Mandatory return-to-office will mean an older, less diverse federal workforce
In the wake of the pandemic, the federal government stands at a crossroads. Should it make its workers return to the office, or should it permanently embrace a more flexible work model?
This isn't just about logistical convenience; it's a strategic choice that will shape the very fabric of our federal workforce. At stake is the risk of evolving into an increasingly homogenous, older workforce, out of touch with the dynamic, diverse society it aims to serve.
The preliminary findings of a study presented to the National Capital Planning Commission paint a concerning picture. We already knew from previous research that limiting telework will cause a retention crisis for the federal workforce.
The new study finds that a mandated return return to the office in the federal sector will lead to a workforce that skews older and less diverse. A government workforce that does not reflect the population it serves undermines the very principles of representation and inclusivity. More alarmingly, young talent, more inclined toward flexible work arrangements, would view federal employment as an unattractive option, according to the study, leading to a significant loss of fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.
The implications of a reduced telework policy extend into the realms of urban planning and economic development. In densely populated areas like Washington D.C., where housing........
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