Media Flubs Chance To Avert Trump Shooting – OpEd
Were there signals of a possible assassination attempt that were missed?
My research suggests there were. These signals were not out in the open, staring us in the face. Identifying them would have required putting together a series of clues and observing the constellation that they form: that of conditions ripe for something like an assassination.
Who missed the signals? Who’s to blame for the ensuing tragedy? Isn’t this level of lawlessness a real threat to the functioning of our democracy?
As I delved into this matter, it occurred to me that fundamentally it’s our news media that dropped the ball and missed the chance to avert a tragedy. I’m talking about neglecting their important role in investigative reporting.
Think about the historic role played by investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in the Watergate case. They learned of a break-in at political offices in the DC Watergate building and didn’t leave it at that. They doggedly dug into the circumstances leading up to it and saw that they formed a constellation. It was a picture of abuse of presidential power and obstruction of justice. President Nixon himself turned out to be the culprit.
So as I dug into the current assassination case, searching for causal factors, I found a culprit there too.
I started my search for clues in the Twitter (X) feed of President Biden. This is what I found:
–“This race is about our freedom. It’s about our democracy. It’s about the very soul of America.”
–“Save Democracy. Stop Trump.”
–“Trump’s assault on democracy isn’t just part of his........
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