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Calls to support Family Resource Centres in Cork and nationwide

As our government publishes its Summer Economic Statement outlining the size of Budget 2025, it needs to consider the impact an investment in our...

22.07.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

How to get the most out of your savings

In today’s uncertain economy, getting the most out of your savings is crucial. One of the easiest ways to improve your financial wellbeing is to...

19.07.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Day Care at Home for people with dementia is vital - here is why

People with dementia thrive on continuity and familiarity. This can help to reduce stress, confusion, and anxiety (often commonly experienced by those...

18.07.2024 9

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

It’s time to invest in youth work services, says Education Training Boards

Youth Work Matters! That is the call by the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) who, alongside running primary and post-primary schools, Further...

17.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

What you need to know about birth control

Birth control or contraception is the use of medicines, devices, or surgery to prevent pregnancy. Ciara O’Gorman, Development Manager with South...

16.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Now is the ideal time to make all of Cork city pedestrianised

Cork City Council is embarking on a major renovation project for Patrick Street and associated streets in the city centre. The works will include the...

16.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

3,000 sailors descend on Cork village

IT’S all hands on deck (literally!) at Royal Cork Yacht Club in Crosshaven as we get ready for Volvo Cork Week 2024 which takes place from July 15...

13.07.2024 30

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Schools culture has to change for benefit of pupils

ALL is not well for a lot of children in school. One third of post-primary students don’t feel welcome there, or fully able to express themselves...

12.07.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Campaign highlights abuse among vulnerable

SAGE Advocacy has launched a public awareness campaign showing uncomfortable truths of abuse faced by vulnerable adults, to place a spotlight on...

12.07.2024 9

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

19 years with no Liam McCarthy cup for Cork, get ready for a mighty game of hurling

‘Cmere I want ya, idnt it great to be from Cork boy? Oh lads we might be having autumnal weather but the next ten days will be mighty, pure...

11.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Owning a dog: What you need to know...

OWNING a dog is a big commitment. If you own a dog, it is your responsibility. You must have a dog licence and get your dog microchipped. There are...

09.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Ireland has a drug problem, and legalisation is not a panacea

IIRELAND topped the EU table for drug deaths, with more than four times the average number of fatalities, according to a new report from the EU drugs...

09.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Schools’ vital role in spotting hearing issues

EVEN moderate hearing deficiencies can impact educational attainment, so having a very low threshold for suggesting that a child has a hearing...

08.07.2024 9

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Are we erasing real women with AI?

ARE we erasing real women and faces from history? Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing many parts of our lives, including social media. While...

03.07.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Cork woman’s mission to fill her city with mighty oak trees

AS a heat dome hovers over the U.S, 80% of that country’s population (more than 270 million people) are experiencing a heatwave not seen in decades,...

02.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

All you need to know about child protection

UNDER the Children First Act 2015, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect children and young people and keep them safe. It is important that...

01.07.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Holiday tips for new couples

TWENTY years ago, Paul Brunson went on his first holiday with his girlfriend to a resort in Florida. While that girlfriend is now his wife, Jill Van...

28.06.2024 7

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

How to end cycle of living from one payday to the next

IN today’s world, where the cost of living continues to rise, financial stability remains a significant concern for Gen Z and Millennials. For the...

28.06.2024 8

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Looking to upskill or reskill? Here’s an option...

WHETHER it’s to help with career progression, a career change, or the return to employment, people in Ireland today have a huge interest in...

27.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Are you a highly sensitive person?

“I FEEL too much,” “I cry too easily,” “I’m constantly overwhelmed” - these are common sentiments expressed by highly sensitive people...

26.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

What you need to know about Community Employment Scheme

THE Community Employment programme (‘CE Scheme’) is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed (or otherwise disadvantaged) to get back...

25.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Getting ‘smart’ about the use of Cork city's streets

THE Cork Smart Gateway, an initiative which seeks to promote and develop Cork as a smart and innovative region, joined forces with Cork City Council...

24.06.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

We need to protect and preserve Cork's rich tapestry of coastal heritage

AS disputably the second largest natural harbour in the world with sea fortifications over 400 years old and home to the oldest yacht club, Cork...

21.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Picky about potatoes? There’s a shortage of some varieties

“Just make a big shepherd’s pie,” my friend advised. I was stressing about how we had such a lot on the next weekend with so many people coming...

19.06.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

The Irish Navy and its links to Cork Harbour

AS an island nation, Ireland’s relationship with the sea is intrinsic with its identity. Ireland is a country that suffers from ‘sea blindness’...

18.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

20 years of excellence at Cork-based National Maritime College of Ireland

AS we mark the 20th anniversary of the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI), it is a time to reflect on our journey, celebrate our...

17.06.2024 30

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Hustle culture is making us sick

IN the whirlwind of modern life, where the incessant buzz of notifications and the relentless pursuit of productivity govern our lives, the art of...

15.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Coastal erosion: Managing the Irish coastline

IRELAND’S Wild Atlantic way is framed about our rugged coastline that not only is incredibly varied and scenic, but also is resilient to the many...

14.06.2024 8

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Lourdes: A sacred place where kindness and gentleness rule

EACH time I go to Lourdes, I have a different experience, and each time I try and write about it - well, I just don’t know where to start after my...

13.06.2024 9

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Cork researcher: Offshore wind can power our nation

Offshore wind (OW) in Ireland Ireland has access to a huge offshore wind resource and it will be key to decarbonizing our economic. The...

12.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Tips on how you can keep your summer holidays trouble free

SUMMER has finally arrived and people up and down the country are relishing the prospect of some sunshine as they enjoy a well-earned break in Europe...

11.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

How you can help keep Cork coasts clean

OUR majestic County Cork boasts a coastline of roughly 1,200km, with beaches, piers, coves and islands from Redbarn in Youghal to Garanish at the tip...

10.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

10 tips on how to win Tidy Towns contest

The deadline for the 66th annual SuperValu TidyTowns Competition 2024 has passed and that only means one thing - soon teams of judges will be visiting...

08.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Young people in Cork can drive global change

IF every person, every household, every community and every city did its bit to alter habits, climate change targets for Ireland may be attainable....

06.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Advice on pensions for long-term carers

Q: WHAT are Long-Term Carers Contributions? Since January, 2024, a new Long-Term Carers Contribution scheme has been introduced. Under the scheme, if...

05.06.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Holidaying in Europe this summer? Don't forget this...

IF you are planning to visit another EU country this year, you should apply for your European Health Insurance Card in case you need to access medical...

04.06.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

We must hand over more power to councils

AS we approach local elections and are asked to lend our votes once again to prospective candidates so they can work for our communities, it is a good...

30.05.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

A pledge to make Cork an inclusive city

CORK city proudly hosted the second annual youth-led anti-racism summit, positioning itself at the forefront of key regional and international...

29.05.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Tips for flying with a toddler

SUMMER is coming, the schools are nearly out, and holiday season is upon us. With Irish summers leaving a lot to be desired, escaping to sunnier...

28.05.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Centuries of misery, but some people still defend smoking

I WAS out walking recently on a promenade. It was a beautiful sunny day with a bit of a breeze and my nostrils detected the smell of smoke. I looked...

27.05.2024 60

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Teachers scheme a benefit to them and to industry

IRELAND is experiencing a severe teacher shortage, with more than 2000 long term vacancies in schools. There is a projected gap of 4.8 million...

25.05.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Injuries and deaths on our farms can be prevented

THE Health and Safety Authority (HSA) launched a national farm safety campaign earlier in May and are inspecting farms nationwide to focus and raise...

24.05.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

CIF Southern Region Director: We are delivering world class projects in Cork and beyond 

WE have so much to write home about when it comes to Cork city and county – it’s a thriving metropolitan area, which has attracted 9 out of 10 of...

23.05.2024 50

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Concerns over the new EU pact on migration

NEGOTIATED over almost ten years, the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum was adopted by MEPs in the European Parliament in April. The new rules...

22.05.2024 30

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

What’s with the skin-care obsessed pre-teens?

WALKING past a local pharmacy, my ten-year-old daughter announces with glee that they have “Drunk Elephant.” Now, I know what you’re thinking;...

19.05.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Cork GP shares advice on how to mind your mental health

EUROPEAN Mental Health Awareness Week, which is taking place from May 13 to 19 this year, provides an ideal opportunity to spotlight the...

17.05.2024 20

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

CONCERT REVIEW: Bruce Springsteen, The Boss, 74, is born to run and run

IS Born To Run the greatest rock song ever made? How does a 74-year-old man find the energy to put on a three-hour, non-stop show and still manage...

17.05.2024 40

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Oh, Bambie! You were only the last leg of my 33-1 treble bet

I WOULDN’T be a big betting or gambling person, though I remember backing Red Rum one of the years he won the Grand National! I might have a...

16.05.2024 10

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

What rights grandparents have in regards to grandchildren

GRANDPARENTS play an important role in their grandchild’s life. However, some grandparents have difficulty seeing their grandchildren and...

15.05.2024 50

Evening Echo

Evening Echo

Time we got rid of school uniforms for good

AS a post-primary teacher, with more than 40 years’ experience, I have observed the impact of the enforcement of school uniform policies on...

15.05.2024 30

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Evening Echo
