
Dawn Young Magazine

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The weekly weird

A $108 perfume for dogs! Italian fashion label Dolce & Gabbana is taking the canine perfume world by storm with Fefé, an “olfactory masterpiece”...

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine


The stepping stone to greatness This is regarding the story “The stepping stone to greatness” by Muhammad Ibrahim Shafi (YW, July 6). The...

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine

Art Corner

Art Corner

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine

Poet's Corner

Poet's Corner

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine

Wonder Craft: Rainbow penholder

Schools have started, and I know there’s a lot of excitement with the new academic year just beginning. Along with this new academic year, we’re...

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

The Crafter

The elephant charge (part 2)

Din Din was listless the whole day. He lay huddled in his blanket of soft, sweet-scented hay. “Good evening, Din Din,” said Dr Trish in her...

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine


Story time: From overconfidence to success

Today my classmate taunted me by whispering, “You think that with this percentage, you can achieve your father’s dream and become a doctor?”...

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

Sidra Sozer

Focus: Importance of physical health

Engaging in physical activity in our daily life is important as it has a wide range of benefits that can improve our overall health and wellbeing....

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

Mehab Ul Haq

Story time: An unexpected turn

Ijerked awake at the sound of beeping and the source was nowhere in sight. My head reverberated with pain as I moved my hands in the dark to locate...

yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

Hamna Qadri



yesterday 10

Dawn Young Magazine

Quiz Master

Karoonjhar: Sindh’s timeless treasure

Pakistan is rich in diverse cultural heritage, natural resources and breathtaking landscapes, stretching from the majestic mountains in the north...

yesterday 40

Dawn Young Magazine

Benazir Raz

Socialising made easy

Life is full of action and activity once again — the schools have reopened. Whether you welcome escaping the boredom of being at home all day or...

24.08.2024 3

Dawn Young Magazine

Mahnoor Rehan

The elephant charge (Part 1)

What a rosy morning!“ said Kit the cat as she greeted Din Din early Sunday morning. Even though winter could be felt in the air, Din Din’s...

24.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine


Focus: An intellectual race

Spelling bees are a worldwide phenomenon famed for cultivating the love for language, and, as a bonus, aiding the participants’ academic progress,...

24.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine

Amn Zain-Ul-Abidin

Story time; Keeping promises

Standing straight, smartly dressed in a cobalt business suit stood Anna, hastily signing the last document that formally made her the owner of the...

24.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Zara Ahmed

Advice: Connecting with nature

As a teacher of environmental sciences, I was showing my students different soil samples collected from different area near the school. During the...

24.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Shagufta E. Wasay

A hero is born!

We started this year’s Independence Day celebrations early, on August 8th, when Arshad Nadeem won the Olympic medal in men’s javelin throw final...

17.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine

Allergies in the air

It was morning, but Dazel’s eyes were puffy and watery. She sniffed and felt her throat become clogged. She tried to muster up the courage to get...

17.08.2024 3

Dawn Young Magazine



Lady Gaga recording new music Lady Gaga is recording new music, and is teasing the process on social media. The 38-year-old singer and actress...

17.08.2024 4

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine

Movie review: Despicable Me 4

Minions have become favourite cartoon characters in recent times, there is no denying that their popularity has grown with each passing day....

17.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Muhammad Suhayb

Wonder Craft: Finger bunny

We all love the magic of handmade toys and the thrill of creating something new. Finger puppets are a fantastic craft that are not only simple, but...

17.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

The Crafter

Story time: Dreams need determination

Once upon a time, there lived a tall, brown-skinned girl named Sarah. She had coiled, curly hair that flowed down her shoulders, each curl bounced...

17.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Saleha Rizwan

Stellar oddities

From the deepest blue oceans to the rusty deserts, from the lush green forests to the endless sky, our planet is a spectacular marvel. Yet, Earth...

17.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine

Shahmeer Asif

Story Time: Goal Achieved

“Come on, Alex! Hurry, we’re gonna be late!” Alex quickly tied her shoelaces and ran to her teammate, as they both were going to the soccer...

17.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Mahnoor Rehan

Story time: The other side of royalty

Today was a hard and long day. I slumped down on my bed, exhausted. Even after having a tiresome day at school, mum made me do a few chores at home....

17.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Fatimah Khurrum

Dazel’s old neighbours

It was a Sunday and Dazel had relished a lazy breakfast. The rest of her morning had passed pleasurably setting her treasure chest with all the...

10.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine


Book review: Pakistan Chronicle

There are different kinds of historical books focused on different countries. Some are there to educate, some to entertain, but only a handful of...

10.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Muhammad Suhayb


There are no dinosaur bones in the Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon might look like the perfect place to go looking for dinosaur bones, but none have...

10.08.2024 3

Dawn Young Magazine

From Inpapermagazine

Movie review: IF

Asweet ode to rediscovering one’s inner child, IF is a family film that revolves around the concept of imaginary friends that many of you had...

10.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine

Muhammad Suhayb

Wonder Craft: Bottle blaster

Playing is fun, and it’s not limited to kids alone. Many adults, including me, enjoy the thrill of aiming and shooting games, especially with...

10.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

The Crafter

Let’s turn Pakistan green

As we celebrate another Independence Day, Pakistan’s 77th, it is high time we shift our focus from our usual glorification of the past to reflect...

10.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Ambreen Arshad

Opinion: A visit to Quaid-i-Azam house

Acouple of weeks ago, I paid a visit to the Quaid-i-Azam house in Karachi. While I knew it was where Quaid-i-Azam and Fatima Jinnah had lived for a...

10.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Zainub Sultan

Story time: The ability to be extraordinary

The streets of Karachi were full of their usual hustle and bustle. Liyana, perched on her stool at the window in the kitchen of her father’s...

03.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine

Marziya Abbas

Story time: The dream merchant

Amidst the time-worn streets of Sherford, lived an old man who was famous for selling dreams. People would gather around his cafe and would wait in...

03.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Hareem Ahmed

Experience: My CAIE exams’ experience

March passed by in a blur, as a new wave of hysteria marked the arrival of April for many students. I’m not referring to all students, but...

03.08.2024 2

Dawn Young Magazine

Sumayya Farooq

Advice: Get active to boost your brain

I am sure you all must have had a wonderful time during these holidays, playing a variety of games, whether it’s your favourite board games,...

03.08.2024 10

Dawn Young Magazine

Ramsha Mujib

Advice: No one is perfect!

There are different types of people in the world. Everyone has different qualities, but no one is perfect. Take the case of a lion, which cannot...

03.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Ayesha Ilyas

Olly’s Will

It was a draughty day and the sky was a dismal grey. Delma awoke as the sun peeped out from the horizon. “A storm’s approaching,” she predicted...

03.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine


Wonder Craft: 3D paper birds

Paper toys and crafts are fun and easy to make! There are so many options that you’ll never run out of ideas. This week, let’s try making 3D...

03.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

The Crafter

Monsoon magic

It’s that time of the year when you just don’t want to listen to your mum and dad calling you inside of the house, because all you want is endless...

03.08.2024 1

Dawn Young Magazine

Mirha Asif
