

Dawn Young Magazine

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Stepwell in Fruit Park (Part 3)

Sunday proved to be bright and sunny and Din Din awoke at the crack of dawn. He had gotten used to waking up in the unfamiliar surroundings of Old...

latest 3

Dawn Young Magazine


Stepwell in Fruit Park

This is so exciting!“ Din Din enthused as he gulped down his fruit puree and milk for breakfast. “Today is the day when the digging of the...

20.07.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Step in the Right Direction

There’s an important meeting at the Orange Orchard, announced Mr D at dinner as the family enjoyed a delicious fruit trifle for dessert on Saturday...

15.07.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Dazel’s Treasure Chests

Dazel woke up to the mellow light of the rising sun. She realised with a start that she had overslept. Then she smiled. It was a Saturday. “I would...

06.07.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Sweet Liar!

“Who ate the strawberry chocolates I made last night?” asked Mrs. Dee. The four dinosaur brothers looked at each other. “Not me!” they all...

01.07.2024 20

Dawn Young Magazine


Dazel takes a decision - Part 2

Dazel woke up to the hustle bustle of the pond on Saturday morning. She groaned. Even though she was an early riser on weekends she wished she could...

22.06.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Dazel decision - Part 1

Dazel was confused. And it wasn’t a feeling she liked very much. The pond was becoming more crowded than ever and Dazel did not know how to deal...

15.06.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Din Din Incharge - Part 2

Night had begun to fall but sleep was the last thing on Din Din’s mind. Din Din dashed to the pond as fast as his heavy legs could carry him....

08.06.2024 20

Dawn Young Magazine


Din Din Incharge (Part 1)

“A whole weekend,” cried out Din Din in alarm. “You all are leaving for an entire weekend!” “Yes, dear,” replied his mother calmly....

01.06.2024 50

Dawn Young Magazine


Upheaval in Fruit Part (Part 2)

It was a Sunday but there was nothing relaxing about it. It was the day for re-election in Fruit Park. All the elders were to gather at the Orange...

25.05.2024 50

Dawn Young Magazine


Upheaval in Fruit Park (Part 1)

Don, Din Din’s youngest brother, loved to hear bedtime stories. His Grandmamma, who had a fine imagination and was a talented performer, told him...

18.05.2024 20

Dawn Young Magazine


To draw or not to draw

Dazel wasn’t looking forward to school. “That is so unlike you,” remarked Swain. “You love going to school. This is the first Sunday when...

12.05.2024 50

Dawn Young Magazine


The storytellers of D’land

“The storytellers are here”, said Dazel as she swooped down on a rock near the glistening silvery lake. “Storytellers?” asked Din Din, his...

08.05.2024 50

Dawn Young Magazine


The energy tonic

Delma was surprised when she saw Olly look perturbed. The octopus who had been her teacher and was a father figure, always appeared calm and collected...

27.04.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


The eccentric eye doctor

Grandmamma was squinting at the basket she was weaving. Finally she sighed. “I think my vision is failing,” she said with resignation. ...

20.04.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


The apprentice - Part 2

Din Din walked with a spring in his step — something difficult to imagine a brontosaurus doing. It was dawn break, yet, he was as fresh as a daisy...

13.04.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


The apprentice - Part 1

“Din Din! Your garden looks wonderful!” complimented Burrow the rabbit one afternoon. The rabbit was an accomplished gardener and he had an...

06.04.2024 8

Dawn Young Magazine


Mystery of unripe mangoes

The heat is sweltering,“ remarked Dazel as she dipped her head repeatedly into the clear lake water. “Yes,” agreed Delma. “I’m so glad I...

30.03.2024 20

Dawn Young Magazine


Dr Owl takes a break

The oak tree stood tall, the tree house sprawled across its wide, sturdy branches. Inside sat a large owl, a shelf of medicines behind him. It was...

23.03.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Delma and her nightmares - Part 3

Delma swam inside the cave with Olly by her side. The long stalactites hanging from the roof of the cave seemed like teeth of some gigantic creature....

18.03.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Delma and her nighmares - Part 3

Delma swam inside the cave with Olly by her side. The long stalactites hanging from the roof of the cave seemed like teeth of some gigantic creature....

16.03.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Delma and her nightmares - Part 2

Delma woke up and helped Mrs. Olly with the breakfast. “Good morning, dear,” said Mrs. Olly kindly. “Here’s your seaweed salad. Eat up before...

09.03.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Delma and her nightmares

Delma swam swiftly through the cool water. But she felt strange. The water wasn’t crystal clear as it usually was. It was murky and filled with a...

02.03.2024 8

Dawn Young Magazine


Dazel and the storytellers

Ever since the troupe, who called themselves the Storytellers of D’Land, had arrived, Dazel was spending more and more time with them. Dazel...

24.02.2024 7

Dawn Young Magazine


A winter warm-house

D’Land was covered with a thick blanket of snow and the temperature was dropping. “Isn’t the snow lovely?” exclaimed Dazel as she...

17.02.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Fire ant army

The pond was bathed in the early morning light when suddenly the clearing resounded with a yelp of pain. “Owww…,” cried Ribbit, the...

03.02.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


How fantastic is fruit park - Part 2

Oh dear!“ exclaimed Din Din as he awoke early that much-anticipated Sunday morning. The sky was a dreary grey and it threatened to rain. “It’s...

27.01.2024 30

Dawn Young Magazine


How fantastic is fruit park

Din Din seemed forlorn as he splashed in the cool lake water. “Come on, Din Din,” said Dazel, as she flitted onto the water surface and splashed...

20.01.2024 9

Dawn Young Magazine


The fox feud - Part 3

Din Din was awake all night despite his fatigue. He wondered if any dinosaur in Fruit Park had been able to fall asleep. He and his brothers could...

13.01.2024 7

Dawn Young Magazine


The fox feud - Part 2

Filip and his family are fugitives?“ exclaimed Dazel, squawking in surprise. “I cannot believe that!” The three friends were at the lakeside as...

06.01.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine


The fox feud - Part 1

Din Din was on his way to his garden, brimming with energy. He had been looking forward to planting his hibiscus and zinnia bulbs to make his garden...

30.12.2023 10

Dawn Young Magazine


A wedding in D’land

The signs of summer were in their full glory and the balmy seasonal heat had made the creatures in D’Land lethargic. “It’s all so boring,”...

23.12.2023 7

Dawn Young Magazine


Double trouble - Part 2

“Bea’s condition is getting worse,” said Delma to Din Din who had come at sun down to the lakeside. “I think you will have to carry her to Dr....

16.12.2023 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Double trouble

It was a sweltering, summer morning and Delma had just finished her morning laps around the aquamarine lake. Looking forward to a hearty breakfast,...

09.12.2023 10

Dawn Young Magazine

