Early Narcissistic Red Flags in Children
Personality disorders are not diagnosed until adulthood, simply because children and adolescents are still developing their personalities—and disorders in these areas must be diagnosed from long-term, consistent patterns of behavior. However, some children may exhibit emerging personality traits that are concerning—and they can be addressed to prevent them from escalating into something more serious.
Contemporary society breeds narcissism more than at any other time in history. We are surrounded by approval ratings, likes, and messages that physical appearance is all that matters—and who you step on to get to a place of acceptance doesn’t matter. Children, in particular, are forced to confront these messages multiple times a day and left wondering where and how they can fit in. That leaves kids at risk for developing some unhealthy traits, and being aware of those red flags is crucial in redirecting them.
Refusal to acknowledge mistakes or negative characteristics.
Children struggle, just like adults, with confronting the less-than-desirable aspects of their behaviors. That’s developmentally normal and to be expected. Still, when those tendencies become rigid, with an absolute refusal to admit to any negative actions on their part, it could be a cause for concern.
A child with narcissistic tendencies could present as if they never feel they are at fault in any situation. They........
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