How Black Men Have Already Won the 2024 Election
My entire adult life—much of which I’ve spent covering politics—I’ve wondered what it must feel like to be one of those voters candidates try desperately to win over. As a Black woman I’ve never experienced this, because both major parties just assume I’m voting for a Democrat. After this election, however, that may no longer be the case. And that’s thanks to Black men.
Before liberal Twitter melts down, yes, I know Democrats have spent billions of dollars targeting Black voters over the years. But those dollars are usually focused on “turnout.” The thinking goes: everyone knows who Black Americans vote for; the only question mark is how many of them will show up at the polls. No one treats the white working class that way. Political operatives spend countless hours trying to find ways to appeal to “Reagan Democrats” and their heir apparent, “Obama-turned-Trump voters.” Then there’s always those “soccer moms” in the burbs who we’re told can sway an election.
But guess who can sway an election too?
Black Americans. We’ve just rarely been treated that way—until now. After this election, we should be, thanks to polling and predictions that Donald Trump will win more Black votes than previous GOP candidates, and more Black men’s votes in particular.
For all of the outrage directed at Barack Obama over his comments chastising lackluster Black male support for Kamala Harris, more should be directed at the Democratic Party as a whole. Democrats would never have the........
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