Opinion: Who Should Write Biden’s Farewell Address?
This is definitely putting the cart before the hearse, but if—if—President Joe Biden were to withdraw from the 2024 race, his speech delivering the news would fly from his mic straight into the history books.
Like Washington’s Farewell Address, Biden’s speech would mark an extraordinary moment where a white-haired man stepped away from power for the good of the country. This patriotic speech would be studied in civics classes (you know, if U.S. schools still had civics classes.)
Biden could use the platform to reiterate the enormous threat to democracy posed by Day One Dictator Donald Trump and tear into the latest politically-motivated decrees from the John Roberts Six. Biden could speak to the accomplishments of his administration which include lowering unemployment rates, transitioning to green energy, and passing an actual infrastructure bill.
Finally, the speech is a perfect opportunity to restate the stakes of 2024, laying out the clear choice between the progress and safety offered by Democrats versus the cruelty and retribution promised by Trump.
It’s a big task, but The Daily Beast believes any of these seven writers would be up to it.
1.Nikki Glaser. Glaser was the breakout star of the recent Tom Brady roast and could supply Biden with........
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