Dr. Brzezinski’s Stunning Revelation About The Peace Process – OpEd
By Peter Isackson
On December 30, 2008, MSNBC’s popular program Morning Joe invited seasoned geopolitical thinker Zbigniew Brzezinski for an interview. This made sense. After eight years of “war president” George W Bush, the world wondered how a new Democratic administration led by the “peace candidate” Barack Obama might handle some of the literally burning global issues.
As it underwent a financial meltdown that left the economy reeling, the US was still waging frustrating war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Who better than the author of the 1997 book The Grand Chessboard to clarify the new direction Obama might take after eight years of disastrous foreign policy under George W Bush?
To Scarborough’s surprise, the conversation quickly turned out to be slightly embarrassing. You can watch it here:
The discussion began with what even today every mainstream media commentator takes to be codified wisdom about Israel’s sacred right to self-defense when he solemnly asked his interlocutor, “What do we do the next time Israel is attacked from an outside force? What do we do at that point?”
Brzezinski brutally responded that it was “the wrong question.” Scarborough seemed shocked by his guest’s impertinence. Speaking from the position of regal authority that hosting a news show on MSNBC confers on him, Scarborough shot back by denying it was the wrong question before explaining what he believed to be the real problem: “We never get the condemnation of Hamas or Hezbollah. It’s always after Israel responds to defending itself.”
Brzezinski calmly responded, explaining that the conflict had “lasted for years and the United States has been largely passive, so the right question is not: ‘What do we do when things break down?’ The right question is: ‘What do we do to avoid a breakdown by being engaged seriously in the peace process.’”
Brzezinski then went on to explain that the failure to do so led to “the mess” that had become visible in 2009. This was too much for Scarborough, who had served as a Republican member of Congress from 1995 to 2001. Taking offense at the suggestion that Republicans had created the mess, he set the rules on what was and was not permitted. “You cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush........
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