Martin Sandbu

Martin Sandbu

Financial Times

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Brave thinking can restore some broken links between the EU and UK

The pre-Brexit economic relationship is out of reach but closer ties are possible if each side moves from entrenched positions

28.07.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Europe’s battery problems show the governments need to up their game

Green tech is stalling because businesses lack confidence that leaders will follow up words with actions

14.07.2024 9

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Europe’s cordon sanitaire against the far right may not work

Nordic examples show that democracy’s moderating influence can sometimes help

30.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Europe must work out what role China will play in its decarbonisation agenda

Confusion over aims inevitably leads to confusion over means

16.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Germany, Russia and my grandmother

The deep reckoning with the German past does not inevitably lead to the right conclusions on Ukraine

13.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Labour’s lack of boldness could come back to haunt it

The party’s fear of looking irresponsible is closing off the prospect of growth-boosting tax reform

02.06.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

We are a step closer to taxing the super-rich

What once seemed like an impossibility is now being considered by G20 finance ministers

19.05.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

A missed opportunity for a China-EU grand bargain

Differences over Russia and economic frictions cast a shadow across Xi Jinping’s tour of European capitals

10.05.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Authoritarians fear transparency — liberal democracies should embrace it

There is a first-mover advantage to openness on Russian assets

05.05.2024 10

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Europe still fails to make enough of its size — here’s how to fix that

EU leaders must match the boldness of Thatcher and Delors

21.04.2024 30

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

The EU’s recovery fund is already shaping its future

Economic convergence is back and will affect the politics of the bloc’s next budget

07.04.2024 30

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Europe is making trade conditional on production methods

Businesses are upset by the extra regulation resulting from the restrictions

24.03.2024 9

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

When fiscal rules create a perverse political trade-off

Attempts designed to encourage probity from politicians mostly end up pushing them to game the system

10.03.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Western timidity has only emboldened Putin

Ukraine is paying a higher price in blood and devastation because of two years of cautious military and economic aid

25.02.2024 7

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Europe is too shy about using its economic power

The EU can stand up for itself and be true to its multilateralist ideals at the same time

29.01.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

A grand bargain on the next EU budget is possible

The need for boldness didn’t pass with the bloc’s post-pandemic recovery fund

14.01.2024 20

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

‘Ukraine fatigue’ is a problem of western leaders’ own making

The public in allied countries has been led to expect war to be easier than it is

17.12.2023 8

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu

Trivial concerns threaten big decisions on Europe’s future

EU leaders must display political will at this month’s summit and push ahead on aid to Ukraine, enlargement and budget

04.12.2023 80

Financial Times

Martin Sandbu
