Dr. Zia AhmedDaily Times |
In my beloved homeland all innovations and inventions enter like a tornado but very soon lose the lustre because of the weak response to...
Traffic rules violation has always been done in almost every country of the world and has resulted in severe accidents but for us Pakistanis, this...
A well-known Kenyan philosopher and author Ngugi says that the colonial masters attempted to erase the history of the people and enforced their...
As per Edward Said’s Orientalism, the Imperialist nations took technical superiority as a matter of right to conquer and rule over the lesser...
Human progress has largely depended on the harnessing of natural resources in the shape of food, fuel, and other useful aspects of life. The human...
Recent closure by the government of Punjab has forced our classrooms to be shut down once again because of the smog and its related disease and...
Pakistan and its people have been unlucky throughout history because even after several schemes and plans to raise the educated people percentage...
Harari, in his world-famous book ‘Sapiens’, opines that human beings made a strong and well-connected community because they could communicate...
The recent announcement of the higher education department Punjab to establish reading corners in the libraries of the college is a highly laudable...
Education is a right of every individual in almost every nation of the world. This right is secure in the civilized and progressive world but has...
Recently, a huge hype was detected in the higher education department on the issue of low admissions in the public sector colleges from Associate...