Tech Goes Mainstream, Shattering The Old Movie Industry – OpEd
By Franthiesco Ballerini
How long will Hollywood be associated with major film studios like Warner Bros., Paramount and Universal? Both MGM and 20th Century Fox have been sold. DVD’s and paid TV lost to streaming after Netflix’s rise to success. Tech companies like Apple and Amazon entered the game. In only a few years, they acquired the finest movies and TV shows in the world. Welcome to Tech Hollywood, the most drastic change in the movie industry since the dawn of the first major film studio Universal Pictures in 1912.
All of the studios were founded in the first decades of the 20th century by immigrants with little or no experience in art or entertainment. And most of them, with little money. They skyrocketed to wealth in the mid-1920’s, beginning with a new system that controlled actors, movie distribution and film showings in the US and abroad.
In the previous century, Hollywood studios faced the same challenges, from the 1929 crisis to the blockbuster era that began in 1977 with Star Wars. These regenerations cut the marketing department’s film budget and major decision center in half. These changes parallel the modern-day effect of new players Apple and Amazon which penetrate Hollywood to its core and wield even more power than Netflix.
Apple Inc’s stock market value reached $3 trillion for the first time last June. Apple TV was launched in 2019. It was housed in a newly created 550,000 square foot studio in Culver City and received a record number of 54 Emmy Award nominations in 2023, with Severance being........
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