Dr. Randy Cale’s Terrific Parenting: Ever say to yourself, ‘That’s a great idea!’
How often do you listen to a message that resonates with you, and you think, ‘That’s a great idea. I should do that!’ And then, it’s forgotten, and nothing happens.
This is the case for most people, so it is best not to feel alone. Most good ideas are lost by the next day. It’s just the facts.
However, a good idea is a good idea. How do we capitalize on all the fantastic information available to us in today’s world so we feel better? How might we use these moments to inspire us to positive action so our families and communities are uplifted and supported?
Attention. Attention. Attention.
When you are exposed to an idea, and it inspires you, then pay attention. We need to pay more attention to ideas that feel lighter, joyful, and inspiring. Our history has programmed our minds, most typically to see the immediate problems or obstacles to implementing a great idea.
What you will think today is almost identical to your thoughts yesterday and the day before. This is well documented. Of course, there is some variation, but it’s a variation on a theme. In a sense, it’s like a soap opera in our minds. Some players change, and the situation........
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