024 6


Paul Waugh

Boris Johnson is paying for his biggest mistake - stepping down as an MP

After a pretty awful week, it’s fitting that Rishi Sunak ended it as he began it – by making news for not doing something. The Prime Minister’s...

16.03.2024 7


Paul Waugh

Rachel Reeves must show voters that her sums add up

“I’m afraid to tell you, there is no money.” When Liam Byrne wrote his infamous note to his successor as Chief Secretary to the Treasury in...

09.03.2024 30


Paul Waugh

What I learned by trying to stand as an MP

Right from the get-go, it’s safe to say that my newborn political career didn’t have an auspicious start. Arriving at the home of a Rochdale...

29.01.2024 6


Paul Waugh

Journalist Paul Waugh on why he’s standing to become MP for his hometown Rochdale

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a proud Rochdalian, and they don’t have to look very far to find the clues. My online, and very offline, moans of...

25.01.2024 10


Paul Waugh

The hidden wasted spending in Westminster that no one wants to talk about

Earlier this week, just as Tory backbenchers were plotting and pantomiming over the Safety of Rwanda Bill, a much more interesting parliamentary event...

19.01.2024 50


Paul Waugh

Brexit-regretting ex-pats are ready to punish the Tories in next election

Over the past year, as the controversy over the Government’s voter-ID rules ebbed and flowed, critics accused the Tories of trying to deny the...

19.01.2024 7


Paul Waugh

Rishi rattled by Rwanda ridicule

There’s nothing that concentrates the minds of your average MP more than the prospect of losing their seat. And there’s nothing like Prime...

17.01.2024 5


Paul Waugh

The Rwanda rebellion is the Tory equivalent of The Traitors - without the fun

“I’m not a Traitor, you’re a Traitor. I’m 100 per cent Faithful.” In this grimly cold January, the BBC hit The Traitors is keeping millions...

16.01.2024 20


Paul Waugh

Brexiteer boasts about global Britain were a mirage - UK-EU trade still matters

Sadiq Khan just can’t help ploughing his own furrow. From his controversial ultra low emissions zone to his dealings with trade unions and his...

11.01.2024 2


Paul Waugh

Tax cuts are no longer the electoral elixir the Tories think they are

From the first minutes of the first PMQs of 2024, it was obvious that Rishi Sunak was set to make a big announcement about the Post Office scandal. ...

10.01.2024 10


Paul Waugh

Mr Bates vs The Post Office proves Parliament can still be a force for good

In ITV’s compelling drama, Mr Bates vs The Post Office , the first glimmer of hope comes over a cup of tea and cake. The then Tory MP James...

09.01.2024 5


Paul Waugh

Late flood response is another symptom of 'short-term Sunak'

As I drove into Oxford on Sunday, I couldn’t help but notice a police-escorted motorcade whizzing away in the opposite direction. On seeing the...

08.01.2024 9


Paul Waugh

Tone-deaf Howard Davies should remember NatWest wouldn’t exist without the taxpayer

NatWest chairman Sir Howard Davies’s car-crash interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Friday was so bad that it made even tone deaf Cabinet...

05.01.2024 8


Paul Waugh

Keir Starmer’s ‘radical realism’ is a plea for patience from voters

In his New Year speech and the Q&A afterwards, Keir Starmer carried the confidence, if not the swagger, of an Opposition leader who knows he’s on...

04.01.2024 10


Paul Waugh

Keir Starmer’s ‘radical realism’ is a plea for patience from voters

In his New Year speech and the Q&A afterwards, Keir Starmer carried the confidence, if not the swagger, of an Opposition leader who knows he’s on...

04.01.2024 10


Paul Waugh

Nigel Farage terrifies the Tories, but the Lib Dems will win more seats

For journalists gathered at Reform UK’s New Year press conference, the sense of disappointment was palpable. Party leader Richard Tice duly set out...

03.01.2024 4


Paul Waugh

The unexploded political bombs waiting for Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer in 2024

When Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer deliver their New Year messages to the nation next week, both will set out their visions for Britain in the secure...

25.12.2023 20


Paul Waugh

Watch out for a Boris Johnson comeback (if Donald Trump becomes president again)

When Donald Trump was first told that he may face criminal charges for the Capitol riots, he declared: “It strengthens me. What doesn’t kill me...

21.12.2023 10


Paul Waugh

2024 will be the year the housing crisis dwarfs the cost of living

For Rishi Sunak, the latest sharp drop in inflation was the early Christmas present he’d been hoping for. The dip in the Consumer Prices Index...

20.12.2023 5


Paul Waugh

MPs' pay is going up to £92k next year – public sector workers will be scratching their heads

Every month, indeed every week, there are individual statistical releases that ministers and shadow ministers keep a beady eye on. From GDP to...

19.12.2023 8


Paul Waugh

Covid cases are spiking – it's time to get Chris Whitty back on our TV screens

As I sat on a bus this week, two twentysomething lads sat down behind me and started shooting the breeze. But it wasn’t their chat about uploading a...

18.12.2023 3


Paul Waugh

Binning Blackpool’s sleazy MP is the easy bit - tackling its poverty is harder

Blackpool has got used to being used and abused over the years. From stag-do drunks to snobbish critics, the town’s reputation has taken a hammering...

15.12.2023 7


Paul Waugh

Kemi Badenoch is her own worst enemy

When a classroom of cute kids today asked Rishi Sunak for his favourite ice cream flavour, the Prime Minister replied: “It’s quite boring…...

14.12.2023 10


Paul Waugh

Kemi Badenoch is her own worst enemy

When a classroom of cute kids today asked Rishi Sunak for his favourite ice cream flavour, the Prime Minister replied: “It’s quite boring…...

14.12.2023 2


Paul Waugh

‘Spreadsheet Sunak’ is turning into ‘Stagnation Sunak’

As a former financier, Rishi Sunak knows that money talks. And after Wednesday’s grim economic growth figures prompted traders to dump sterling, the...

13.12.2023 4


Paul Waugh

Rishi Sunak avoids Rwanda headache – but mega migraine is looming

During debates of great import in the Commons, it’s often said that the contributions show “Parliament at its best”. Sadly, the second reading...

12.12.2023 50


Paul Waugh

The problem with Keir Starmer's austerity-lite message

Another week, another “big speech” from Keir Starmer and another Tory immigration row. Just eight days ago, the Labour leader’s thoughts on the...

12.12.2023 10


Paul Waugh

Rishi Sunak's Covid inquiry evidence was squarely aimed at one group of MPs

Detailed, unflustered, and consistent, Rishi Sunak’s early evidence to the Covid Inquiry was everything that Boris Johnson’s was not. But just as...

11.12.2023 10


Paul Waugh

The Rwanda backlash has buried Boris Johnson’s most disturbing Covid evidence

The timing was uncanny. At the exact moment that Rishi Sunak was becoming tetchy in his “emergency” press conference about his Rwanda plans this...

08.12.2023 6


Paul Waugh

The tougher Rishi Sunak talks on migration, the weaker he looks

No more Mr Nice Guy. That was the message from Rishi Sunak as he struggled to reassert his authority over a fractious Tory party with a hardline...

07.12.2023 10


Paul Waugh

Boris Johnson’s 'can’t remember' act on Covid won’t be forgotten by the public

Right from the get-go, it was obvious that Boris Johnson was treating the Covid inquiry as a giant operation in reputation management. From the way...

06.12.2023 30


Paul Waugh

Boris Johnson’s 'can’t remember' act on Covid won’t be forgotten by the public

Right from the get-go, it was obvious that Boris Johnson was treating the Covid inquiry as a giant operation in reputation management. From the way...

06.12.2023 3


Paul Waugh

Rishi Sunak’s migration ‘crackdown’ shows Suella Braverman’s ghost lives on

As Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick did his morning media round on the Government’s new crackdown on legal migration, he was unapologetically...

05.12.2023 3


Paul Waugh

A Labour landslide will force the Tories to embrace Nigel Farage

Just as the British public can’t escape Nigel Farage even when he’s on the other side of the world, Rishi Sunak couldn’t avoid being asked about...

04.12.2023 3


Paul Waugh
