Well-Being in the Age of Entitlement
Entitlement has two meanings, one straightforward, the other convoluted. The first meaning is societal, referring to legal and moral rights that all people share equally. The problematic meaning is psychological and interpersonal:
“My right to have something is superior to your right not to give it to me.”
There are two major types of psychological entitlement. In the first, the entitled view themselves as intellectually, morally, emotionally, or spiritually superior:
"You have to do what I want because I know best."
If their superior rights and privileges are unacknowledged by others, they may feel inferior. Superiority and inferiority are opposite sides of the same coin.
The second type of psychological entitlement is compensatory. Those afflicted with it see themselves as victims of unfair treatment, abuse, disability, or personal defect. They feel entitled to special privileges as........
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