8 More 3-Word Encouragers When You Feel Lonely
You're feeling stuck in a pattern.
You don't know how to get out of your loneliness.
It seems you go straight home, even though you keep promising to get involved. But, you're realizing that by the time you're home, when you think about connecting, you just want to withdraw, to hide, even to crawl into bed.
You're contemplating the question, "How can this stop?"
Sometimes, we need a quick and easy phrase to help us to shift out of our patterns.
Behavioral psychologists often use cues to help people move toward a new perspective and adopt a new pattern.
While the phrases aren't going to do all of the heavy lifting, they can help you pivot.
If you'd like to know how three words can help, I laid out some of the reasoning behind using these phrases in my earlier post, "9 Easy Mantras To Crush Your Loneliness in 2024."
Here are eight more easy encouragers to help you shift out of your loneliness—pick one, memorize, and repeat it to yourself whenever you need to interrupt your negative thinking:
Sometimes even taking........
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