Dr. Randy Cale’s Terrific Parenting: Study the roots or enjoy the fruits. You choose
Many years ago, I heard the saying: You have a choice: You can live life studying the roots…or enjoy the fruits. But you can’t do both.”
Of course, it’s never a complete, simple dichotomy. It’s just a pointer to options in daily living.
But you might ask, how exactly does this relate to life satisfaction? Here’s a simple take: The fruits of life are where we get value and happiness. It’s the good stuff. We want to enjoy all the fruits that life offers. But yet, why don’t we get more of it?
Many of us get caught up in obsessing on the ‘roots’ of life with no satisfaction.
How so? We ask questions that drive us to the ‘roots.’ WHY? WHY? WHY?
We make the mistake of asking ‘WHY’ with relentless pursuit. We do it to ourselves, and we do it to others, constantly exploring the roots. The ‘WHY’ questions can sound like any of the following, just to give you a sense of how the mind works:
• Why did you hit your sister?
• Why don’t you eat your veggies?
• Why do you have to fight with me all the time?
• Why can’t you just do your homework?
• Why don’t you listen?
• Why are you so angry?
• Why........
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