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More socialism, say young people

5 1

It’s probably no surprise that most young people view “socialism” positively. After all, in a cost-of-living and housing crisis, putting social needs over profits makes sense.

The June 24 YouGov poll asked if Australia should be “more socialist or capitalist”?

It found a majority of young people opted for the former: 53% of 18–24-year-olds think Australia should be more socialist, while just 22% think it should be more capitalist. A quarter were neutral.

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There was a “stark difference” between people aged 34 and under and those over 35, with 41% of 18–34-year-olds favouring socialism. Only 21% of people aged 35 and older supported socialism, with 44% remaining neutral and 34% favouring capitalism.

Why do young people prefer socialism compared to older generations? According to YouGov’s Director of Public Affairs and Public Data, Paul Smith, it........

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