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Readers sound off on a life’s value, city worker housing and Giuliani’s indictment

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Albany: In the May 9 editorial “Life, death and Albany,” the Daily News claims it respects and understands the perspective of those who oppose dangerous assisted suicide legislation. However, its push that the Legislature hurry up and do something about it would suggest that it, like our political leaders, could do with more education.

As a former Oregonian, I grew up knowing a world where your doctor could hand you the means to end your life. The shift in how you perceive life in that environment is real. You grow up knowing that society thinks some lives deserve suicide prevention and some do not. Disability advocates already must fight harder against a system that views their lives as worth less than others, and assisted suicide firmly places a target on their backs. In Oregon and Colorado, lethal prescriptions have been written for people with diabetes and anorexia. Instead of providing true support and care for these treatable conditions, they provide deadly drugs.

Oregon’s latest report shows that fewer than 1% of patients requesting deadly drugs were referred for a psychiatric evaluation. Particularly now, in Mental Health Awareness Month, we should be promoting true help and support, not pushing death repackaged as health care.

When it comes to assisted suicide, a matter of life and death that directly puts a bullseye on our vulnerable neighbors, the Legislature should continue to pause and listen. This is not a time to act rashly. When it does act, their time of study and listening to the American Medical Association and disability rights activists should bring them to a resounding rejection of this dangerous public policy. Jessica Rodgers

Albany: I’m a person who feels we need to take the right actions. I’m writing to urge you to increase your coverage of corporate responsibility in fashion. Corporations continue to pollute, and it is only through greater transparency that we will achieve change in this sector. Some actions we would like........

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